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June 27th, 2021, 22:21
Since I haven't fixed the auto-rolls of Malady Tracker yet (i am working on it sometimes, but I'm struggling):
Malady Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60290-PFRPG-Disease-Tracker-Extension) v2.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.7)
* Disable automatic rolls since they are not working correctly.
* Code improvements and potential script error fixes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/compare/v2.6...v2.7)

June 29th, 2021, 14:33
Hi bmos.
I saw your name in contributions on github for this extension

I was wondering if there is a possibility to get the sharedamage and shareheal effects into one of your pathfinder extensions?
It would be fun with shield other spell that is a pain without this effect.

Might be a bit difficult into getting it right.
I think the damage should be split after dr, vulnerabilities, immunities etc. That damage is then not subject to dr, resistances, vulnerabilities etc. But I am not sure.

June 29th, 2021, 15:20
Hi bmos.
I saw your name in contributions on github for this extension

I was wondering if there is a possibility to get the sharedamage and shareheal effects into one of your pathfinder extensions?
It would be fun with shield other spell that is a pain without this effect.

Might be a bit difficult into getting it right.
I think the damage should be split after dr, vulnerabilities, immunities etc. That damage is then not subject to dr, resistances, vulnerabilities etc. But I am not sure.That's not something I have time for right now, but I agree it would be a useful addition.
Shield other and other spells like that can be very easily forgotten.

June 29th, 2021, 17:07
That's not something I have time for right now, but I agree it would be a useful addition.
Shield other and other spells like that can be very easily forgotten.

That is understandable. I am almost in awe of how much you already have done for us :)

June 29th, 2021, 17:12
Thanks! I don't like 5E much and PF2e has many compromises I am not wild about, so I'm trying to help keep PFRPG active on FG as long as I can :)

June 30th, 2021, 01:04
Thanks! I don't like 5E much and PF2e has many compromises I am not wild about, so I'm trying to help keep PFRPG active on FG as long as I can :)

I'll gladly say that your extensions, as well as a few others, make a rule-heavy system like PF1 a blast to play on FG - so I think it's having the intended effect!

June 30th, 2021, 13:51
I'll gladly say that your extensions, as well as a few others, make a rule-heavy system like PF1 a blast to play on FG - so I think it's having the intended effect!

100% agree

June 30th, 2021, 14:43
Thanks! I don't like 5E much and PF2e has many compromises I am not wild about, so I'm trying to help keep PFRPG active on FG as long as I can :)

Have you considered offering to update the ruleset itself, that seems like something that would be the biggest impact.

June 30th, 2021, 19:46
Have you considered offering to update the ruleset itself, that seems like something that would be the biggest impact.No, but I would be interested in learning what that process involves.

The trouble is that I don't always have time to dedicate to these projects. Last year I got a bunch done because of the pandemic's effect on my business, but now I'm working a lot more and a lot of the issues I'm involved with are getting more active.
I'm still maintaining everything and will continue to add functionality when I have time, but ruleset updates impact everyone and can't be disabled like an extension can.

EDIT: This is also why I have broken my extensions into pieces. I want to make it as easy as possible for SmiteWorks to integrate them into the ruleset if they choose to.

July 2nd, 2021, 23:17
Aura Effect (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect) v1.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.4)
* FROMAURA effects that are set to off will not be removed automatically. This allows creatures that have saved against it to be immune regardless of movement.
* PFRPG2 tag added to test functionality
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.3...v1.4)

July 6th, 2021, 00:31

I am using the Customized Item Generator for 3.5E and Pathfinder extension. When I create magic weapons it works just fine, but when I try to create magic arrows, it keeps posting a message in chat that says "Item has no subtype" even though I had given it a subtype of Martial. Am I doing something wrong?

July 6th, 2021, 01:15
I am using the Customized Item Generator for 3.5E and Pathfinder extension. When I create magic weapons it works just fine, but when I try to create magic arrows, it keeps posting a message in chat that says "Item has no subtype" even though I had given it a subtype of Martial.
Customized Item Generator (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator) v1.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.4)
* Fix ammunition creation bug "no subtype"
* Improve detection of ammunition item type
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.3...v1.4)

July 6th, 2021, 02:23
Wow, what service! Thank you!

July 13th, 2021, 21:00
Malady Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60290-PFRPG-Disease-Tracker-Extension) v2.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.8)
* Fix roll saving throw button
* Hide auto-roll toggle since this feature is now disabled
* HOTFIX: Fix chat poison chat message not showing secondary effect (primary effect was being used twice)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/compare/v2.7...v2.8)

July 14th, 2021, 03:26
Dude, do you have Patreon or something? I would totally support you, you do such great work.

July 14th, 2021, 13:12
Dude, do you have Patreon or something? I would totally support you, you do such great work.aw thanks :)
I did briefly, but SmiteWorks license policy doesn't allow that. I'm crossing my fingers that something like that gets added to the "Forge" they're building:

SmiteWorks is working on a community "Forge" to replace monetarization as well as formalize and enhance community extension distribution.
But it's also not that important since I have fun working on them and like knowing I am improving the FG experience for other users :)

July 19th, 2021, 21:23
Enhanced Items (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40602-Extension-Enhanced-Items-v4) v4.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.4)
* code improvements
* item type no longer case sensitive
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.3...v4.4)

Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60307-PFRPG-Item-Durability) v2.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.8)
* code improvements
* Improved compatibility with Enhanced Items extension (charges field no longer shown on every item and gmonly field should be shown correctly) - thanks to Zygmunt Molotch for reporting issue
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.7...v2.8)

July 19th, 2021, 23:42
The FantasyGrounds Forge community marketplace is now available! (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?69713-Announcing-the-FG-Forge)

All of my extensions are on there and I have added links to their forum threads.
I would recommend users remove any of my extensions they have in their extensions directory and then re-install them from the FG Forge. From that point on, updates should be automatic.

July 28th, 2021, 01:10
Party Item Identified (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40686-Extension-Party-Inventory-Identified) v1.3 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Identified/releases/tag/v1.3)
* Improve compatibility with other extensions (specifically reported regarding Map Parcels)
* Improve alignment of ID button in parcels
* Change extension name to "Feature: Party Item Identified"
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Identified/compare/v1.2...v1.3)

August 1st, 2021, 19:42
Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60307-PFRPG-Item-Durability) v2.9 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.9)
* fixed compatibility with Advanced Item Actions fix and Enhanced Items
* fix error when using with Advanced Item Actions (thanks to Zygmunt Molotch for reporting issue)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.8...v2.9)

Customized Item Generator (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator) v1.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.5)
* fixed compatibility with Advanced Item Actions fix and Enhanced Items
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.4...v1.5)

Advanced Item Actions (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions) v1.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.5)
* fixed compatibility with Enhanced Items
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.4...v1.5)

August 3rd, 2021, 13:50
About Advanced Item Actions, is it compatible with Kel's Overlay?

August 3rd, 2021, 14:54
About Advanced Item Actions, is it compatible with Kel's Overlay?
I can't remember but I think so!
Try it and let us know!

August 3rd, 2021, 17:53
I pushed the item volume code improvements to Forge weeks ago and forgot to post a real version.
2E / ADND code added today.

CoreRPG Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.4)
* Improvements to item volume code
* Initial support for 2E / ADND ruleset
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.3...v1.4)

August 4th, 2021, 12:59
Aura Effect (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect) v1.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.5)
* Re-implement alternate distance calculation for users of FG Classic
* HOTFIX Aug 3 2021: Fix for Classic still not working. At this time, it only works when the GM moves the token.
* HOTFIX Aug 3 2021: Fix for player movement. Should now work fully in Unity and Classic.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.4...v1.5)

August 6th, 2021, 00:50
Aura Effect (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect) v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.6)
* Improve diagonal and large creature distance detection in FG Classic using code from GKEnialb (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?70614-GKEnialb)'s Token Height Indicator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?66566-5E-Token-Height-Indicator) extension. Does not require that extension (which is FG Unity-only)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.5...v1.6)

As with v1.5, there is no benefit to using this with Unity. It performs the same as v1.4 in Unity.

Zygmunt Molotch
August 7th, 2021, 06:00
About Advanced Item Actions, is it compatible with Kel's Overlay?

I hope so, I mean, I've been using for like a year together or something (before AIA name change) :D

August 8th, 2021, 16:37

August 8th, 2021, 21:40
Aura Effect (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect) v1.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.7)
* Add full support for PFRPG2 by resolving error message "[ERROR] Unable to find effect to remove" when AURA effect duration expired with targets in range. Thanks to Montis (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?15710-Montis) for reporting.
* Set duration field of all FROMAURA effects to 0 rather than mirroring the AURA effect (since AURA effect deletion will remove FROMAURA effects anyway).
* Remove compatibility code for old versions of AURA Effect. If you are upgrading from a version prior to v1.2, you should manually remove any FROMAURA effects before playing your next session.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.6...v1.7)

August 10th, 2021, 14:41
Moon Tracker (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Moon-Tracker) v2.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Moon-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.4)
* Code improvements
* Add "Feature: " to extension title
* Posting date to chat will now also post the moon phases with icons. Thanks to [nephranka](fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?44791-nephranka) for suggesting this.
* HOTFIX: Improve formatting of moon section of calendar sheet
* HOTFIX: Improve formatting of moon list labels
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Moon-Tracker/compare/v2.3...v2.4)

August 11th, 2021, 21:23
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.0 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.0)
* Lots of code improvement and simplification.
* Opening PFRPG/3.5E ranged weapon details screen (magnifying glass button) now allows linking an inventory item with the subtype "Ammunition" or "Ammo" to the weapon. Attacks made with this weapon will decrement the count of that inventory item. If the name in this field doesn't match any inventory item, old behavior of this extension will be used.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v1.16...v2.0)


I'll make a new video soon, but I've run out of time for today.

EDIT: The main downside of the new system is that ammo count is not displayed on the actions tab.
I will be addressing this, but ran into difficulty implementing a solution. Assistance is welcomed, although I'm sure I'll get it eventually with enough time :)

EDIT2: here is a new video which includes the new feature:


August 13th, 2021, 16:34
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.1)
* Revise labels and tooltips to improve intuitiveness
* Change ammo search box into a dropdown list of all options
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.0...v2.1)


August 13th, 2021, 19:44
Ok, I can't really figure out how to link ammunitions to weapons... Tried naming them "ammo" and "ammunition", tried drag'n'dropping them on the panel, tried getting'em on the weapon as if it were a container..... no idea :s

August 13th, 2021, 19:45
Ok, I can't really figure out how to link ammunitions to weapons... Tried naming them "ammo" and "ammunition", tried drag'n'dropping them on the panel, tried getting'em on the weapon as if it were a container..... no idea :s
I think you'll find v2.1 much easier. You have to set the Subtype field to Ammo or Ammunition, not the name.

