View Full Version : Dragon of Icespire Peak Campaign and encounters - Circle of Thunder

Tuleen Donai
July 20th, 2020, 02:13
This is an experience I had with the Circle of Thunder Map in the Dragon of Icespire Peak Adventure.

When I was prepping/practicing with this campaign, and I brought up the Circle of Thunder Map, and opened the Encounter, I clicked Generate and it created the 2 Anchorites and 14 Twig-Blights and placed them on the map, just the way the text describes. I thought COOL!

Then, when we played today, I tried to do the same thing, and when I clicked the gold down-arrow, it only added the NPCs to the Combat Tracker and DID NOT place them on the map, like I'd seen before (weeks ago.) I repeated the attempt a couple times, gave up and hand-placed the NPCs.


July 20th, 2020, 02:24
This is an experience I had with the Circle of Thunder Map in the Dragon of Icespire Peak Adventure.

When I was prepping/practicing with this campaign, and I brought up the Circle of Thunder Map, and opened the Encounter, I clicked Generate and it created the 2 Anchorites and 14 Twig-Blights and placed them on the map, just the way the text describes. I thought COOL!

Then, when we played today, I tried to do the same thing, and when I clicked the gold down-arrow, it only added the NPCs to the Combat Tracker and DID NOT place them on the map, like I'd seen before (weeks ago.) I repeated the attempt a couple times, gave up and hand-placed the NPCs.


Just to be sure: You were using the players' map and not the DM map, isn't it?

Tuleen Donai
July 20th, 2020, 04:20
I WAS using the Player's Map - Yes.

July 20th, 2020, 05:54
If you closed all maps/images and then double clicked on the token on the CT, what happened?

July 20th, 2020, 09:39
From what you have said above when you first looked at the map you chose the Maximum encounter and when you played you chose the random encounter (I'm supposing this on the fact that you said you generated the encounter - which is only necessary if the encounter is a random one).

The way Icespear works is that the number of NPCs which are present in any one encounter is variable - often depending on how many PCs there are in the party and whether or not there are any sidekicks. So in the encounter at C1 The Henge (which is the one I assume you are talking about) there are three possible encounters linked in the story. The first is the Maximum encounter and this is the one you would use if you are using the maximum party size of 5 players. This is the only encounter where the NPCs are preplaced on the map. The next encounter is for the situation where you don't have 5 players. This encounter is a random encounter and generates a number of monsters which is dependent on the number of players on the party sheet. The encounter you generate only generates the number of NPCs - it does not place those NPCs on the map since we can't know how many NPCs are going to be generated. So in this case as part of your preparation you could generate this encounter ahead of time and place the NPCs yourself and then link the generated encounter to the story entry so that when you come to play you can choose that encounter and have the NPCs automatically placed on the CT and on the map. If you don't do this during preparation then you'll have to place the beasties yourself during play (you can add all the monsters quickly to the map by dragging the red skull at the bottom of the CT and dropping it on the map - you'll want to reposition the monsters a bit though). The third encounter is an additional one which you only need if you are playing with sidekicks and again these NPCs are not automatically placed since we don't know if you have sidekicks or not.

There is a significant section in the Reference Manual > Fantasy Grounds Module which explains all of this - and more - about how the module is constructed and how the encounters work for this adventure as well as a lot of other important information on how to run the module in Fantasy Grounds.

Tuleen Donai
July 20th, 2020, 15:33
There is a significant section in the Reference Manual > Fantasy Grounds Module which explains all of this - and more - about how the module is constructed and how the encounters work for this adventure as well as a lot of other important information on how to run the module in Fantasy Grounds.

Professor Z., (meant in with all respect) You have again taught me much more about FG than I knew! No, I didn't even know there was an Adventure Reference Manual, I went straight into the story. Of course, when I now go into the Library and click on the Adventure, listed on the left hand side, I now see the Reference Manual listed at the bottom. I opened it up and started reading, and noted that there was an additional reference manual specifically for FG, and yes, it explains exactly what you have!

For our NEXT Adventure, the Tomb of Annihilation, I will make sure to read THIS first!!

Also, you are correct, if I click on the Maximum encounter, all the NPCs are loaded into the Combat Tracker and placed on the map!

Thank you again!