View Full Version : Character Name and Skill Value in extension

August 7th, 2020, 10:59
I am trying to learn how to program extensions for fantasy grounds and this is totally new to me. I have created projects in php and visual basic before but never touched lua. The best way to learn for me is to look at old code and examples, so I have gone through a lot of Damned's videos and they are so helpful and I have also zipped up extensions and looked at the structure there to understand it better. But I ran into some problems in a hobby project of mine.

This is for 5e and the normal (not the unity) version of fantasy grounds.

So I have added a skill called taunt to all characters. This worked and everytime I create a character this comes up. I also added this skill to the dropdown list on the Party Sheet so that I can test all characters at once with a simple click at the bottom of the main-frame of the Party Sheet. So far so good.

My plan is to let the characters set a taunt skill in the misc-column from 0 to 6 on the skill page on the character sheet. A tank would set perhaps 6 and a caster 0. This is just a little help for me in some cases when I want to see which character that will be attacked. Of course I don't look blindly at this, but it is just a little help for me. Or should I say, just a test project. :) So I roll in those kind of situations and looked which one that rolled highest with the taunt-value added and I decide which character the mob attacks.

What I want to do is to add text to the chat when a character have changed the misc value.

I got this to work when I added the function for this in an already existing onValueChanged() in record_char_skills.xml. When you click on the edit skills button at the bottom of that frame. I first wanted to try so that I got the code correct. And I got it right there. The correct value from the skill taunt was shown in the chat with the character name when I clicked the edit button. When I saw that it worked there I removed it and wanted add this to an onValueChanged when someone actually changed the misc-value.

I got this to work by adding the same code that worked before in a misc-tag. But instead of the charactername I got the skill name now and the skillvalue resulted in a nil-result. So I assume the code for calling the correct DB (local nodeWin = window.getDatabaseNode(); )is not correct, it seems to go to the skill-db instead or something just because I am inside the tags. I am just guessing. :)

So my question, how do I get the correct character name from the character sheet I am on and why is not the getValue working anymore to get the correct value of the skill when it worked before I tried to do it inside the misc-tag?

Here is the code that worked in one section of the character sheet but not inside the "misc"-tag.

function onValueChanged()

local msg = {font = "msgfont"};
local nodeWin = window.getDatabaseNode();
local rActor = ActorManager.getActor("pc", window.getDatabaseNode());
local curTaunt = DB.getValue(nodeWin, "skilllist.id-00016.misc");

msg.text = rActor.sName .. " is changing the Taunt Value " .. " to ".. curTaunt;

Thanks in advance for any directions or help. And thanks a lot for your videos Damned, they are really helpful.

August 7th, 2020, 14:38
What you should do first is add a debug after local nodeWin - something like:
Debug.console("nodeWin: ", window.getDatabaseNode();)

and make sure that this is giving the result that you expect...

Then do one for curTaunt
and one for rActor.sName

August 7th, 2020, 14:53
I did and it shows what I assessed happened when I ran the code. Since the function runs when I click enter after I have added a number to the misc-column on the skill-page it's like it forgot the character name and only focuses on the skill. When it worked it said "Angar changed his taunt-value to 6". Now it says Taunt changed...".

This is what I get.

Runtime Notice: s'nodeWin: ' | databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001.skilllist.id-00016 }
Runtime Notice: s'rActor: ' | { s'sType' = s'pc', s'sCreatureNode' = s'charsheet.id-00001.skilllist.id-00016', s'sCTNode' = s'', s'sName' = s'Taunt' }

So it's like I am one step too far in the database catalog to get the charactername. I am in charsheet.skillist when I should be in charsheet I guess. It most likely something simple but if you could push me in the right direction then I would be happy. :)

With this console-help I understand how to get the correct value for the skill. I just changed to local curTaunt = DB.getValue(nodeWin, "misc");. But I have no clue how to get the charactername. :)

August 7th, 2020, 15:09
Debug.console("nodeWin: ", window.getDatabaseNode().getParent().getParent())

August 7th, 2020, 15:11
the getParent fixed the problem! Thanks once again. :) I noticed one thing with this problem. I should have listened to you in your videos more about using console. That really pushed me in the right direction and made me understand. :)