View Full Version : Players Who Join Later - Cannot See Other Player's Portraits

July 24th, 2020, 17:46
Sorry if this has already been reported, but it seems like a bug.

If I roll a player's character with them and set their portrait, they, and anyone else logged in at the time, can see it, as well as when they log in again.

However, if a player joins after this event. They do not see the other player's portraits. The only fix seems to be setting all of the portraits again, once everyone has connected. I think this happens for tokens as well.

Is there a workaround for this or a setting I don't know about?


July 24th, 2020, 19:56
Haven't heard this one before, but it doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong.

Can you let us know; what your date code is? If your players all visually show the same date code (not just that they have run an Update), What ruleset, extensions, and themes you have loaded?

July 24th, 2020, 20:11
Thanks for the reply! I actually just tested this locally and it is still occurring with the latest version. In the test I did, both machines are using 2020-07-16.

I run with the following:
- Ruleset: 5e
- Extensions: 5e - Rob2e - Next Level XP Automation (though it occurs even w/o this custom extension)
- Features: D&D - Official Language Fonts
- Theme: D&D - Official

Not sure if it matters, but, as for content loaded I have everything in the core D&D Bundle, plus the Starter Set Content.

July 24th, 2020, 20:15
Content shouldn't matter. One of the devs will have to see if they can reproduce, if not they might need your log files.

July 24th, 2020, 20:17
Sounds good, I can provide any log files or steps used to reproduce on my end if helpful!

July 24th, 2020, 21:47
Oh I also wanted to mention -- I run the game using direct IP connection (not Cloud.) Not sure that makes a difference.