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View Full Version : Success report: SWADE/Lankhmar

July 22nd, 2020, 00:18
As a balance to the bug reports and "does this work?"-threads I'd like to add a "success report" with kudos to the developers.

One of my regular players is on a road trip so we put our long-term Deadlands campaign on halt this week and did a Lankhmar session, which i figured would work better for fewer players.

I decided to go with the SWADE rules, even though Lankhmar isn't "officially converted" and was prepared to do a lot of conversion myself. Thanks to all the work already done by the devs maintaining the ruleset I was pleasantly surprised: The tweaks I had to do took me a total of 30 minutes. We ran two savage tales tonight without a single glitch or need for additional in-game tweaking.

Geat job, all of you!