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View Full Version : Nothing But Issues - Please Help

July 25th, 2020, 23:22
I recently purchased the ultimate license for Fantasy Grounds Unity and have been having nothing but issues trying to get it to run. Here are list of the issues I have been running into, followed by my attempted solutions.

1. Get stuck in an update loop - I'll attempt to start a campaign, look in the settings, move my mouse, etc. and the main program will close and the updater will launch. It updates the same 20 items it did the time before and the time before and the time before and you get the idea. I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall numerous times with no luck.

2. Unable to start a campaign - One the rare occasion I wasn't stuck in an endless update loop I would attempt to start a campaign but the window wouldn't appear or if it did it was gone just as quickly. If I held down my mouse button over the start campaign button it would bring me to the next window, but once I attempted to select the rule set in the product it would either go into it's endless update loop or open a browser and show me and take me to the file library patch notes not once, not twice, but it so far has opened up 17 tabs! Again, I tried to uninstall and reinstall with absolutely no luck.

3. Unable to actually open anything at all - I've attempted to open the quick start guide only for it to once again open my browser and open a number of tabs that will correspond with one of the options I can select. This is a problem, as in I just want to setup a game and start having some fun.

I had zero issues with at least getting a test game setup up with the original fantasy grounds, so I know it can be done. I also meet and exceed all the "recommended" settings for running the program. So far I have uninstalled the program over 10 times with zero luck, which pisses me off to no end.

I am beyond frustrated at this point as I have spent more money than I would like to admit on a product that I have yet to actually get to use. I normally would understand and chalk this up as perhaps alpha issues or early beta, but these problems go beyond something as simple as the game being in beta.

July 26th, 2020, 00:11
Hi Samurai welcome to FG.

Are you on PC or mac? Can you post the log files here that you will find inside the FG data folder.

Moon Wizard
July 26th, 2020, 03:03
Please let us know which platform you are on (Windows or Mac), as well as when you downloaded the installer originally.
