View Full Version : LFG 5e Looking to run a practise campaign Mondays 8pm GMT +1

July 26th, 2020, 13:30
I'm an experienced GM looking to use Fantasy Grounds for some of my games, however since I've only used it from the player perspective I was wanting to run a short campaign in order to get some much needed practise in. Ideally I'd like people who already know a little about Fantasy Grounds in order to quicken the learning process.

The Campaign I have written up is a level 3 start, involving the exploration of a mysterious jungle island full of danger and strange creatures. Since this is my first time posting on these forums I suspect I've missed out a whole bunch of key details however I'll be happy to answer any questions people might have, so feel free to shoot them my way, looking forward to hearing from those interested


July 26th, 2020, 15:02
That would actually be a solid time for me, late morning on Mondays sounds like a fun time to run some DnD games!
I'm at a decent level with FG UI and using it.

Are the characters premade or do we need to roll them up for a lvl 3?
If you want to chat about this please feel free to message my discord Emphy#5899

July 26th, 2020, 16:23
Hey, players can make their own characters however I tried adding your discord and it's not working, says you're not accepting invites.