August 13th, 2021, 19:48
Trying it up now.... still can't figure out (no tooltips, no names, no menus...)


August 13th, 2021, 20:00
Trying it up now.... still can't figure out (no tooltips, no names, no menus...)


That isn't v2.1. I think you might have the extension in your extensions folder twice under slightly different names.

August 13th, 2021, 20:09
Hm. For some reasons it didn't want to update...once I deleted the extensions and re-updated it with the forge, it now works . Yay for me! And thank you, as always! (this is a very busy period for me and my brain is pretty much more fried than it usually already is)

August 13th, 2021, 20:12
Hm. For some reasons it didn't want to update...once I deleted the extensions and re-updated it with the forge, it now works . Yay for me! And thank you, as always! (this is a very busy period for me and my brain is pretty much more fried than it usually already is)

Oh! You upgraded to Unity? Neat!
If you have manually installed ext files for my extensions you should delete them because the ext files 'take over' from mine installed via Forge.

August 14th, 2021, 01:13
I did upgrade and today I held my first session on FGU. It was bad tho: FGU seems to be EXTREMELY heavy on our computers... both me and my players kept having freezes and hangs throughout the whole evening. If it wasn' t me being frozen, it was one of my players. And if he wasn't, it was another of them. Basically at least one or two people were frozen in time :F at any time

Zygmunt Molotch
August 14th, 2021, 06:34
I did upgrade and today I held my first session on FGU. It was bad tho: FGU seems to be EXTREMELY heavy on our computers... both me and my players kept having freezes and hangs throughout the whole evening. If it wasn' t me being frozen, it was one of my players. And if he wasn't, it was another of them. Basically at least one or two people were frozen in time :F at any time

this is slightly off topic, but I have had the same issues for a year, I pinned it to the fact that UNITY loads all the modules that are tokens or images, without your explicit permission (unlike classic, which you load manually), thus, you might not know it but it's loaded in all your token modules image modules and map modules without you knowing, massively bloating the runtime ram usage automatically

the only thing that can prevent this is removing many, or large image modules from your module folder temporarily

apologies to bmos, this is out of topic, just throwing Asgurgolas a bone, that might help his machine

August 15th, 2021, 10:17
Hi bmos, great work on all the extension.
Probably user error but just added extraplaner containers via the Forge and don't see anything coming up against things like bag of holding. Doesn't seem to be anything in the extension folder which is probably the cause.
Any ideas?

August 15th, 2021, 12:52
Hi bmos, great work on all the extension.
Probably user error but just added extraplaner containers via the Forge and don't see anything coming up against things like bag of holding. Doesn't seem to be anything in the extension folder which is probably the cause.
Any ideas?
My extensions don't show up in extensions folder when installed via Forge. Just 1) get via Forge 2) click update in Unity updater 3) check the box for the extension and then load your campaign.

For help with how to use that extension check the readme link in its thread (see post 1 of this thread).

August 15th, 2021, 12:53
this is slightly off topic, but I have had the same issues for a year, I pinned it to the fact that UNITY loads all the modules that are tokens or images, without your explicit permission (unlike classic, which you load manually), thus, you might not know it but it's loaded in all your token modules image modules and map modules without you knowing, massively bloating the runtime ram usage automatically

the only thing that can prevent this is removing many, or large image modules from your module folder temporarily

apologies to bmos, this is out of topic, just throwing Asgurgolas a bone, that might help his machine Not at all, that's very useful info.
Asgurgolas is right though, FGU is way heavier on older hardware :/

August 15th, 2021, 12:57
Thanks for the reply above. Got it up and running now.

Separate question. Any plans to make your ammo tracker work with 5e?

August 15th, 2021, 14:42
Any plans to make your ammo tracker work with 5e?Plans? No.
Future possibility? Perhaps.
From a quick search of the 5E rules it seems they are probably close enough to use the current implementation (but without the "loaded" button for crossbows/javelins/etc).

August 15th, 2021, 15:03
Customized Item Generator (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator) v1.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.5)
* Fix script error "Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/item_main.lua"]:133:attempt to index global 'divider8' (a nil value)" that could occur when used with Advanced Item Actions. Thanks to cristmo (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?23595-cristmo) for reporting this.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.4...v1.5)

Extra Stat to Saves (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60436-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves) v2.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/releases/tag/v2.5-hotfix.1)
* Fix typo that was keeping second stat from being added and prompting script error. Thanks to cristmo (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?23595-cristmo) for reporting this.
* HOTFIX: No longer requires inclusion of Kel's code to remain compatible.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/compare/v2.4...v2.5-hotfix.1)

Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.3 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.3)
* Loadorder of this extension is now 2. If you run into compatibility issues, please let me know.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.2...v1.3)

Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.2)
* Substantial reduction in redundant code between 4E and PFRPG (at least 80 lines).
* Implement item tracking in 4E ruleset. Class of the desired ammunition item should be set to Ammunition or Ammo.
* Increase height of ammo picker list to match neighboring number fields (all rulesets).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.1...v2.2)
EDIT: if you have already downloaded Ammunition Manager v2.2 as of Aug 15 at 1:03pm, please redownload. I had uploaded the wrong ext version.

August 16th, 2021, 03:44
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.3-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.3-hotfix.1)
* Code improvements
* Ammo is once again tracked via checkboxes. To reload quiver, double-click on max ammo counter.
* Excess recovered ammo added to inventory item.
* Starfinder is now a supported ruleset, but it might need updates to handle game mechanics better (I am not familiar with them). No hit margin tracking has been added to SFRPG.
* HOTFIX: issue with Starfinder attacks not being resolved vs target.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.2...v2.3-hotfix.1)

I'll find time soon to post another video explaining the UI and features.

August 16th, 2021, 12:06
Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.3-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.3-hotfix.1)
* Loadorder of this extension is now 2. If you run into compatibility issues, please let me know.
* HOTFIX: should fix penalties not updating when stradj or carry mult were changed.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.2...v1.3-hotfix.1)

Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.4-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.4-hotfix.2)
* 5E now a supported ruleset!
* HOTFIX: for issue with Starfinder attacks not being resolved vs target.
* HOTFIX: if a weapon was created for a character that had no inventory items, a script error could occur.
* HOTFIX: ruleset-specific loadaction items
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.3-hotfix.1...v2.4-hotfix.2)

EDIT: new Ammunition Manager video to explain how reload feature works


August 18th, 2021, 12:11
Advanced Item Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57819-Advanced-Character-Iventory-Manager-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.6)
* fixed items with name including "of" and including "[x charges]" not working correctly. Thanks to DragonKnightAdam (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?168903-DragonKnightAdam) for reporting.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.5...v1.6)

August 18th, 2021, 19:14
Gave a quick test on 5e and looks great so far. Awesome job.

August 18th, 2021, 22:49
Here's a little something I whipped up for someone today.
It's a Pathfinder 1e extension that heals 50% (rounded down) of wounds on a long rest.
If the Pathfinder conventional rules would heal more, it uses them instead.
So basically it just helps make lower levels less difficult.

August 19th, 2021, 14:26
I misunderstood the request, so here is the correct version as well:
It's a Pathfinder 1e extension that heals 50% (rounded down) of your remaining HP on a long rest (min 1).
character with 10 HP and 3 wounds heals 3
character with 10 HP and 6 wounds heals 2
character with 10 HP and 7 wounds heals 1
character with 10 HP and 9 wounds heals 1.

It's actually an interesting house rule since it means the worse you're hurt the slower you'll heal.

Also another update to Ammunition Tracker:
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.5)
* 5E now counts arrows shot rather than arrows that miss (as per 5e rules). Thanks to Rivanknight220 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?200660-Rivanknight220) for pointing this out.
* 4E now rebuilds ammo picker list whenever weapon details are expanded.
* 4E now counts ammo correctly even if weapon is fired through a linked power (requires "Power: Show item used" to be enabled). Thanks to kevininrussia (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?32545-kevininrussia) for reporting this bug.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.4-hotfix.2...v2.5)

August 20th, 2021, 17:13
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.6)
* 5E no longer double-counts ammo before/after attacking. Attacks no longer allowed if no remaining ammo. Thanks to Rivanknight220 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?200660-Rivanknight220) for pointing this out.
* Ammunition items in inventory that are not carried or equipped will no longer be included in ammo selection list. Thanks to nephranka (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?44791-nephranka) for suggesting this.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.5...v2.6)

August 21st, 2021, 16:27
Customized Item Generator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57818-Customized-Item-Generator-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder/) v1.6-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.6-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: improve layout of custom item generator window.
* HOTFIX: visibility of GM notes field was not correct (players could see it). Sorry about that :square:.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.6...v1.6-hotfix.1)

Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60307-PFRPG-Item-Durability) v2.9-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.9-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: visibility of GM notes field was not correct (players could see it). Sorry about that :square:.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.9...v2.9-hotfix.1)

Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40602-Extension-Enhanced-Items-v4) v4.4-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.4-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: visibility of GM notes field was not correct (players could see it). Sorry about that :square:.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.4...v4.4-hotfix.1)

These updates are currently not available on the Forge as the Manage Craft screen is broken for my account.

August 22nd, 2021, 11:58
Customized Item Generator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57818-Customized-Item-Generator-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder/) v1.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.7)
* Can now create wands/scrolls/potions from spells. Open a spell window and click Consumables at the top of the window.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.6-hotfix.1...v1.7)

August 24th, 2021, 15:30
Live Hitpoints (https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59500-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints-from-Constitution-Extension) v2.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/releases/tag/v2.4)
* Selecting "+1 hitpoint" favored class bonus will now add +1 to Misc HP field. Thanks to SoxMax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?454650-SoxMax) for implementing this.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/compare/v2.3...v2.4)

Unfortunately, my Forge access is down at the moment so you'll have to wait to get the automatic update (although you can download from GitHub and install in your extensions folder the old-fashioned way).

August 24th, 2021, 21:44
Drain and Permanent Bonuses (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61371-PFRPG-Ability-Drain-and-Permanent-Bonuses) v1.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Drain-and-Permanent-Bonuses/releases/tag/v1.2)
* Dragging a race to a new character will now add racial attribute adjustments to the perm bonus/penalty list
* Various small code improvements.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Drain-and-Permanent-Bonuses/compare/v1.1...v1.2)

Advanced Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57817-Advanced-Effects-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.4-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.4-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX (Aug 24): Player visibility of effects added to items should now be correct for items that were always identified. Thanks to SoxMax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?454650-SoxMax) for this fix.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.4...v1.4-hotfix.1)

Unfortunately, my Forge access is down at the moment so you'll have to wait to get the automatic update (although you can download from GitHub and install in your extensions folder the old-fashioned way).

