View Full Version : Brand New Tabletop Player (and to FG) LFG

August 9th, 2020, 03:22
Hey all,

I'm a fairly new player to tabletop RPG's in general. I've successfully completed ONE tabletop game (Vampire: The Masquerade) in my life. I've done a handful of VTM sessions that didn't last and 2 attempts at D&D campaigns that didn't last. I bought Fantasy Grounds around 3yrs ago, played I think about 2 sessions before that fell apart. So while I have played it, I don't remember much about Fantasy Grounds. However, streaming the Baldur's Gate games on PC has reignited my desire to get into Tabletop gaming again.

I'm looking for a fresh 5E D&D or 5E Vampire: The Masquerade game to join. I'm a bit nervous seeing that I don't know how to really make a character or anything. My previous experiences have not stuck with me well. So I consider myself in the "Brand New" category. Had to build up enough nerve to even post here to see if anyone accepts players like me at all in their games.

If anyone needs a person in a new game or 5E D&D or 5E VTM, and has the patience to help a new guy along. I'd love to know.


August 9th, 2020, 04:27
Hi AccessDenied and welcome back.
Your best bet is to apply to games that are advertised by GMs.
Keep an eye on GM posts and apply on those that fit your availability.