View Full Version : Looking for 2-3 players for a 5e Fantasy Grounds game 7-10 PM Monday Nights

July 25th, 2020, 13:05

Time: MONDAY 7 pm - 10 pm Eastern Time
Needed: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Our Webforum: The Games We Play (https://fuiche1.proboards.com/)

We're looking for 2-3 players for our Fantasy Grounds group. We are starting a new 5e D&D game set in a Forgotten Realms using the Candlekeep Mysteries Adventure. We are looking for pro-active players who are interested in working together to create a group story and campaign. The campaign will be largely center around Candlekeep and will rely heavily on the players choosing what actions to take rather than a more linear adventure path. Sign up on the forum and we'll get started.

If you are interested in sharing control over the campaign, being in the drivers seat and shaping the development of the campaign, then come on over and sign up.

July 28th, 2020, 01:32
Hey folks. Thanks for all the interest. I'll let you know if an opening shows.

March 12th, 2021, 02:11
Hey all,

Just opening this up again. We're looking for one dedicated player who is willing to commit to regular attendance. At the moment, we're just at the tail end of a campaign, but, we will likely be starting a new campaign fairly soon. PM me if interested or head over to our forums: https://fuiche1.proboards.com/ and sign up and drop me a line.

March 16th, 2021, 07:35
I'd be interested if you're still looking. Been a forever DM for a few years now with friends and am looking to play the game as an actual player for a change. Monday nights are perfect for me as I usually have Monday/Tuesdays off work. If you're still looking for another player shoot me a reply!

March 17th, 2021, 14:43
I don't think you meant to post that here Fults152.

June 18th, 2021, 11:28
Hey all,

Just opening this up again. We're looking for one dedicated player who is willing to commit to regular attendance. We just finished the first adventure of the Candlekeep Mysteries. It's an RP heavy game. PM me here or on the forum listed above if you are interested.