August 27th, 2021, 00:31
Forge access restored!
If you installed any of my 'manual updates' to your extensions folder, remove them from there and update your FG subscriptions so that the manual updates don't override the Forge ones.

August 28th, 2021, 17:23
Coins Weight (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67228-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight) v1.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/releases/tag/v1.7)
* Add denominations for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy and Dungeon Fantasy RPG ("Powered by GURPS").
* Add chat message with ruleset name if ruleset definitions are not found (to help in accurate requests).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/compare/v1.6...v1.7)

Advanced Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57817-Advanced-Effects-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.5-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.5-hotfix.1)
* Code improvements from SoxMax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?454650-SoxMax).
* When attacking via drag/drop, "ActionOnly" effects will be included where appropriate. Thanks to SoxMax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?454650-SoxMax) for this fix.
* HOTFIX Aug 28: fix rSource nil script error when applying lighting effects from effects window
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.4-hotfix.1...v1.5-hotfix.1)

August 30th, 2021, 21:44
Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.4-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.4-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: improved compatibility with themes (thanks to SirMotte (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?260282-SirMotte) for pointing me in the right direction)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.4...v1.4-hotfix.1)

Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.3-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.3-hotfix.2)
* HOTFIX: improved compatibility with themes (thanks to [SirMotte](https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?260282-SirMotte) for pointing me in the right direction)
* HOTFIX: potential compatibility improvement
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.3-hotfix.1...v1.3-hotfix.2)

Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60307-PFRPG-Item-Durability) v2.9-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.9-hotfix.2)
* HOTFIX: improved compatibility with themes (thanks to [SirMotte](https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?260282-SirMotte) for pointing me in the right direction)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.9-hotfix.1...v2.9-hotfix.2)

Sanity Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59874-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker-Extension) v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/releases/tag/v1.6)
* HOTFIX: improved compatibility with themes (thanks to [SirMotte](https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?260282-SirMotte) for pointing me in the right direction)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/compare/v1.5...v1.6)

August 31st, 2021, 12:54
Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.5-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.5-hotfix.2)
* Items in mundane containers within extraplanar containers will no longer have weight counted unless equipped. Thanks to DCrumb (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?372762-DCrumb) for suggestion on how to fix.
* Horse, Mule, and Donkey are now mundane container search terms.
* Some code reduction
* HOTFIX: Horse, Mule, and Donkey are now extraplanar container search terms instead of mundane container search terms.
* HOTFIX: Weight issues with stacked containers.
* HOTFIX: Fix 5E script error when changing item location
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.4-hotfix.1...v1.5-hotfix.2)

September 6th, 2021, 01:36
Item Durability (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60307-PFRPG-Item-Durability) v2.10 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.10)
* Fix chat messages displaying blank when destroyed/damaged
* Allow damaging items in locations other than player inventories (such as in party inventory).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.9...v2.10)

Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.6-hotfix.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.6-hotfix.5)
* HOTFIX: Fix INFAMMO effect not working and support INFAMMO in 5E
* HOTFIX: script error fix supplied by TheoGeek (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?35127-TheoGeek)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.6-hotfix.3...v2.6-hotfix.5)

September 9th, 2021, 17:11
I have now added the Maladies Library on Forge (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/220/view) and pushed a small data correction (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Maladies-Library/releases/tag/v1.5-hotfix.1) to it since no other reports have been filed since.

September 14th, 2021, 12:48
Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.6)
* ADND/2E improvements (now supports ADND's built-in coin weight and speed penalties for encumbrance). Thanks to Sterno (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?4842-Sterno) for reporting this.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.5-hotfix.2...v1.6)

Coins Weight (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67228-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight) v1.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Add denominations for 2E/ADND. Contributed by Sterno (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?4842-Sterno).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/compare/v1.7...v1.8)

Seems like Forge donations are a thing now, so feel free to donate (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/12/view-profile) if you are one of the people who has requested that option.

September 16th, 2021, 16:30
Upgrade NPC Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63620-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions-Extension) 1.18-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.18-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: Add compatibility with Zarestia's Spell Casting Time Labels extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?70557-Spell-casting-time-labels-extension)
* HOTFIX: Improve compatibility with other extensions.
* HOTFIX: Remove blank bleed ability from being created on NPCs (not fully implemented yet)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.18...v1.18-hotfix.1)

September 20th, 2021, 15:57
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.7)
* Reloading, loading, and recovering ammo are now performed via clicking buttons rather than double-clicking text fields.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.6-hotfix.5...v2.7)


September 27th, 2021, 16:11
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v2.7-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v2.7-hotfix.1)
* HOTFIX: 5E UI buttons were shown for melee weapons. Now just for ranged/thrown. Thanks to nephranka (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?44791-nephranka) for reporting.
* HOTFIX: When finding weapon node, only ranged weapons are allowed. This should fix potential issue of "double weapons" like daggers (which can be ranged or melee) not having ammunition tracked.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.7...v2.7-hotfix.1)

October 2nd, 2021, 15:16
Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.4)
* Fix speed not recalculating when effects are changed. Thanks to Zygmunt Molotch (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?211129-Zygmunt-Molotch) for reporting this.
* Limit speed and dex if overloaded
* Set speed to zero if character is totally overloaded
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.3-hotfix.2...v1.4)

Live Hitpoints (https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59500-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints-from-Constitution-Extension) v2.4-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/releases/tag/v2.4-hotfix.2)
* HOTFIX: Improvements to user workflow (more predictable behavior when clearing fields). Thanks to Zarestia (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?155084-Zarestia).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/compare/v2.4-hotfix.1...v2.4-hotfix.2)

October 3rd, 2021, 14:21
NEW! 4E Temporary Hitpoints Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?70784-4E-Temporary-Hitpoint-Effects) v1.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-4E-TEMPO-and-TEMPA/releases/tag/v1.1)
* adds effects to give temporary hitpoints to characters either on the beginning or end of their turn

October 10th, 2021, 18:34
Aura Effect (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect) v1.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Characters with the status DEAD, DYING, or UNCONSCIOUS will have their auras disabled. In PFRPG this does not function for the "Unconscious" effect at this time.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.7...v1.8)

Upgrade NPC Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63620-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions-Extension) v1.18-hotfix.3 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.18-hotfix.3)
* HOTFIX: Fix "squeezing" effect description
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.18-hotfix.2...v1.18-hotfix.3)

October 13th, 2021, 01:22
Advanced Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57817-Advanced-Effects-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.6)
* Many code changes, hopefully will improve speed and reliability.
* Potential fix for reported issues with conditionals (as required by bane weapons).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.5-hotfix.1...v1.6)

October 19th, 2021, 02:48
Customized Item Generator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57818-Customized-Item-Generator-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder/) v1.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Remove duplicate entry of material name into item description.
* Add material description to item description (not implemented for all materials yet).
* Class will now be blank when first generating consumables.
* Add link to spell in generated consumables.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.7...v1.8)

October 20th, 2021, 21:44
Just a short notice, the next bigger update is a very big one: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?71008-Developer-Notes-2021-11-Ruleset-Updates&p=624029#post624029 :) That means: It may be that I am not able to immediately update everything before this is released :)
This same warning applies to my extensions as well.

October 25th, 2021, 17:46
Spell Formatting, Upgrade NPC Actions, and Advanced Item Actions all got a small hotfix (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/commit/9f44a4f792464eade55463f7190de909d737fcdc) courtesy of Jacob Proffitt (https://github.com/Proffitt) on GitHub.
They should now recognize spells written as: (1/day) slow (DC 17)

December 28th, 2021, 06:39
I've got the Moon Tracker extension on my FGC version of FG and on my FGU version. The FGC version is correct while the FGU is not. I'm not sure what I did wrong to cause the FGC and FGU calendars to not reflect the same phases of the moon on the same dates. Any ideas?


December 28th, 2021, 13:04
I've got the Moon Tracker extension on my FGC version of FG and on my FGU version. The FGC version is correct while the FGU is not. I'm not sure what I did wrong to cause the FGC and FGU calendars to not reflect the same phases of the moon on the same dates. Any ideas?


I'd try upgrading your FGC version to the newer version.
It could have something to do with duration. I seem to remember the original duration being... 3?

see old discussion here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46672-Andraax-Moon-Tracker-Extension&p=531936&viewfull=1#post531936)

December 28th, 2021, 18:57
The FGC is the correct one. I'm trying to move from FGC to FGU. The Moon Tracker version I have for FGU is v2.4 (I got it from Forge). That is the one that is showing the incorrect phases of the moon. It shows the same for both the GM and the Player.

December 28th, 2021, 21:16
It seems like the moon's origin is set based on what date you had selected when you set it up.
So you will have to play around with the shift if you want to get them in sync.

January 11th, 2022, 17:41
Sorry I haven't been posting updates in this thread recently.
There have been some (mostly hotfixes).
I just pushed out hotfixes to Advanced Effects and Extended Natural and Armor AC Bonus Types for compatibility with Kelrugem's new update.

February 9th, 2022, 20:39
The new feb 2022 ruleset that will be coming out soon will break some extensions that work with inventories, coins, encumbrance, etc.
I have put out test builds on the Forge for Coins Weight, Encumbrance Penalties, and Extraplanar Containers.


It introduces a new currency management UI that makes adding new denominations/currencies to Coins Weight MUCH easier :)

February 9th, 2022, 21:16
As always I'll wait for the updates 'till everything works :P

I love these

February 19th, 2022, 00:15
Many more updates now available on the test channel as today's test ruleset changed minor things in 5-6 of my extensions.

February 26th, 2022, 00:18
Hi Bmos, tonight I learned that if the count in the coins inventory is not 1 then it does not apply the weight (sensible). Unfortunately most of the characters had a 0 in it. When it creates coins is it supposed to set that number to 1?

February 26th, 2022, 00:26
Hi Bmos, tonight I learned that if the count in the coins inventory is not 1 then it does not apply the weight (sensible). Unfortunately most of the characters had a 0 in it. When it creates coins is it supposed to set that number to 1?Thanks, yeah.
There is a fix for that included in v2, but I can't release that until the new ruleset updates go live (likely in a week or so).

March 11th, 2022, 03:26
Hi bmos, gotta say thanks first and foremost as your extensions have been mainstays in my FG games for a long time now. Since the ruleset update that started allowing coins weight I've been getting console errors whenever the inventory screen is refreshed, with a bunch of lines such as these:

[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinamount1) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinname1) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinamount2) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinname2) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)

As far as I can tell everything is working correctly, it's just annoying my players when they use their inventory page.

Unfortunately I'm running a bunch of extensions and I don't know if it's yours, but where it is calling out coins I figured I'd start here.

