View Full Version : LFP 1 Spot Open for Fri Night 7PM EST USA 5E Forgotten Realms Starting 10th Level

August 2nd, 2020, 23:13
FG License: Ultimate (Unity)
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time USA
Day of week and time: Every Saturday from 8 PM ~ Midnight
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 Hour Session, Weekly
Term: The game has been going for roughly 3 years already, aiming to close it out by the end of this year.

Text or Voice: Voice chat
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Differs session to session but overall probably 60/40 RP to Combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 2 players, looking for a possible 3rd or 4th to round the group out
Character starting level & equipment: 17th level, starting magic items determined case by case
Character restrictions: Any class options found in the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide, or Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide; Tasha's on a case by case basis, and I'd prefer sticking the the "normal" D&D races common to the Forgotten Realms setting

Details of your scenario: This campaign started at level 1 and has been going steady for nearly 3 years with the characters currently at level 17. The goal is to take it all the way up to level 20 and somewhat beyond with a meta plot spanning the totality of the adventure. So far we've been through 5 different campaigns (all homebrew) within the Forgotten Realms setting with at least another 2 planned before the game is over. A few bullet points about the game:

Looking for someone who can reliably make the sessions.
Large amount of player agency to shape the story as we go.
I'm a big fan of letting the dice fall where they may. I don't railroad the story by fudging rolls, but I also don't fudge them to save characters either.
Being familiar enough with Fantasy Grounds to know how to utilize your own character sheet would be required.
Since you'd be starting at 17th level, being familiar with D&D5E is is also required. It's not really feasible to learn as you go at this level of play.
Big focus on RP and immersion. OOC table talk, metagaming etc is discouraged.

If it sounds appealing, feel free to reach out to me via PM here or on Discord at drmusmus#8730.

August 3rd, 2020, 02:34
Aaaaaaand it looks like we've got more than enough interest to go ahead and close this out. Thank you for that surprising amount of rapid enthusiasm.

March 8th, 2021, 15:38
Good morning everyone.

It's an old post from 6 months back but I wanted to revive it because the game is still progressing and we've once again got some spots that have opened up. My goal was and still is to take the game from level 1 all the way up to level 20 and we're nearly there. The characters are level 17 at present and this ought to be the final year of this prolonged epic.

If you've ever been interested in experiencing high level D&D play and the more nuanced themes that go along with it (political intrigue, planar travel, world shaping epics) feel free to reach out to me here or on discord. I put my discord handle at the top of the thread.

March 9th, 2021, 15:11
And as always got a lot of quick responses, thank you very much for the interest! Going to close this one out!