View Full Version : LF 1-2 Players for long standing 5e campaign set in the Isles of Moonshae.

August 11th, 2020, 20:03
The Campaign started a little a year ago in the streets of Baldur's Gate where its members were approached by two gentlemen in fanciful clothing seaking workers who would be available to survive the ocean depths. The motley crew of wave riders all having their own reason for wanting to leave the mainland, signed a contract with the two men to begin work for a salvage operation located on the Island of Snowdown. The area once held by pirates and northmen, in the last decade had been beseiged by the country of Amn and its merchant navy seeking a point of refuge between the mainland and Chult. The seas around the Moonshaes had always been ripe for crashed ships and pirate activity providing plenty of opportunity to strike it rich or drown below the waves.

The groups current composition includes two water gensai; one a druid of the circle of the Moon, the other a Cutlass weilding Tempest Cleric devoted to the Pirate God Valkur, a Simic Hybrid Arcane trickester known for safe cracking a mile below, a Lizard Folk barbarian of the storms and an incredibly adept Dragonborn sorceror who began his life serving a fabled leviathin as a warlock lurker in the deep. All of the group has cut their teeth fighting Sahaugin for the rights to sunken ships, fired cannons on galleons laden with pirates and treasure, chased a cult of devil worshipers through their patron city of Caer Westphael trying to avoid being pulled into politics and earned a right to hold a contract with Tunstal's Dredgers.

Our game is looking for 1-2 players set in an aquatic themed campaign within Forgotten Realms. The campaign and story line are homebrew with liberties taken with the aquatic rule sets highlighted in the PHB. This is due in part to 40% of the adventures taking place beneath the waves. For character creation all Wizards 5e books are allowed and UA materials from Wizards may be allowed if agreed upon first. The group is well rounded with 5 players so you can play what you like (I usually run 6-8 players). The main thing during character development is playing a race or class that at level 10 (the current level of the players) can survive days underwater.

If this sounds like a game you'd enjoy and you would be willing and able to commit to for the next 9-12 months please drop me a line. We would enjoy having you at our virtual table.


FG License: Ultimate Classic License
Game System: 5e

Time Zone: Eastern
Day of week and time: Saturdays 1-5pm (We understand things come up, weddings, vacations etc. please ensure that you can consistently commit to at least 3 games per month)
If new game, planned start date: This is a long standing campaign
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour session held weekly
Term: The campaign will run until the story ends likely between levels 18 & 20 (9-12 months from now)

Text or Voice: We use Whatsapp to communicate during the week and Discord on game day.
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? There are no intentions at this time to record the game.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/60 while our game promotes roleplay and encourages players to take part in those activities it certainly is not manditory. What is more important is to understand that players actions carry consequence your backstory is important as are your goals and aspirations. Downtime between sessions is useful and imortant. Sometimes it is used as a way to delve deeper into investigation while other times entire scenes may play out in text form to move the story forward. Problem solving and critical thinking are as important as dice roll Skill challenges are used in game. Every session carries weight even if not first recognizable at that moment. Combat is intense and meaningful. To borrow a phrase, the monsters often know what they are doing. They will use everything they can to ensure they win just like the players. That's not to say there won't be moments where combat is fluid and the goblins crumple quickly or run after a death or two but an illithid is more that stats he is a diabolical genius with the intellect of all those he devoured before. He can and will bring that to bare when facing a group of famous adventurers standing in their way.
Number of Players in game & needed: i.e. Have 2 players, need 3 more, etc.

Character starting level & equipment: Characters start at level 10, monies and magical items are randomly generated. The players can use said monies to perhaps buy magical items that are more reflective of their character make up.
Character restrictions: All classes from 5e core books published by WOC are allowed. UA variations from from the Wizards website will be considered on a case by case basis. Races chosen should be mindeful that there will be an extreme amount of time spent underwater (Potentially days or weeks)

The last thing I would add is that we are a diverse group. We have players of various sexual orientation, we come from different countries and certainly have different points of view. Whats is important to understand is that on Saturdays from 1-5 there is a safe place where the outside world doesn't matter only imagination and your ability to let go and enjoy the story your character will bring to a rag tag band of dredgers on the open ocean near the isles or Moonshae.

August 12th, 2020, 03:40
I can do it if you'll have me.

August 12th, 2020, 20:49
My husband and I would be interested in joining your campaign if you have room for both of us? We are happy to chat on Discord so you can get to know us and likewise, us you. Let me know if you still have availability.

August 12th, 2020, 22:58
same as above, already sent you a pm about this session.

August 22nd, 2020, 09:15
I am interested if you are still looking for a player.

August 23rd, 2020, 20:43
I'd be interested in joining, if you're still looking! I've been a forever DM for a decade or so and have been trying a few games out here and there as a player, but haven't really found a group I feel like I click with, primarily because the various Greek myth inspired modules/campaign settings that are apparently very popular at the moment just aren't my thing.

August 24th, 2020, 08:33
if you would have me i would be thrilled to play in this campaign