March 11th, 2022, 11:54
Hi bmos, gotta say thanks first and foremost as your extensions have been mainstays in my FG games for a long time now. Since the ruleset update that started allowing coins weight I've been getting console errors whenever the inventory screen is refreshed, with a bunch of lines such as these:

[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinamount1) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinname1) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinamount2) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)
[3/8/2022 9:31:30 PM] [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (coinname2) in windowclass (charsheet_inventory)

As far as I can tell everything is working correctly, it's just annoying my players when they use their inventory page.

Unfortunately I'm running a bunch of extensions and I don't know if it's yours, but where it is calling out coins I figured I'd start here.Sounds like you have an old version.
If it is in your extensions folder, delete it. Then add from the Forge and run the FG updater.

March 11th, 2022, 13:50
I did have it added in forge, but I'll bet an old extension is still kicking around in a folder somewhere. I'll try that, thanks.

March 16th, 2022, 15:51
For anyone who wants to get notified whenever I post new releases on GitHub, here are instructions:

April 10th, 2022, 14:27
I just realized I haven't posted summary updates here since October :confused:
Well, here goes...

Original Extensions

Coins Weight (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67228-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight) v2.0 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/releases/tag/v2.0-rc.5)
* The March 2022 CoreRPG ruleset now includes coin weight natively. This extension now ties into that official UI and on/off option, but handles coin weight via an inventory item. This enables negating coin weight per-player. It also allows you to see the net value of all coins by opening up the item sheet for the coin item.
* Better compatibility with rulesets like Savage Worlds that use different data structures/names for currency list.
* Much more efficient searching for coin inventory item.
* Coins inventory specifically sets coin item count to 1 (this seems to have been an issue in some rulesets).
* Coin inventory item can now be renamed to be anything.
* Add support for rulesets that have multiple coin or item inventories per character (such as savage worlds).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/compare/v1.8-hotfix.1...v2.0-rc.5)

Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.10-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.10-hotfix.2)
* item record ui changes for PFRPG2 support by @BurcinSayin in https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/pull/9
* back-end changes to hopefully support rulesets with multiple inventory lists.
* back-end changes to avoid duplicate code
* better triggering of recalculation (item deletion, weight change, etc)
* HOTFIX: attempt to index local 'node_inventory' (a nil value)
* HOTFIX: D&D 4E "The 'sheetdata' start tag on line 87 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'basicnumber'"
* More 2022-03-01 Ruleset Updates. CoreRPG coin weight now works.
* Fix deprecated warning when using with 2022-02 ruleset
* Add field for tracking max weight. Color codes total weight when in use.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.9...v1.10-hotfix.1)

Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.5)
* Fix deprecated warning when using with 2022-02 ruleset
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.4...v1.5-rc.1)

Extra Stat to Saves (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60436-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves) v2.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/releases/tag/v2.6)
* Support 2022-02 ruleset updates
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/compare/v2.4...v2.6-rc.1)

Live Hitpoints from Constitution (https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59500-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints-from-Constitution-Extension) v2.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/releases/tag/v2.5-rc.3)
* Support 2022-02 ruleset update
* Remove code to upgrade old data from v1 versions.
* Use more general code when possible
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/compare/v2.4...v2.5-rc.3)

Sanity Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59874-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker-Extension) v1.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/releases/tag/v1.7)
* Fix for getActor, back-end changes... No user-noticeable changes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/compare/v1.6...v1.7)

Malady Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60290-PFRPG-Disease-Tracker-Extension) v2.9 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.9.rc.1)
* Change extension name to start with "Feature: "
* Support 2022-02 ruleset update
* Change chat message visibility
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/compare/v2.8...v2.9.rc.1)

Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v3.3-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.3-hotfix.1)
* Lots of changes in the background. Please let me know if you have issues.
* Weapon ammo counter now uses count from inventory.
* Reload button has been removed. Resolves #19
* Misses are now counted per-ammo-type. Resolves issue #9
* These changes should allow for future implementation of magic ammunition bonuses (tracked in #12)
* HOTFIX: Melee attacks blocked for no ammo
* HOTFIX: 5E sometimes saying NO AMMO erroneously
* HOTFIX: setLink error hopefully fixed
* HOTFIX: 5E thrown item ammocounter notbeing shown
* Hide ammunition from weapon details page for non-ranged weapons (resolves issue #20)
* Greatly improve reload code efficiency (lays groundwork for supporting #9)
* Small process improvements including resolving a benign 4E console warning.
* HOTFIX Feb 16: Use non-ID item names for non-IDed items
* HOTFIX Feb 16: Support additional search fields for ammo (like type in 5e and pfrpg)
* HOTFIX Feb 17: 4E script error
* Implement alternative to "Attack Prettifier" feature of deprecated LAE: Expanded Options extension. This helps facilitate weapon effects for Audio Overseer.
* Correct console warning visible in 4e ruleset (didn't cause full error just a warning).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v2.7-hotfix.2...v3.3-hotfix.1)

Upgrade NPC Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63620-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions-Extension) v1.20 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.20)
* Bleed ability now parsed from SA field and configured on spells tab.
* Code formatting changes (many)
* Breath weapons now have spell resistance set to 'no'
* Breath weapons now do half damage on a successful save.
* HOTFIX: script error for node_spell
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.19-hotfix.1...v1.20)

Party Inventory Weight (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?69117-CoreRPG-Party-Item-Weight) v1.4 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/releases/tag/v1.4)
* Add field for tracking max weight. Color codes total weight when in use.
* Fixes 4E script error when opening parcels
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/compare/v1.3...v1.4)

April 10th, 2022, 14:51
Adopted Extensions

Enhanced Items (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40602-Extension-Enhanced-Items-v4) v4.5 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.5)
* code improvements
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.4...v4.5)

Customized Item Generator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57818-Customized-Item-Generator-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder/) v1.9 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.9-rc.1)
* Support for 2022-02 ruleset update
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.8...v1.9-rc.1)

Advanced Item Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57819-Advanced-Character-Iventory-Manager-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.7 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.7)
* fixed items with name including "of" and including "[x charges]" not working correctly. Thanks to [DragonKnightAdam](https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?168903-DragonKnightAdam) for reporting.
* HOTFIX: [Better spell name detection](https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/commit/9f44a4f792464eade55463f7190de909d737fcdc) courtesy of [Jacob Proffitt](https://github.com/Proffitt).
* HOTFIX: Better detection of wands when writing expended uses back to the item charges field. Previously type had to be "Wand" or "wand". Now it just needs to include either of those.
* HOTFIX: 2022 Feb 10: Support Kelrugem's [StrainInjury packages](https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/2/view-profile)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.6...v1.7-rc.1)

Party Inventory Identified (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40686-Extension-Party-Inventory-Identified) v1.4 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Identified/releases/tag/v1.4)
* Add option "GM: Un-ID'd Names on PS". If on, GM party sheet will display the same name that the players see.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/compare/v1.3...v1.4)

Aura Effect (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57417-5E-Aura-Effects) v1.9 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.9-rc.2)
* No longer includes FG Classic legacy code provides a slight efficiency improvement.
* Support SFRPG ruleset.
* Uses new 2022-02 CoreRPG ruleset functions to better handle dead/dying creatures.
* Use alternate method of removing FROMAURA effects when AURA effect is deleted. Should no longer cause script error with Polymorph Extension.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.8...v1.9-rc.2)

Advanced Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57817-Advanced-Effects-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.10 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.10)
* (N)PC ability tags (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996643237/PFRPG+and+3.5E+Effects#PC-Specific-Notes) are now parsed thanks to improvements from @MostTornBrain.
* One further March 2022 ruleset compatibility update.
* Behind-the-scenes code cleanup and some optimization.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.9...v1.10)

April 14th, 2022, 00:40
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v3.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.4)
* Update starfinder reload to account for weapon usage when reloading by @SoxMax in https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/pull/23
* Fix thrown weapons not decrementing ammo in 5E.
* Cleanup code with eye to memory management.
* Code formatting improvements.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.3-hotfix.1...v3.4)

April 23rd, 2022, 14:35
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v3.5 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.5-hotfix.2)
* Check for "Crossbow Expert" feat in 5E. If found, check if weapon name contains crossbow. If it does, ignore "loading" property.
* HOTFIX: missing line added
* HOTFIX: remove debug chat message on initial load in PFRPG
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.4...v3.5-hotfix.2)

April 24th, 2022, 13:04
Advanced Item Actions (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57819-Advanced-Character-Iventory-Manager-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder) v1.8 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Fix issue where two-handed weapons were being added with 1x strength to damage rather than 1.5x
* Tons of changes behind the scenes that should hopefully reduce memory use and generally simplify things
* Fix hunter class not being recognized when loading items.
* Fix Investigator class not being included in spellcasting class search.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.7...v1.8)

May 10th, 2022, 15:48
I completed my first official module conversion!
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Module: Masks of the Living God (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=PZOSMWPZO9522FG)

May 10th, 2022, 16:21
I completed my first official module conversion!
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Module: Masks of the Living God (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=PZOSMWPZO9522FG)

Nice, congratulations! :D

May 10th, 2022, 18:37

May 10th, 2022, 19:19
Very cool. Congratulations.

May 13th, 2022, 15:47
I completed my first official module conversion!
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Module: Masks of the Living God (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=PZOSMWPZO9522FG)

Been waiting, wondering, longing for the Crypt of the Everflame journey to continue...

Please say you are looking at City of Golden Death to complete the Price of Immortality campaign :o

May 13th, 2022, 16:38
Been waiting, wondering, longing for the Crypt of the Everflame journey to continue...

Please say you are looking at City of Golden Death to complete the Price of Immortality campaign :oI have made some progress on it, but am super busy with other things.
Hopefully sometime this year.

Let me know if you have any suggested improvements for MotLG and if you find any errors/bugs just report them here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38100-Official-Pathfinder-Modules-Bug-Report-Thread) and I'll get them fixed :)

May 13th, 2022, 16:43
I most certainly will and thank you for taking the time to produce these... I suspect it is a labour of love.

There are so many PF1e modules in the catalogue... Wish I was as talented as you folks!

May 19th, 2022, 14:45
Aura Effect (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57417-5E-Aura-Effects) v1.10 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.10-hotfix.2)
* Code restructured behind the scenes (removed over 150 lines of code)
* Strings moved to separate file
* HOTFIX: fix for "silence notifications for faction" option causing silent aura apply to break and add FROMAURA effects to the source rather than the target. Thanks to RussischerZar on discord for help replicating the issue.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.9-rc.2...v1.10-hotfix.2)

I most certainly will and thank you for taking the time to produce these... I suspect it is a labour of love!Yup. That's why SmiteWorks modules don't cost much/any more than the PDF or book copies; the conversion authors don't get a lot for their work.
IMO best practice is to convert modules you personally want to run so that it serves to give you some compensation for work you were doing anyway :) It then also encourages you to do it extra well for your players :)

May 19th, 2022, 15:06
Thanks to RussischerZar on discord for help replicating the issue.

