View Full Version : d20 Modern Ruleset for FGII?????

Donald Woody
April 26th, 2007, 06:29
Does anyone know how we can get the d20 modern ruleset for FG1.5 to work with FGII? We have played three sessions of a modern/future campaign...and now we are stuck with the basic d20 rules and with an interface that just doesn't work well with modern campaign. Anyhow...I love the new FGII.... but what about all those rulesets made for FG1.5? Does anyone have any suggestions?


April 26th, 2007, 08:24
Digital are in the process of porting all their rulesets to FGII, the list of priorities is: SRD, Savage Worlds, AE, IH and then the MSRD. We hope to start pushing out the d20 conversions in the late summer.

April 26th, 2007, 11:46
Please reference my posting on this issue here:

