View Full Version : PF2 Fall of Plaguestone

August 5th, 2020, 04:09
FG License: Full. Players must have a license or subscription to play
Game System:Pathfinder 2nd edition

I am an experienced PF DM/FG user, returning to the game after a few years in hiatus. Learning the new system and relearning FG may be a bit bumpy. patience on the part of players is expected as we work through the module. New players to the system and to the table top are welcome.

Time Zone:Central US
Day of week and time:Monday 6pm CST
If new game, planned start date:Aug 10, 2020
Planned Duration & Frequency:Weekly
Term:Till module completion. 4-6 sessions depending on party

Text or Voice: Voice only
Voice software used: Discord;luke#8082
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?No

Roleplay & Combat mix:50/50
Number of Players in game & needed:4-5
Character starting level & equipment:1st level
Character restrictions:Core rule book is all I own right now therefore we will stick to that.

Calendar link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=5270

If your interested find me on Discord: lukeone#8082

August 5th, 2020, 15:32
I applied on the calendar. I would be brand new to PF2, but I would like to try out a new system. If you're okay with having a greenhorn I would like to join and have some fun!

August 6th, 2020, 02:01
Hi blcksassn,

Thanks for your interest. New players to PF2 and FG are welcome. As I mentioned in the listing PF2 is new to me and I'm brushing back up on FG after a couple of year hiatus.

Look me up on Discord : lukeone#8082

August 7th, 2020, 13:39
Still looking for 1 or 2 more players.

August 8th, 2020, 00:39
I'm interested in joining. Been GMing Pathfinder 2e on FG (but looking to do some playering on the side) so I have moderate experience with both.

August 10th, 2020, 18:57
If it’s not to late, I’d like to join, but I’m new to Pathfinder.

August 10th, 2020, 21:31
Sent you a request on discord. I would be very interested in learning Pathfinder. My have Monday nights just cancelled because of scheduling issues and I would love to start something new.

Patrick Sposeto
August 24th, 2020, 04:01
Hey there, not sure if you are still looking for more players, I am about 4-5 months new to Pathfinder 2E and know the system decently, just not the super deep rules.

I can play any role needed, and I have experience in role playing in the past, but nothing super recent. I have all the books necessary as well and familiar with character creation for the most part so I’d be definitely interested if you haven’t already started the campaign or can find a way to sneak me in wherever you guys are.

August 31st, 2020, 21:36
Im ready if you are willing, send you a request on Discord. This site shows you inactive for a few weeks so was wondering if it is still a thing.