That's me :o

May 20th, 2022, 17:29
Yup. That's why SmiteWorks modules don't cost much/any more than the PDF or book copies; the conversion authors don't get a lot for their work.
IMO best practice is to convert modules you personally want to run so that it serves to give you some compensation for work you were doing anyway :) It then also encourages you to do it extra well for your players :)

Any pointers to get started in this area - there are some PF1e modules I'd maybe look at for the group I play with? [Apologies for hijacking your posts/threads]

May 20th, 2022, 17:43
Any pointers to get started in this area - there are some PF1e modules I'd maybe look at for the group I play with? [Apologies for hijacking your posts/threads]My advice is to look over purchased modules closely to see how they do it. Then build a new campaign with no extensions and add all the images and NPCs like they did. There are some tools that you can use to import statblocks via copy/paste, but IMO doing it manually is best for accuracy and completeness.
SmiteWorks has a bunch of guidance for community devs who want to convert modules, but I think you have to sign up with them before it's accessible. I'm pretty sure I signed up by emailing James Holloway at jholloway [at] smiteworks [dot] com.

May 21st, 2022, 16:10
Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v3.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.6)
* Ruleset updates for 4E, PFRPG, and 5E. Should improve compatibility with other extensions.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.5-hotfix.4...v3.6)

May 24th, 2022, 10:26
My advice is to look over purchased modules closely to see how they do it. Then build a new campaign with no extensions and add all the images and NPCs like they did. There are some tools that you can use to import statblocks via copy/paste, but IMO doing it manually is best for accuracy and completeness.
SmiteWorks has a bunch of guidance for community devs who want to convert modules, but I think you have to sign up with them before it's accessible. I'm pretty sure I signed up by emailing James Holloway at jholloway [at] smiteworks [dot] com.

Thanks BMOS that is really really helpful.

May 25th, 2022, 19:12
Aura Effect v1.11 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.11)
* FROMAURA effects will no longer contain "(C)". This should resolve an issue in 5E where performing some actions would cause actors to lose their FROMAURA effect until they next moved. Thanks to Kindran and nephranka.
* This fix might have also resolve the Polymorph extension incompatibility. I have not tested this assumption.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.10-hotfix.2...v1.11)

June 25th, 2022, 20:03
Advanced Effects for Pathfinder v1.11 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.11)
* Special Abilities can now have effects added to them. They will be included in module exports.
* Advanced Effects UI no longer shown in read-only nodes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.10...v1.11)

Upgrade NPC Actions v1.20-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.20-hotfix.2)
* Breath weapons should actually disallow spell resistance now.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.20-hotfix.1...v1.20-hotfix.2)

June 27th, 2022, 23:08
Advanced Effects for Pathfinder v1.12 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.12)
* Effect builder now works again.
* Misc attack bonuses can now apply only to melee or attack.
* Effects can now be dragged into advanced effect windows.
* Advanced effects can now be dragged out (drag the details button).
* Removed a ton of unused code.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.11...v1.12)

July 8th, 2022, 18:57
I have posted builds of Advanced Effects, Live Hitpoints, and Upgrade NPC actions to the TEST channel in preparation for the new July ruleset updates.

July 9th, 2022, 12:34
Upgrade NPC Actions v1.21 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.21)
* Don't parse automated abilities for modules from Tanor (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?276423-dllewell). Maladies and spell effects will still be automated.
* Avoid potential edge case where spells could be re-parsed when clicking a different option in radial menu.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.20-hotfix.4...v1.21)

July 9th, 2022, 20:35
Advanced Item Actions v1.9 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.9)
* Long resting now writes out remaining charges/count to inventory.
* Potions and Scrolls now update inventory count with remaining use count when unequipping them (like wands did with charges).
* Lots of code restructured behind the scenes to improve maintainability and compatibility.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.8...v1.9)

July 13th, 2022, 11:42
Upgrade NPC Actions v1.22 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/releases/tag/v1.22)
* July 2022 Ruleset Update Compatibility Fixes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Upgrade-NPC-Actions/compare/v1.21...v1.22)

Live Hitpoints v2.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/releases/tag/v2.7)
* July 2022 Ruleset Update Compatibility Fixes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/compare/v2.6...v2.7)

Ammunition Manager v3.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.7)
* July 2022 Ruleset Update Compatibility Fixes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.6...v3.7)

I've done some testing with the new ruleset updates and think the others should be compatible, but please let me know if you run into any issues.

July 13th, 2022, 17:51
The hit margin tracking of Ammunition Manager is now its own extension Hit Margins

July 14th, 2022, 01:29
Greetings again,

Per our pms, here is the image of what I have loaded and I have already described the issue. I pretty sure it is operator error, but unsure where.


Thanks for any help

July 14th, 2022, 18:53
Greetings again,

Per our pms, here is the image of what I have loaded and I have already described the issue. I pretty sure it is operator error, but unsure where.


Thanks for any helpTry without automatic halfling luck, generic actions, and polymorphism.
And of course try without anything at all first, so you know whether you're just doing it wrong lol

July 16th, 2022, 10:18
Try without automatic halfling luck, generic actions, and polymorphism.
And of course try without anything at all first, so you know whether you're just doing it wrong lol

So, I tried it without all the other extensions and it still didn't work and then I sat and looked at everything and realized that the player loaded the effect from a supplement that I have installed (5E Automatic Effects). Well, needless of me to say that this is not a failure on the extension it is, as predicted, operator error!!!!

I have, as you can see from the time stamp, been thinking on this at all hours and it hit me to read more BOOM!!! It now works as it is supposed to, so now on to the next issue for my players!!!

Thanks again for responding.

July 16th, 2022, 11:27
So, I tried it without all the other extensions and it still didn't work and then I sat and looked at everything and realized that the player loaded the effect from a supplement that I have installed (5E Automatic Effects). Well, needless of me to say that this is not a failure on the extension it is, as predicted, operator error!!!!

I have, as you can see from the time stamp, been thinking on this at all hours and it hit me to read more BOOM!!! It now works as it is supposed to, so now on to the next issue for my players!!!

Thanks again for responding.Hooray! Nice work diagnosing that :D

July 16th, 2022, 22:21
Sanity Tracker v1.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Fix for changes to character sheet layout introduced in new ruleset updates.
* Moved windowclass lua scripts into discrete files to improve error messages and allow code analysis.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/compare/v1.7...v1.8)

July 17th, 2022, 22:18
Encumbrance Penalties v1.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.6)
* Updates for use with July 2022 ruleset update
* Moved windowclass scripts into lua files to improve error messages.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.5...v1.6)

July 21st, 2022, 23:20
Posted another new extension today (it's been a long time coming and is finally possible thanks to the new ruleset updates).
Automatic Crit and Fumble Tables (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/717/view) automates use of the Pathfinder critical and fumble decks community module which contain special crits for different damage types and special fumbles based on attack type.

Codebase is available here:

July 23rd, 2022, 02:14
Ideas for artwork for my extensions that don't have artwork yet.

July 25th, 2022, 21:37
hi love your extenstions!

any idea why the Auto Crit and Fumble Tables would be throwing me this error every attack roll?

July 25th, 2022, 22:34
hi love your extenstions!

any idea why the Auto Crit and Fumble Tables would be throwing me this error every attack roll?
53728Thank you :)

Are you using it alongside other extensions?
Perhaps Kelrugem's extended automation which hasn't been updated yet for the latest ruleset updates?
If not that one, have you tried without others?

July 26th, 2022, 00:10
Thank you :)

Are you using it alongside other extensions?
Perhaps Kelrugem's extended automation which hasn't been updated yet for the latest ruleset updates?
If not that one, have you tried without others?

That is the exact same error I get when using Kelrugem's extended automation. Unloading that extension stops the error from happening, at least for me it does.

July 26th, 2022, 00:45
That is the exact same error I get when using Kelrugem's extended automation. Unloading that extension stops the error from happening, at least for me it does.

aha! in that case I'd recommend unloading Kel's extended automation extension until it is updated (i doubt it'll be that much longer, but it's hard to say).

July 26th, 2022, 10:42
Oh man... this one has hosed me. Even after pulling the Hit Margin extension, rebuilding my extension folder, disabling my crit confirms AND turning off nearly all other extensions, I still get this error on every attack using the latest version on PC for the Pathfinder 1 ruleset:

Script execution error: [string"scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:666: attempt to call field 'calculateMargin' (a nil value)

... (tiny voice) ...help?

UPDATE: Well, it's definitely conflicting with something in the mix. If I disable nearly every extension, anything that has to do with actions, I can bypass the error. At this point, would love to just get hit margins out completely, but something is sticking. I get the error even with Hit margins disabled. Good times...

July 26th, 2022, 11:46
Oh man... this one has hosed me. Even after pulling the Hit Margin extension, rebuilding my extension folder, disabling my crit confirms AND turning off nearly all other extensions, I still get this error on every attack using the latest version on PC for the Pathfinder 1 ruleset:

Script execution error: [string"scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:666: attempt to call field 'calculateMargin' (a nil value)

... (tiny voice) ...help?

UPDATE: Well, it's definitely conflicting with something in the mix. If I disable nearly every extension, anything that has to do with actions, I can bypass the error. At this point, would love to just get hit margins out completely, but something is sticking. I get the error even with Hit margins disabled. Good times...

As with the prior poster, you're running into Kelrugem's update being incompatible with the latest ruleset updates.

On top of that, Kel's extension is seeing Ammunition Manager and trying to call calculateMargin from it (but it doesn't exist there anymore). To help with this situation, I have updated AmmunitionManager so that it passes through that function to AttackMargins (when available). I'm sure there will be other issues as Kel's extension is basically rolling-back a bunch of ruleset stuff, but at least it'll fix that script error :)

I'd recommend checking Kel's thread in the future before running the updates, as he doesn't always have time to update ahead of time. He always posts to warn folks not to update when that happens.

July 26th, 2022, 17:37
Ooh, I must have missed where you said it was the Ammunition Manager, specifically. Would not have thought of that one. Seems to have done the trick for now - thanks again.

