View Full Version : LFG 3-5 Players LF Sunday Game EST US Time Zone, prefer PF 1, 2, Savage Worlds or 5e

August 19th, 2020, 20:41
FG License: I have an FG ultimate license, but my friends are all freebies.
Time Zone: EST -5 UTC
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: My one friend is our limiting factor, only being really available on Sundays.
Term: whatever works best, looking to play.
Voice: Discord tends to work best for simplicity.

Game System Preferred: PF, PF 2.0, Savage Worlds, or 5e. Though honestly willing to branch out to whatever.

Game System Experience: PF, Savage Worlds, PF 2.0, or 5e, though I ‘ve dabbled in others, my other friends have not.

Fantasy Grounds Experience:
I myself am skilled, I’ve GMed a great deal and gotten pretty familiar with the system.
Two of my other people are moderately skilled, having played with me a great deal.
MY other friend is a novice, having only played a bit from time to time.
(there is a 5th possible player who may be interested and he’s as skilled as I am)

Character Type Preferred: Honestly, I think we’ll be able to strike a synergy somewhere, we’re all pretty flexible

About me: I am up for anything at this point, I’ve been GMing for years, and haven’t played in a long time. Got some GM fatigue, you see. My friends and I tend to be alright with anything, though they tend not to be too huge on anything super mechanic heavy. We lean more toward heavy RP than heavy combat. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

August 20th, 2020, 04:00
Hi, I'm a DM (5e) and based off your little description of you/your group, you may be a group that could work with me/my style of game. I tend to run a bit more on the RP side of things and sometimes entire sessions go by without combat (though I nearly always have something sketched out that is likely to lead to drawing swords). Sundays generally work for me (would be able to book them off if we decide to launch a game). I exclusively run homebrew worlds. I don't want to be beholden to something that someone wrote back in the 2e days. The worlds I make do stick close to the base lore for races in the sense that I do not change mechanics but in most cases the different subraces are just cultural groups rather than different races (i.e., a wood elf and a high elf are the same except that wood elves have leaned into the nature side of elves while high elves have leaned into the magic side and wood and high elves may even live in the same settlements).

Before going ahead with anything, I would want to talk to you and if possible a couple of your friends. The most important thing when getting a game group going is being sure that all involved will be likely to be looking to play the same kind of game and get along with each other. I'm sure you and your friends get along, but I want to get a better sense of whether or not I will get along with you and them.

If you are interested in chatting more, send me a PM with your discord contact info and we can find a time to chat. Possibly even have a group chat and possible sesssion 0 (character creation and some world building) this weekend.

August 30th, 2020, 19:58
I'm interested in a 5e game.