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View Full Version : Extension for separating images and maps

August 2nd, 2020, 22:49
Good afternoon everyone. I tried to search this up, but I couldn't think of a great term to find it as maps, images, etc is pretty hard to filter.

I am looking for an extension that differentiates map images from other images. I'm not sure if there is a type filter already included in the program that I am missing, but I haven't found a way to separate the image types. I know I can click the dropdown to filter by module, but that doesn't help when it is something that has images of both character and places, and also includes maps. It would just be a nice quality of life option for me.

I am using the Pathfinder 2e ruleset if it matters for the extension.

Thanks for the help.

August 2nd, 2020, 23:03
I'm assuming you are talking FGC... (though the discussion would be similar but slightly different for FGU) What is the difference between an image and a map?

As far as FG is concerned, they are both simple image files (jpg, png, etc). Images do not have attributes (such as type), so FG has no way of knowing the difference between a battle map and a scenic image. So, unless their is a consistent naming convention, there is no way FG for FG to filter maps from images.

Now, that said, when you create a module, or a campaign, you can sort your images and maps into different groups. And then you don't need any extension. Now, in 5E, the more recent standard for developers is to segregate maps and artwork, but not sure if that is something the PF2E module developers do.

August 2nd, 2020, 23:35
I am using Fantasy Grounds Classic. I know there are a couple of map modules I have that separate the images into groups. I was hoping to find something that would allow for selecting images within the UI and assign them to a grouping.
I may be able to figure out the code and move all of my own images into that grouping format within a module. But I don't know if I would be able to modify the modules that already exist. Thank you for the info.

August 3rd, 2020, 01:49
You can move the images within your campaign, but those groupings will only survive in your campaign, not if you open the module in another campaign. Also if you Revert Changes on the module you will lose your organization.

August 3rd, 2020, 16:40
I looked at the modules with the image groupings and they grouped them if I opened up the "Story" part of the module, not in the actual Images & Maps list like I had incorrectly remembered. I played around in the software and used your idea to create a new "Group" dropdown and then pull images into it. That worked great and added them to the group and put the images right into the campaign images folder. That will probably work best for my needs right now, so thank you.
If I needed something to be usable between campaigns, then I would likely just need to take the time and rename any images that do not have the "Image:" or "Map:" prefix in the file name. If there are any other methods, please let me know. Thanks again.

November 27th, 2020, 11:59
Pathfinder 2 adventure modules already come with images being named "GM Map:" and "Map:". What we need is an extension that filters image names by "Map:" at the single click on a button.

PS: I just noticed that I necroed this thread unintentionally. Is there any way to delete your own posts?

November 27th, 2020, 12:16
It isn't very necro'd, and no you can't delete posts.