July 27th, 2022, 00:36
Oh, yes, sorry for the complications :) I am slowly updating my extensions, and it is seemingly gladly not soo much, just have to find enough time :) I try to update a bit more again later this day :) (so, I am on it, just a bit slow)

July 27th, 2022, 02:50
Oh, yes, sorry for the complications :) I am slowly updating my extensions, and it is seemingly gladly not soo much, just have to find enough time :) I try to update a bit more again later this day :) (so, I am on it, just a bit slow)

Awesome *.*

July 27th, 2022, 04:38
Yeah! Thank-you (both)

August 2nd, 2022, 13:58
Ammunition Manager v3.8-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.8)
* Add icon to chat announcement
* Lock linked fields when linked (to prevent issues with flickering values)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.7-hotfix.1...v3.8-hotfix.1)

Hit Margins v1.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-HitMargins/releases/tag/v1.2)
* Support new ruleset update (greatly reduces the complexity of this extension, thanks Moon Wizard!)
* New chat announcement icon
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-HitMargins/compare/v1.1...v1.2)

August 10th, 2022, 02:41
Ammunition Manager v3.9 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.9)
* Change chat message commands so they are sent to all users.
* Add "noload" property to override load button when not desirable
* Simplify code behind the scenes
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.8-hotfix.2...v3.9)

Encumbrance Penalties v1.7-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.7-hotfix.1)
* Fix coloring of encumbrance values.
* Improve compatibility of those colors with themes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.6...v1.7-hotfix.1)

Coins Weight v2.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/releases/tag/v2.1)
* New chat announcement icon
* Backend code cleanup
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight/compare/v2.0-rc.5...v2.1)

Extraplanar Containers v1.11 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.11)
* New chat announcement icon
* Backend code cleanup
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.10-hotfix.2...v1.11)

August 10th, 2022, 02:45
I also made a new Ammunition Manager video set.
There is now a 'general' video covering the basics:


August 10th, 2022, 02:47
And also a Starfinder video covering the differences in the Starfinder ruleset.


August 12th, 2022, 21:46
Aura Effect v1.12 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.12)
* More complex auras can now be parsed. No more splitting up effects because you want to include an aura at the end.
* Simplified code behind the scenes
* Better compatibility with other extensions and future updates
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.11...v1.12)

August 15th, 2022, 13:57
Extraplanar Containers v1.12-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.12-hotfix.1)
* Allow collapsing containers via double-click.
* Use alternate chat messaging so that 'overfull' messages are broadcast to all users.
* HOTFIX: Now works in 5E and SFRPG again.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.11...v1.12-hotfix.1)

I'd love feedback about this, as a more complex implementation could be more obvious/easy to use.
One concern raised to me was that collapsed containers remain collapsed until they're expanded again (or until the extension is disabled).
Disabling can be done by changing the name to no longer include "[+] " or by double-clicking the container.


August 16th, 2022, 20:12
Spell Failure v1.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Spell-Failure/releases/tag/v1.7)
* Adds support for Effect Builder extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Spell-Failure/compare/v1.6...v1.7)

Aura Effect v1.13 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.13)
* Adds support for Effect Builder extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.12-hotfix.1...v1.13)

Encumbrance Penalties v1.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.8)
* Fixes detection of shields
* Improves detection of armor
* Improves armor speed penalties by properly detecting armor subtype (light, medium, heavy).
* Improve encumbrance color code
* Adds support for Effect Builder extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder).
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.7-hotfix.1...v1.8)

August 22nd, 2022, 13:20
Extraplanar Containers v1.12-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.12-hotfix.2)
* HOTFIX: Collapsing items now works in PFRPG2.
* HOTFIX: Mundane containers now also collapse properly.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.12-hotfix.1...v1.12-hotfix.2)

August 26th, 2022, 23:16
Enhanced Items v4.6 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.6) [ONLY AVAILABLE ON TEST CHANNEL]
* New feature: hidden cost. Click on the eye icon to hide the value of an item from players.
* Compatible with new September 2022 rulesets and potentially better compatibility with other extensions.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.5...v4.6)

Customized Item Generator v1.10 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.10)
* Compatibility improvements (with other extensions and the September 2022 ruleset updates)
* Code cleanup (net reduction of 1664 lines of code)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.9-rc.1...v1.10)

Item Durability will need an update to maintain compatibility, but it's not ready yet.

August 27th, 2022, 13:18
The aura extensions pops me a boatload of these every time I load a map or move a token inside an aura


August 27th, 2022, 16:00
The aura extensions pops me a boatload of these every time I load a map or move a token inside an aura

54124If the console window is opening, there is also an error in there somewhere. Warnings don't open the console.

Also, if you're getting those errors you are using an old version.
Delete it from extensions folder and update.

August 27th, 2022, 16:39
Item Durability v2.12 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/releases/tag/v2.12) [ONLY AVAILABLE ON TEST CHANNEL]
* Increase minimum width of item record window.
* Compatibility fixes for Sept 2022 ruleset update.
* Compatibility improvements with other extensions.
* Make chat message about item breakage/etc visible to all users.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Item-Durability/compare/v2.11...v2.12)

August 27th, 2022, 18:26
If the console window is opening, there is also an error in there somewhere. Warnings don't open the console.

Also, if you're getting those errors you are using an old version.
Delete it from extensions folder and update.

Well that's cuz I did open the console since i thought that'd be better than what I get in chat, which is this:


Also I already did delete and re-download the extension, tried both via the forge and via your extensions page (and yes, I use FGU should it matter)

August 27th, 2022, 21:12
What version shows up in the chat when you first load it?

August 27th, 2022, 22:10
What version shows up in the chat when you first load it?

4.2.2 (FGU)

1.14 (aura effects)

August 27th, 2022, 22:53
4.2.2 (FGU)

1.14 (aura effects)Do you have any other extensions loaded?

August 28th, 2022, 01:17
Do you have any other extensions loaded?

found it, it conflicts with Kelrugem's Height extension

August 28th, 2022, 12:33
found it, it conflicts with Kelrugem's Height extensionSort of.
I don't think it's actually conflicting, I think it's just that Kel's height extension causes that message when moving tokens around.
Are you sure you're using the latest version of that? Also have you considered Token Height Indicator?

August 28th, 2022, 18:55
Party Inventory Identified v1.7 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Identified/releases/tag/v1.7) [ONLY AVAILABLE ON TEST CHANNEL]
* The main functionality of this extension is being integrated into CoreRPG. (Hooray!)
* This extension is now being renamed to "Inventory Identified" as the remaining feature is turning unidentified inventory items red.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Identified/compare/v1.6...v1.7)

Party Inventory Weight v1.6 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/releases/tag/v1.6)
* Use label strings for translation support.
* Move scripts to lua files for more accurate debug messages/errors.
* Move Total and Max fields to accommodate Sept 2022 ruleset updates.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/compare/v1.5...v1.6)

September 9th, 2022, 04:34
After updating, opening any item causes an error:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/item_main.lua"]:121: attempt to index global 'divider6' (a nil value)

I deactivated extensions, and the error stopped with Custom Item Generator disabled, so that seems to be the culprit.

Does that sound like an extension that would attempt to index global 'divider6'? :)

Moon Wizard
September 9th, 2022, 04:42
I just did a search for divider6 in all the built-in and store rulesets; but it only exists in PF2 and RMC rulesets and not on that line number. So, it's most likely an extension.


September 9th, 2022, 12:23
After updating, opening any item causes an error:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/item_main.lua"]:121: attempt to index global 'divider6' (a nil value)

I deactivated extensions, and the error stopped with Custom Item Generator disabled, so that seems to be the culprit.

Does that sound like an extension that would attempt to index global 'divider6'? :)Thanks for that report! I had updated it but forgot to move it from test to live.
Update and it should be okay now!

my extensions no longer add dividers :)

September 9th, 2022, 16:36
yup, updated, reenabled Custom Item Generator, and no more errors.

Many thanks!

(The PCs are going shopping on Sunday, so there will be many items opened, and probably several custom items created - so very happy everything's working. :D)

September 9th, 2022, 16:37
Thanks for that report! I had updated it but forgot to move it from test to live.
Update and it should be okay now!

my extensions no longer add dividers :)

Thanks for the update!

September 10th, 2022, 00:01
wrong thread, sorry ^^;

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57817-Advanced-Effects-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder&p=662276&viewfull=1#post662276 here it is

September 10th, 2022, 22:07
Advanced Effects v1.17 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.17)
* Character sheet minimum height has been increased so that the location of the effects on the combat tab is more obvious.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/compare/v1.16...v1.17)

Aura Effect v1.15 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/releases/tag/v1.15)
* Simplify code
* Script error fix reported by @rhagelstrom
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect/compare/v1.14...v1.15)

Advanced Item Actions v1.11-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.11-hotfix.1)
* Patch for compatibility for Advanced Charsheet by Zarestia in https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/pull/8
* Search for spells in any loaded modules by Zarestia in https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/pull/9
* HOTFIX: typo fixed
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.10...v1.11-hotfix.1)

September 13th, 2022, 00:46

Advanced Item Actions does not seem to be working. I added a weapon to a PC and it does not show in the Actions tab. After removing the extension, and deleting and replacing the weapon in inventory, it showed up in the Actions tab.

Thanks for all your hard work on all these extensions, the are all so helpful!

September 13th, 2022, 02:00

Advanced Item Actions does not seem to be working. I added a weapon to a PC and it does not show in the Actions tab. After removing the extension, and deleting and replacing the weapon in inventory, it showed up in the Actions tab.

Thanks for all your hard work on all these extensions, the are all so helpful!Thanks for the report! I'll fix it this week.

September 13th, 2022, 23:15

Advanced Item Actions does not seem to be working. I added a weapon to a PC and it does not show in the Actions tab. After removing the extension, and deleting and replacing the weapon in inventory, it showed up in the Actions tab.

