View Full Version : Editing another author's module - does it stick?

July 27th, 2020, 15:13

Not sure where to put this question, nor sure if it was asked prior (my Search-fu on this board isn't the greatest).

Q: If I edit another module that is subject to updates (that is, its available in the FG store), will my edits stick for the Campaign I created with it, or, will any subsequent author updates override those changes?

Thanks in advance!


//s// Jon C. Munson II

July 27th, 2020, 15:32

Not sure where to put this question, nor sure if it was asked prior (my Search-fu on this board isn't the greatest).

Q: If I edit another module that is subject to updates (that is, its available in the FG store), will my edits stick for the Campaign I created with it, or, will any subsequent author updates override those changes?

Thanks in advance!


//s// Jon C. Munson II

Depends on your edits. If you have cloned content such as NPC and etc, they are local for your campaign and nothing will happen if the module is updated. If this is not the case, when module is updated you have the option to reset it from the Library (within campaign) but you will lose the changes. This is of course valid if the module is not locked as "Read-Only" during export.

So I recommend to clone stuffs and not to edit the module.

July 27th, 2020, 15:35
I'm not sure what you mean by cloning in the FG context. I create campaigns in the usual way, and load modules in the usual way. If that doesn't "clone" the module, what do you mean by that?

July 27th, 2020, 15:52
He means copy the item you want to edit. So if you want to edit say an NPC make a copy of the NPC and edit the copy. That way it doesn't matter if the original gets updated your copy won't. To copy something drag it and drop it back into the window that you are viewing it in (so open the NPC list and drag and drop it back into the NPC list).

July 27th, 2020, 16:10
Let say you change a sword in you campaign it will make a copy of it since you can not change the sword that is in source book. Now lets say you make a new campaign and want that sword in it. You will need to export it as a mod which will just be your changes and open that mod in the new campaign.

July 27th, 2020, 16:14
What about editing story/encounter/parcel content? Or expanding same? Should I just copy the MOD file and use that one in order to effect a clone?

July 27th, 2020, 16:35
So all mods that come form publishers to my knowledge you will not be able to directly edit. You can make a copy of the item / parcel/ encounter. If you do "Edit" it launch a new campaign and open the same encounter there. You should see it is the original not your edited version. Your change was just saved in the other campaign, now you could export your changes as a mod and bring them into the new campaign.

July 27th, 2020, 16:47
Module data is "read only" in terms of the data in the base module. Editing an entry within a campaign only makes a local change to that data within that campaign, open the module in another campaign and you get the base module data.

So, as has been mentioned, you can make local copies of records. Or, you can unlock and make modified entries within a campaign - the book icon in the data list to the right of the record that indicates a module record will change to a book and quill icon, meaning the record has been modified in the campaign.

As long as you don't "revert changes" on either the whole module (from the module activation window) or for an individual record via the right-click menu, you'll keep your edited data within your campaign, even when the module is updated.