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View Full Version : European new players game

July 22nd, 2020, 23:02
Got a full set of players now.

Forever DM who tries to get to play but fail...

Well, then why not DM!

You might have heard that the starter set of D&D is a great adventure. You might even have played it.
Well, I have made some adjustment to suit my style.

What is my style?
I like then things are grey and not black and white. I like then you as a player have to decide on your actions. Are they the right ones or are you one of the evil ones?
But it's not just my game. It's our game! You as players should have a say in how you want to play as well.

Why I don't want any private message about joining. Everything about the game will be in this thread.

Some basics:
I have both FG and FGU Ultimate = You don't need to own anything. But please state if you want to play FG or the beta FGU.

I'm not native english speaker and I'm not a voice actor.

Game time is open for the group to decide. Except Saturdays that is taken for another group I'm DMing for. But evening GMT+2 is my time to play. Prefer every second week.

Yes this will be an adjusted starter set game. You can have played it before but apply anyway as every DM has their own style. But it's not a year long commitment. Just 5-10 times sessions.

What I want from you now!
Respond here if you are interested!
Tell me your prefered time to play (in GMT+2 would be nice)

Right now I'm not interested in a character you want to play. I'm interested in what type of game you want. I have played this with people who only want to kill and loot and people who didn't want to kill anybody.
Remember itīs a short game. We are doing a quest and the options to follow your backstory might not be there. But I like backstorys and will try to make my best.

An option to tell how much is RP and how much is Combat is in the basic format for adverts. I can't tell you. It depends on you. If you draw steel then the opponent will do the same.

About me
Swedish guy who is 49 years old.
I DM for my 16 year old daughter and her friends.
I'm not brought up with D&D. Just started playing 5e three years ago.
I started playing RPG for 30 years ago. Just tells me I'm old and not good.
I play D&D because its' the most popular game now.

cover me!
July 25th, 2020, 16:44
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: GMT+2
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Flexible. Currently playing a game with EST
Term: Long term
Voice: Discord preferable

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E / Pathfinder
Game System Experience: D&D 5E / Pathfinder
antasy Grounds Experience: Know it well. Havent GM'd with it though
Character Type Preferred: Played a Reach fighter in last game, Wizard prior and a cleric prior to that. Quite flexible
About me: 38, from UK originally, live in Spain now. Played FG and TableTop for donkeys. I enjoy watching storylines evolve. Can pretty much play at any time. I would guess that the folksI have played with before wouldn't say anything bad about me/playing style, but I guess everyone says that....haha.


July 26th, 2020, 11:35
My friend and I would love to play in your game.
FG License: Free (friend) & Ultimate + most books (myself)
Time Zone: GMT+2
Preference regarding days of the week & time: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, would like the game to take place in the afternoon or later
Duration: No preference
Communication: Anything really, would prefer something that incorporates voice

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: Both of us have AD&D 2e experience (through Baldur's Gate). My friend is new to 5e. I have been playing for 1.5 years (a bit of CoS, halfway through SKT, various one shots).
Fantasy Grounds Experience: My friend is completely new to it. I have mostly learned how it works through my preparation for my own homebrew campaign.
Character Type Preferred: My friend would prefer a support class (mainly Cleric). I could play pretty much anything, accommodating the needs of the party.
About us: 25&26 respectively, from Greece originally, friend lives in the Netherlands. Our playtime preference is thus due to both of us being busy during the week, so we are free mainly during the weekends. Have played numerous RPGs over the years. We enjoy a good storyline and are very accepting of everyone. We're in this to have fun with others, so no nagging or rules lawyering from us.

Hoping we get to join you!

July 26th, 2020, 13:35
Hi there, interested in joining as well.
I have the ultimate version of FG classic. If needed I can get the free version of Unity if we decide to play that one.
Time zone: GMT+2 (+3 in summer), Greece.
Prefered day: Friday. I'm already playing on Mondays and Thursdays and Friday is nice cause I don't work the next day. I can do other days as well though. I'll be on vacation from 3rd to 9th of August but the rest of the time I'll probably be available.
Game system:I have the DnD 5th edition rulebook but haven't played at all. I have quite a bit of experience in 3.5/pathfinder.
Fantasy grounds Experience: I've started using the platform in May 2020 and run a pathfinder Ap as DM. I know fairly well its functionality, at least the basics and how to make effects for character actions and spells.
About me: I'm 45 years old and pretty relaxed when it comes to games. I play them to have fun not to stress myself. I don't focus too much on my background but I develop my character's personality based on what happens in the game. A mix of roleplaying and combat is good. Also I like experiencing the story and not just kill and loot.

July 27th, 2020, 16:09
Brand spanking new player here, i played one game and i would love to run a session as a DM, but i need more playing experience.
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: GMT+2
Preference regarding days of the week & time: Friday(16:00), Saturday(mornings) & Sunday(mornings)
Duration: 2-4 hours
Communication: Where you want me i will be

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: D&D 5e
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am hosting a D&D session twice a month but have only started a week ago.
Character Type Preferred: Bard
About me: I am from South Africa, and always wanted to play D&D but my area is not very popular for these RPG games. My experience with game is what i saw on twitch and some podcasts. I read the manuals for D&D 5e. I know stuff but never put them to the test.

I hope i can be a part of the session

July 28th, 2020, 09:29
Hey there! I just finished Phandelver with my group and, while they want to take a break from the game, I don't :) I'm also very curious about playing online using VTTs.

FG License: Can get any, not a problem.
Time Zone: GMT+2
Preference regarding days of the week & time: Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat and Sun 5pm+ should all work.
Duration: flexible
Communication: Any

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: D&D 5e
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have played around with it as a DM as I plan to use it to help myself with DMing live at some point, but I haven't used it for real play.
Character Type Preferred: Haven't decided yet, played Bard and Paladin so far, so I'll probably go for something different.
About me: I'm Italian, in my 30s. I have been living in Czechia for the last 9 years. English is not my native language, but it's what I have been using daily since I moved here. I've been playing games (RPGs, MMOs mostly) since I was a kid, but a few months ago I finally had my first DnD session and that's all I want to play now :) I love roleplaying/investigating/talking to PCs and NPCs the most but I definitely do not hate combat.

July 28th, 2020, 13:37
Looks like most players are up for friday evening games. Thats fine with me as well! I guess 7th of august is the first time I can make it. I send you all a discord link later.

July 28th, 2020, 18:53
if you have still a spot left, I would be interested.
FG License: Free
Time Zone: UTC +2
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Friday 5-6pm would work, if that is what has been decided
Term: I like that 5-10 sessions
Voice: Discord
Game System Experience: D&D 5E - very new player - couple one shots
Fantasy Grounds Experience: new user - couple one shots, FG college classes
About me: 28 years old from Czech republic. I have been thinking about trying some D&D for a while now. Jumped in last weekend with some one shots. Looking for shorter adventure. Your seems great.