Thanks for all your hard work on all these extensions, the are all so helpful!It should be working again. Just run an update to make sure you have the new version.
It's also much more compatible and less likely to break with future updates :)

Advanced Item Actions v1.12 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/releases/tag/v1.12)
* The changes to support adding fire/cold/electricity/acid damage and adding shields to the weapons list no longer overwrite the base ruleset function for better compatibility (removed over 200 lines of code, quite a lot!)
* Adding weapons to inventory now adds them to the Actions tab again.
* Double weapon parsing should again be working
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Item-Actions/compare/v1.11-hotfix.1...v1.12)

Live Hitpoints v2.8 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/releases/tag/v2.8)
* Fix NPC implementation locking misc field
* Support for upcoming extension from @ZarestiaDev
* Move scripts to lua files for better debug messages
* Adds support for Effect Builder extension.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Live-Hitpoints/compare/v2.7...v2.8)

September 14th, 2022, 20:00
Enhanced Items v4.7 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.7)
* Add activation field by @ZarestiaDev in #2 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/pull/2)
* Cleanup of some code behind the scenes.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.6...v4.7)

September 18th, 2022, 21:33
Enhanced Items v4.8 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.8)
* Changes ItemManager.isArmor, isWeapon, and isShield to use looser string.match instead of exact match. This means formats like "Magic Armor" in the type field will also be accepted instead of simply "Armor".
* Fixed detection of wondrous items.
* Widened charge/maxcharge fields so "Maximum" label is visible. Sorry they don't line up anymore.
* Fixed weapon/armor fields getting 'stuck' visible.
* Fixed 4th divider not being visible.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.7...v4.8)

September 22nd, 2022, 16:17
Customized Item Generator v1.11 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.11)
* Fix inability to generate consumables or magic items from read only records.
* Many code changes in an attempt to follow best practices. More cleanup to come.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.10...v1.11)

Enhanced Items v4.8 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/releases/tag/v4.8)
* Changes ItemManager.isArmor, isWeapon, and isShield to use looser string.match instead of exact match. This means formats like "Magic Armor" in the type field will also be accepted instead of simply "Armor".
* Fixed detection of wondrous items.
* Widened charge/maxcharge fields so "Maximum" label is visible. Sorry they don't line up anymore.
* Fixed weapon/armor fields getting 'stuck' visible.
* Fixed 4th divider not being visible.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Enhanced-Items/compare/v4.7...v4.8)

Drain and Permanent Bonuses v1.3 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Drain-and-Permanent-Bonuses/releases/tag/v1.3)
* Improve compatibility with an upcoming extension from @ZarestiaDev
* Cleaned up formatting of code
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Drain-and-Permanent-Bonuses/compare/v1.2...v1.3)

Ammunition Manager v3.10 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.10)
* Ammopicker defaults on, so should the default case by @SoxMax in #28 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/pull/28)
* Fix issues with other extension compatibility.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.9...v3.10)

Extra Stat to Saves v2.7 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/releases/tag/v2.7)
* Moved lua code to lua files to improve error message accuracy when they occur.
* Improve compatibility with other extensions by calling prior functions.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Extra-Stat-to-Saves/compare/v2.6...v2.7)

September 25th, 2022, 20:25
Extraplanar Containers v1.12-hotfix.4 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.12-hotfix.4)
* Allow collapsing containers via double-click.
* Use alternate chat messaging so that 'overfull' messages are broadcast to all users.
* HOTFIX: Now works in 5E and SFRPG again.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing items now works in PFRPG2.
* HOTFIX: Mundane containers now also collapse properly.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing mundane containers was negating the weight of contents. Fixed.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing extraplanar containers was not collapsing child containers. Fixed but only works one level deep.
* HOTFIX: Contents weight shown within container could get too long due to decimals. Now rounds to fewer decimals as numbers gets longer.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.11...v1.12-hotfix.4)

September 26th, 2022, 05:21
The REVERT positive effect that is auto added to undead seems to be bugged. Channel energy is positive for a good cleric and damages undead in the game. In FGU Pathfinder 1 with the extended automation extension, REVERT positive turns the damage into healing for the undead. I don't really understand what REVERT is trying to accomplish, healing doesn't have a type, so healing can't be turned to damage. It is being added automatically by the extension, so I can't even remove the effect until after they are in the combat tracker, very tedious.

September 26th, 2022, 05:33
The REVERT positive effect that is auto added to undead seems to be bugged. Channel energy is positive for a good cleric and damages undead in the game. In FGU Pathfinder 1 with the extended automation extension, REVERT positive turns the damage into healing for the undead. I don't really understand what REVERT is trying to accomplish, healing doesn't have a type, so healing can't be turned to damage. It is being added automatically by the extension, so I can't even remove the effect until after they are in the combat tracker, very tedious.

REVERT: positive is automatically reverting all heal rolls into damage; are you not observing that, or do you not want that to happen? :) Or do you mean that Channel energy is set-up as positive damage rolls and accidentally turns out to be heal now instead? That is a good point then I was not thinking of, you may just remove positive as a damage type. In 3.5E it is not a damage type (I think?) which is why I didn't expect that anyone is using it as a damage type :)

September 26th, 2022, 05:34
The REVERT positive effect that is auto added to undead seems to be bugged. Channel energy is positive for a good cleric and damages undead in the game. In FGU Pathfinder 1 with the extended automation extension, REVERT positive turns the damage into healing for the undead. I don't really understand what REVERT is trying to accomplish, healing doesn't have a type, so healing can't be turned to damage. It is being added automatically by the extension, so I can't even remove the effect until after they are in the combat tracker, very tedious.

I noticed the same thing today. The cleric's player was quite aggrieved.

September 26th, 2022, 05:40
REVERT: positive is automatically reverting all heal rolls into damage; are you not observing that, or do you not want that to happen? :) Or do you mean that Channel energy is set-up as positive damage rolls and accidentally turns out to be heal now instead? That is a good point then I was not thinking of, you may just remove positive as a damage type. In 3.5E it is not a damage type (I think?) which is why I didn't expect that anyone is using it as a damage type :)

Or in other words, I always thought positive energy stuff is healing for living, damage for undead :) But I may be wrong with that, or PF1 handles that differently

(EDIT: We are in the wrong thread by the way :D)

September 26th, 2022, 05:45
REVERT: positive is automatically reverting all heal rolls into damage; are you not observing that, or do you not want that to happen? :)

It reverts all damage, though, so hitting the damage effect on channel positive energy heals them. If you hit them with the heal effect, they do take damage; however, the saving throw for half damage doesn't work. They take full damage regardless. So it's kind of messy, and the players know that channeling positive energy is either to heal the living or damage the undead, not both, so they pick the appropriate effect - and then things are snafu city.

September 26th, 2022, 05:58
It reverts all damage, though, so hitting the damage effect on channel positive energy heals them.

Yeah, I was not expecting that people use damage buttons with positive damage (more like untyped damage). But it is so many years ago already that I played any game that I am extremely rusty in how people set-up their actions; I was only updating my extensions because I know that people are using it, but I am not playing anymore since the end of 2019

If you hit them with the heal effect, they do take damage; however, the saving throw for half damage doesn't work. They take full damage regardless. So it's kind of messy, and the players know that channeling positive energy is either to heal the living or damage the undead, not both, so they pick the appropriate effect - and then things are snafu city.

Yup, this is known, it would have taken too much time to take the save stuff into account (because the damage is rolled after the save happened; it is not impossible but I would need a major rewrite of the code). Hmm, I need to think about it, I mainly added that effect and its parsing because I regularly got requests in private messages to add such an effect, so it may depend on the playstyle in FG. I remember that there was a request about the NPC parsing and making it optional, that should be easier to add for the time-being than catering the save stuff etc.

September 26th, 2022, 21:14
Maybe you could just (time withstanding) add in the option panel "automate revert on undead?" so one can decide if to activate it or not?

[edit: just saw Kelrugem already pondered that XD]

September 26th, 2022, 21:58
Can a mod move posts 415-421 into Kel's thread? Do they have the ability to do that?

October 10th, 2022, 00:58
Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.9 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.9)
* Resolves issues with the wrong encumbrance info being used when encumbered but not wearing armor
* Adds SPEEDMULT effect to allow for more spell automation
* Cleans up the codebase a bunch for easier readability (but still a long way to go)
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.8...v1.9)

October 14th, 2022, 01:46
hi! sorry but im noticing an issue with extraplanar containers. sometimes when moving an item out of a bag to another location itll still collapse when the bag is collapsed.

theres another issue with like changing the locations of bags that is more avoidable, seem like sometimes when typing the location if it auto suggests an item thats inside the bag itll basically collapse in on itself and the bag along with everything in it disappears.

October 14th, 2022, 05:12
hi! sorry but im noticing an issue with extraplanar containers. sometimes when moving an item out of a bag to another location itll still collapse when the bag is collapsed.

theres another issue with like changing the locations of bags that is more avoidable, seem like sometimes when typing the location if it auto suggests an item thats inside the bag itll basically collapse in on itself and the bag along with everything in it disappears.I guess I'll need to prioritize reworking that... Thanks for the report!

November 6th, 2022, 20:58
hi! sorry but im noticing an issue with extraplanar containers. sometimes when moving an item out of a bag to another location itll still collapse when the bag is collapsed.

theres another issue with like changing the locations of bags that is more avoidable, seem like sometimes when typing the location if it auto suggests an item thats inside the bag itll basically collapse in on itself and the bag along with everything in it disappears.I haven't been able to reproduce these issues. Perhaps it's an incompatibility with another extension you're running or maybe I just need more specific directions to reproduce the issue.

EDIT: actually it just happened! I'll try and figure out why.

November 9th, 2022, 21:35
haha glad to hear you got it, sorry i was busy the past few days. let me know if i can be of any help nailing down the cause tho

November 10th, 2022, 14:45
haha glad to hear you got it, sorry i was busy the past few days. let me know if i can be of any help nailing down the cause thoI think I have it fixed (along with a couple little improvements). When you get a chance, can you update and make sure your items have re-appeared?

November 22nd, 2022, 00:19
Encumbrance Penalties (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68289-PFRPG-3-5E-Encumbrance-Extension) v1.10-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/releases/tag/v1.10-hotfix.2)
* Compatibility issues with new ruleset updates caused by merge tag on template.
* Compatibility with Advanced Charsheet
* HOTFIX: block negative speed.
* HOTFIX: remove merge tag on number_charspeed template for compatibility with FGU 4.3.0
* HOTFIX: disable checking for disabled character if character level is zero
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Encumbrance-Penalties/compare/v1.9...v1.10-hotfix.2)

Extraplanar Containers (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67126-PFRPG-Extraplanar-Containers) v1.12-hotfix.6 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.12-hotfix.6)
* Allow collapsing containers via double-click.
* Use alternate chat messaging so that 'overfull' messages are broadcast to all users.
* HOTFIX: Now works in 5E and SFRPG again.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing items now works in PFRPG2.
* HOTFIX: Mundane containers now also collapse properly.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing mundane containers was negating the weight of contents (Issue #10 ). Fixed.
* HOTFIX: Collapsing extraplanar containers was not collapsing child containers (Issue #11 ). Fixed but only works one level deep.
* HOTFIX: Contents weight shown within container could get too long due to decimals (Issue #12 ). Now rounds to fewer decimals as numbers gets longer.
* HOTFIX: Add second function override to fix issues with 2E
* HOTFIX: Fix containers "collapsing in on themselves" as reported by [Kazuto217](https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?243731-Kazuto217).
* HOTFIX: Fix potential issue of un-carried containers not allowing collapsing.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.11...v1.12-hotfix.6)

Customized Item Generator (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57818-Customized-Item-Generator-for-3-5E-and-Pathfinder/) v1.12 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v1.12)
* Only disallow item creation if total bonus is equal to total bonus from abilities AND total bonus from abilities is not zero. It's not clear to me whether cost-only abilities require a +1, so for now they do not.
* Add message for item with ability that is missing an enhancement bonus
* Code cleanup
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/compare/v1.11...v1.12)

Ammunition Manager (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager) v3.12 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v3.12)
* Resolves issues with the wrong encumbrance info being used when encumbered but not wearing armor
* Update starfinder ammo reloading by @SoxMax in https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/pull/30
* Compatibility with new SFRPG update by @SoxMax in https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/pull/31
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.11-hotfix.3...v3.12)

January 25th, 2023, 12:49
I'm in the process of validating my extensions against the new v4.3.3 update on the test server that looks like it may drop in the latter half of next month.
If anyone finds it useful for me to post builds to the test channel, let me know. Otherwise, I'll hold off until closer to release.

