View Full Version : Character Ability Stats

August 3rd, 2020, 16:48
I have been looking around everywhere and can't seem to find the answer. What I am trying to do is input (manually) a 10th level half-orc bard from Hero Labs Online into FGC, and it is very difficult. For Pathfinder 2e, how do you change the character's ability score or even create a half-orc? Seems most things searched for come up 5e and just don't seem to fit. Thank you.

August 3rd, 2020, 18:43
I'm little new to the system so hopefully I am not giving you incorrect information. Half-Orc is a heritage for the Human ancestry. So it would be added during the initial Ancestry step of character creation, and you just choose Half-Orc as the Heritage option.

You may want to just build out the character through the tool in Fantasy Grounds at level 1, and then just add everything else on manually after that.

Hopefully that helps.

August 3rd, 2020, 19:41
There is a "tracker" button on the main page of the character sheet that will walk you through most of the steps. If you need to manually adjust ability scores for some reason - like if you take the "flawed ancestry" options - you can use CTRL + mouse wheel while hovering over the field you want to adjust (typically the "misc" field).

(Pst, Trenloe, is there plans to ever support automatically handling flawed ancestries? :) )

August 3rd, 2020, 21:03
(Pst, Trenloe, is there plans to ever support automatically handling flawed ancestries? :) )

September 10th, 2020, 15:22
If you need to manually adjust ability scores for some reason - like if you take the "flawed ancestry" options - you can use CTRL + mouse wheel while hovering over the field you want to adjust

Thank you ... been hunting for how to change Ability Scores directly ... it was really not obvious to me!

September 12th, 2020, 00:34
I have some players join our campaign fresh and the other players are lvl 9. I tell the player to build from lvl 1 up as the 'tracker' will help make sure you do not miss any key feats/skills you get each level.

For the half elf and half orc you start with Human and add either of those as a 'heritage'.