View Full Version : LFP Dm seeking players for extended COS campaign.

July 24th, 2020, 05:45
Hey guys, so there is a template that FGF would like me to follow answering all your questions. if you have any other questions feel free to message me and i will be happy to ask. I welcome new and experienced players alike, and hope to run a game where players of all experience can feel welcome.

FG License: Ultimate license
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone:Mountain time 07:00 Canada
Day of week and time: Monday 7pm-11pm
If new game, planned start date: Monday July 27
Planned Duration & Frequency: Every two weeks./
Term: Running curse of strahd.

Text or Voice: Would love video but voice is good too.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Not streamed but would love to stream if the right group is found.

Roleplay & Combat mix: I want to say 50/50, but every group is different. depends what you guys prefer, i'm quite flexible.
Number of Players in game & needed:Prefer 2 to 4 people in my groups so everyone gets equal game time.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting at level 1.
Character restrictions: I support anything, as long as we can balance it and you run it by me before hand.otherwise do your own thing. I own all the player books so that is not an issue but obviously home brew is allowed too.

Details of your scenario: my campaign will be following the curse of strahd campaign book.

Rules of my campaign: PLAYERS. You are in a party together, i would prefer no inner party fighting happens. (fighting, stealing, trolling, etc.) players vs players shenanigans seldom turn out well, and i would ask against it. I also ask that players do not pursue sexual explicit mannerisms, sexual harassment of other players will not be tolerated, i understand everyone has a sense of humor, but i don't want any of my players to feel uncomfortable.

In the end, i just want everyone to have a good time and look forward to our sessions. let's all respect one another.