View Full Version : Token lock

July 22nd, 2020, 13:22
Any update on when token lock may be implemented?

Want it bad. Unruly players movin when they shouldn’t is driving me nuts :)


July 22nd, 2020, 13:32
if you use a combination of line of sight and traditional fog of war/masking, you should be able to confine them so they cant run into areas whilst the rest of the group is in another area. but yes when token locking is implemented it will be very useful

July 22nd, 2020, 15:27
Easiest solution for players that like to keep moving their character around when they shouldn't....yep, you just started a new encounter (or pulled that next room)....the rest of the party suffers but after 1 to 2 times of doing it, you'd be amazed at how quickly it stops on its own.

July 22nd, 2020, 16:17
No update. I do not think they intend to look at it until after full release, but I may be wrong on that.

July 22nd, 2020, 16:42
Easiest solution for players that like to keep moving their character around when they shouldn't....yep, you just started a new encounter (or pulled that next room)....the rest of the party suffers but after 1 to 2 times of doing it, you'd be amazed at how quickly it stops on its own.This is the best solution. Actions have consequences and tokes are indicative of character position.
"Don't put your token where you don't want to go" ;)

July 22nd, 2020, 17:15
Easiest solution for players that like to keep moving their character around when they shouldn't....yep, you just started a new encounter (or pulled that next room)....the rest of the party suffers but after 1 to 2 times of doing it, you'd be amazed at how quickly it stops on its own.
Absolutely. If you moved yoru token somewhere, your character went there. You triggered the trap, you woke the dragon, you did whatever. And don't hesitate to move the PC token back to the place and say, 'Hold on, you are here when <this> happens."

July 23rd, 2020, 01:52
"Ut oh, you were slammed into an acid pit by a collapsing ceiling made of [setting appropriate magic-proof material] that seals you in, leaving an otherwise exact duplicate version of the hallway in its place, without the trap." Delete token from map and kill character in CT.

Ironically, the person we tend to have the most issues w/ token movement in our group is the oldest by a couple of decades.

July 23rd, 2020, 05:53
I've tried to explain to my groups that while FG may look like a computer program, it's only facilitating our ability to play, so please do not treat it like you can do anything..and doing anything can have consequences so please roll for initiative! (That sure does wake them up)