View Full Version : LFG 5E - 1 Player. Evening Preferred. CT

August 5th, 2020, 04:07
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Central Time (CT) USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Looking for a weekly game. Prefer evenings during the week.
Term: Long term or modules
Voice: Can use whatever voice system is preferred

Game System Preferred: 5E
Game System Experience: Been playing/DMing/watching 5E for about 5 years.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Fairly experienced with both FGC and FGU. Using the software for a little over one year.

Character Type Preferred: I don't have any preferred character type. I play whatever seems interesting or whatever the party needs for balance.
About me: I play games for enjoyment, everyone should have fun. Whether that's having a good RP event, killing an evil guy that's plaguing the land, or just enjoying some relaxing down time events. I want to have a DM that has at least a couple years experience with 5E. I want to have fun and I hope to find people to play with!