January 28th, 2023, 19:59
Along with updating extensions for compatibility with the upcoming changes, I'm also fixing reported bugs and addressing some requested features.
Extraplanar Containers will support containers that limit the number of items that can be put in them (like scroll cases or quivers) and containers that exceed their limits will be tagged in red.

February 17th, 2023, 01:32
I just dropped a bunch of updates on the TEST branch.

February 23rd, 2023, 23:48
Tons of new stuff posted.
Mostly minor, but a few extensions got some neat new features.

March 21st, 2023, 00:09
Extraplanar Containers will support containers that limit the number of items that can be put in them (like scroll cases or quivers) and containers that exceed their limits will be tagged in red.

First off, great extensions you make, thank you =)

There are containers in Pathfinder 2 that work a little different:

- "Saddlebags come in a pair. Each can hold up to 3 Bulk of items, and the first 1 Bulk of items in each doesn't count against your mount's Bulk limit."

- "A backpack holds up to 4 Bulk of items. and the first 2 Bulk of these items don't count against your Bulk limits."

Would it be possible for Extraplanar Containers to support container like this?

I probaly could do this in a workaround and define a special backpack as a extraplanar container that can hold 2 Bulk, which then wouldn't count, but then the chat message for the full container would trigger at 2 Bulk and not at 4 :/

March 21st, 2023, 10:37
Feedback, it would be great if Hit Margins had options to also show margins for skill checks and saving throws! I often give extra benefits when a player beats a DC by factors of 5.

March 21st, 2023, 13:03
Feedback, it would be great if Hit Margins had options to also show margins for skill checks and saving throws! I often give extra benefits when a player beats a DC by factors of 5.Great idea about Saves, but not sure how I could implement that for Skill checks since FG doesn't know the DC unless you roll it from the Party sheet.

March 21st, 2023, 15:35
sorry, wrong thread

March 21st, 2023, 22:00
Hah, fair observation about the Skill checks. I guess I just glossed over the part where I have a DC in my head. You can't program FGU to read my mind?! Anyway, the saves would be a great addition!

March 21st, 2023, 23:28
Hah, fair observation about the Skill checks. I guess I just glossed over the part where I have a DC in my head. You can't program FGU to read my mind?! Anyway, the saves would be a great addition!You're not the first to ask :)
It would be super helpful as there sure are a lot of cases like that.

March 27th, 2023, 12:19
Extraplanar Containers v1.14-hotfix.1 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/releases/tag/v1.14-hotfix.1)

Support Pathfinder 2e-style items that ignore N weight units. Syntax of this is "the first 2 bulk of these items don't count against your bulk limits" as found here (https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=4).
To support this, the weight of items in mundane containers is now counted by combining the subtotals of each mundane container with the subtotal of items not in a container rather than by counting each item not in an extraplanar container.
Some other code cleanup also included.
HOTFIX: Better string search. No longer case sensitive, "of these items " now optional.
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-CoreRPG-Extraplanar-Containers/compare/v1.13-hotfix.3...v1.14-hotfix.1)

Ammunition Manager (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager) v4.0-hotfix.2 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/releases/tag/v4.0-hotfix.2)

Reworked UI in 5E and PFRPG to count hits and misses separately and allow recovering either to different ammo items (such as for magic items that lose their magic when they hit).
Pretty major back-end changes to support these changes in a modular fashion.
All data for extension is now stored in a sub-node of each weapon rather than directly inside the weapon -- kind of like having a subfolder.
Removed Starfinder support as it has been forked into its own extension (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1128/view) by SoxMax.
Updated UI to resize its width along with the rest of the weapon details window.
Optional Custom Loading Weapons ext (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61372-PFRPG-Ammunition-Manager&p=538350&viewfull=1#post538350) can now add and remove item names and properties from search lists.
Loading property in 5E no longer requires loading manually as it takes no discrete action. Crossbow Expert feat no longer used to remove loading button on Crossbows (as they don't have it now unless you do that yourself).
HOTFIX: Move 5e field visibility code to another function to facilitate easier extension compatibility patching.
HOTFIX: Fix potential issue of onAttackAction not being de-registered correctly in 5e when char_weapon windowclass is unloaded
Click here to see raw code changes (https://github.com/bmos/FG-Ammunition-Manager/compare/v3.14-hotfix.1...v4.0-hotfix.2)

April 1st, 2023, 02:03
There are containers in Pathfinder 2 that work a little different
Would it be possible for Extraplanar Containers to support container like this?This has now been added.

April 13th, 2023, 15:17
This has now been added.


Thank you very much =)

May 24th, 2023, 22:11
Found a bug in the custom item generator that seems really easy to replicate.

A weapon that is not identified when added to the sheet that becomes identified later will have it's masterwork and magic bonuses to hit stack.

The method to recreate is to have a magic sword(+1 longsword) that is not identified. Add it to a character's inventory. It will automatically spawn the actions functions treating it as a masterwork. When it's identified later it will have +2 to attack instead of just the +1 it's meant to have.

Additionally, while it's no doubt been mentioned a dozen times before, the secondary enchantments still don't take. If I am to make a +1 Flaming Longsword it's just a +1 longsword, the 1d6 fire damage doesn't take.

December 14th, 2023, 03:13
Party Inventory Weight just got updated for compatibility with the new rulesets.

March 8th, 2024, 01:24
Updated today:
Malady Tracker v2.14 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Malady-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.14)
Sanity Tracker v1.12 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Sanity-Tracker/releases/tag/v1.12)
Spell Formatting v1.10 (https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Spell-Formatting/releases/tag/v1.10)
Moon Tracker v2.6 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Moon-Tracker/releases/tag/v2.6)
Party Inventory Weight v1.10 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-CoreRPG-Party-Inventory-Weight/releases/tag/v1.10)
Customized Item Generator v2.0 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Customized-Item-Generator/releases/tag/v2.0)
Advanced Effects for 3.5E and Pathfinder v1.20 (https://github.com/FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-PFRPG-Advanced-Effects/releases/tag/v1.20)

March 8th, 2024, 04:03
Hi, Is there a list of extensions that support PF2e? These look wonderful and I would love to use them in PF2E!

March 8th, 2024, 11:34
Hi, Is there a list of extensions that support PF2e? These look wonderful and I would love to use them in PF2E!
Yes! I have 8

1. https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop
2. click "search filters"
3. set product category to pf 2
4. search "bmos" in the search box

September 4th, 2024, 13:26
Hey y'all.

I've been having a hard time finding time to work on these extensions lately, since I haven't personally been using FG in quite a while and I've had a lot of stuff (mostly good) going on in my life.
A number of my extensions are not working so great with the August ruleset updates (mostly just some UI stuff) and there are another set of breaking changes coming down the pipe later this month also (generally good changes I'm sure).

I am monitoring all my GitHub repos, so if anyone has the skills and motivation to make pull requests to update them as needed I am here to assist in that.
I also am open to requests from other devs who want to take over these extensions and if someone does step up for an extension I can eventually transfer repos/forge items to you.
I hope to keep Aura Effect going until the official AoE/proximity effect features make it into FG, but updates to the rest of this stuff will probably be limited.

Sorry for the disruption to all who rely on these for their games.
Thank you all for the support and messages over the years, this has been a great community to be part of and I hope to get back to playing in FG again someday.

September 5th, 2024, 13:29
Hi Bmos, thanks for the update and good to hear things in your life are moving forward. Also thanks for all you've done over the years! I'll take a look at your repos and message you as I've the motivation to at least make some pull requests as needed.

September 5th, 2024, 15:45
Hey y'all.

I've been having a hard time finding time to work on these extensions lately, since I haven't personally been using FG in quite a while and I've had a lot of stuff (mostly good) going on in my life.
A number of my extensions are not working so great with the August ruleset updates (mostly just some UI stuff) and there are another set of breaking changes coming down the pipe later this month also (generally good changes I'm sure).

I am monitoring all my GitHub repos, so if anyone has the skills and motivation to make pull requests to update them as needed I am here to assist in that.
I also am open to requests from other devs who want to take over these extensions and if someone does step up for an extension I can eventually transfer repos/forge items to you.
I hope to keep Aura Effect going until the official AoE/proximity effect features make it into FG, but updates to the rest of this stuff will probably be limited.

Sorry for the disruption to all who rely on these for their games.
Thank you all for the support and messages over the years, this has been a great community to be part of and I hope to get back to playing in FG again someday.

Thanks for all your work :) I hope you will find time again to get back to FG :)

September 5th, 2024, 18:50
Thank you for everything you have done bmos. Fantasy grounds has been a much better program because of you and your work.
Good luck, and thank you!

September 5th, 2024, 23:16
Thank you bmos for all of your good works.

September 18th, 2024, 01:24
I wanted to take a moment to say 'thank you' for all the work and great extensions you've built over the years. They've become essential for our campaigns and many others in the community. I can't imagine going back to use FG without them.

@FantasyGrounds Team
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a developer need to step away or, in some cases, go missing entirely, leaving the community to scramble for alternatives or updates. With a user base ranging between 600 to 2,600 per extension, his contributions have added significant functionality and value to the Fantasy Grounds platform. I appreciate that bmos is reaching out to the community for help in maintaining these extensions, but I believe this raises a larger question:

Why wouldn’t Fantasy Grounds step in to take over these critical extensions, particularly when they play such an important role for so many users and bring some much-needed functionality? Ensuring these tools remain functional and updated would not only benefit the community but also reduce the reliance on individual developers who may no longer have the bandwidth to keep up with changes.

It would be a great show of support to the community if Fantasy Grounds could adopt these types of widely used extensions when developers need to step back.

Thank you for considering this, and thanks again to bmos for all his hard work and for reaching out.


September 18th, 2024, 02:13
Why wouldn’t Fantasy Grounds step in to take over these critical extensions...

and then I stumbled across this thread (while looking for something completely unrelated):
