View Full Version : UA Ghost Step Tattoo effects coding?

August 16th, 2020, 10:10
Hi all

I'm pretty new to DMing on FG and thus coding effects.

One of my players has asked to transfer his face-to-face okay'd UA Ghost Step Tattoo magic item to FGU

The only coding I could find just repeats the description, with no actual effects coded

Has this been done by someone before?

i don't want to reinvent the wheel.

If not done previously, any suggestions on coding the effects?

August 16th, 2020, 10:29
Try RESIST:bludgeoning, piercing,slashing,!magic;IMMUNE: grappled, restrained

You'll need a damage effect for the psychic damage as well.

August 16th, 2020, 11:35
Try RESIST:bludgeoning, piercing,slashing,!magic;IMMUNE: grappled, restrained

You'll need a damage effect for the psychic damage as well.


Thanks - I was looking at Barbarian Rage and its resistances as inspiration

Your suggestion at least shows that I was on the right path.

Any way to code the immunity to grapple or restraint?

I'm constantly in awe of the generousnous of the community involved in this software.


August 16th, 2020, 11:48
Sorry, missed that out of my graphic.

Yes IMMUNE: grappled, restrained