View Full Version : How to get multiple background images as separate layers

August 6th, 2020, 00:07
Inside an image link, I have one image as a background, with multiple asset images on top of it that are smaller. But I want another background image I can show or hide to instantly change the look of the environment as a whole without swapping maps (so I can keep the same masking and top-level asset placement). So the pristine chapel can change from normal to corrupted-looking with one click of a visibility button, as an example.

I cant figure out how to add another image on top of my background- anyone that can help?

August 6th, 2020, 00:17
Finally figured it out RIGHT after posting this... I changed the assets to "all", went into the "data" bag, clicked "folder", and copied my images into there. This made them appear as assets, and then I could add them as discrete layers.

August 6th, 2020, 02:17
If you are looking for some tips for using the images tool, I found this twitch stream that Smiteworks did over the weekend. I think it was for Gencon. It's 2.5 hours long, but has a lot of good info in it.

Video (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/697476448)