View Full Version : Is anyone on this site ACTUALLY looking for REAL players???

July 18th, 2020, 20:44
I post in these forums regularly but nobody ever invites me to a game, it seems like the only games ACTUALLY wanting players are the ones run by noob DMs who want noob players with zero experience who will just play pre-made characters with standard array stats and nothing "fun" to speak of... WTF?!?! Am I being discriminated against JUST because I know how to play the game and want to play with other people who also know what they are doing? Do I have to write a ridiculous, over-thought, attention-seeking background for my edgelord character just to get people's attention so that I can show up to the game session and practice my terrible voice acting on other people who also flunked out of drama class so that we can all pretend we are awesome voice actors and stroke each other's egos while simultaneously vomiting on the inside because of the shear cringiness of what we are calling "dungeons and dragons" ? Doesn't anyone want to play a REAL game where players get together and create their characters so they they fit into the dynamic of the whole group and so that they don't run into battle with 6 Goliath wild magic sorcerers wielding greatswords trying to be the ultimate gish and then all dying?? What am I missing here?

I used to think amateur improv class and Dungeons and Dragons were two separate, distinct things, but my time on these forums makes me think that may not be the case and that D&D now is just high school kids desperately wanting validation for their pretend accents... Am I wrong? Is this a creative writing class or is it a table top RPG?? It seems like it's just a bunch of jerk-offs trying to get their crappy script read by other people...is this D&D now?

Asking for a friend.

July 18th, 2020, 23:31
I can't for the life of me figure out why no one is inviting you. You sound like a hoot.

Chiding for a friend.

July 19th, 2020, 00:03
Think about the game you want to play.
It meets regularly, maybe weekly, and everyone turns up every session.
The GM is great and everyone gets to know each other and their game styles and preferences and you all enjoy gaming together.
The game runs for several years.

That game might conceivably recruit only one time and you are never going to hear from it again.
Most games that are being played are full. They are not recruiting because they have a full complement.

There are way more players than GMs.
Keep applying but maybe check back more often so you are applying sooner rather than later.

Otherwise - consider being the GM and once the group is established rotate the role every now and again.

July 19th, 2020, 01:09
the short low level pre made modules that a lot of GMs might first offer on here are a good launching platform for a GM to find a group of players that are both cohesive in personalities / play style / schedule availability and this could provide a pathway to full campaigns.

the best way I've found to find games is to go onto the new posts button on the forums and look for a game needing players. they do tend to get fast responses

July 20th, 2020, 01:38
I can't for the life of me figure out why no one is inviting you. You sound like a hoot.

Chiding for a friend.



July 20th, 2020, 03:37
Did you read what you wrote? I think your attitude seems to be the problem. Try fixing that and perhaps people will want to play with you.

July 20th, 2020, 04:24
Everyone on this thread please refrain from posting if you dont have anything constructive to add.
Posts often come out very black and white and nuance can be missed.
The OP is genuinely looking for a game and looking for some pointers.

July 20th, 2020, 04:27
Deleted post after noticing Damned's reply

July 20th, 2020, 04:46
probably. but r20 in their infinite wisdom seem to have cast an invisibility spell on the post

July 20th, 2020, 06:49
I would advise you to just be patient. Matching a player with a game requires a lot of factors to come together at the same time:
* time zones
* availability
* game and edition
* FG version
* style of play

For example, I'm planning to start a group just as soon as FG Unity comes to steam (since that's where I'm invested at the moment, though I wish now I'd simply bought direct from this website).

* I live in Japan, so coordinating a time with people in the US or UK is difficult.
* I'm available Saturday and Sunday nights. Some people are only available weekdays.
* I want to play D&d, so naturally I'm not looking for groups playing Pathfinder. I've decided to invest in 5e, which means I'm not looking at 2e games.
* I have FGC Ultimate, but I'm just using it for practice until FGU comes to STEAM, so I'm hoping to find people who are at least willing to play Unity rather than classic.
* While I like to have lively combat in my games, I encourage roleplaying, I want strong backgrounds that I can bring into the game, and I'd like to play with people who come to D&D to have fun, so probably there are going to be people who wouldn't enjoy my playstyle or the way I'd run a game as DM.

So long story short, just be patient.

I think it's better to find the RIGHT group or the right players by spending a few weeks being patient and selective, than trying to find a group right now and maybe finding a group that I don't match well with. Does that make sense?

July 20th, 2020, 07:29
I would advise you to just be patient. Matching a player with a game requires a lot of factors to come together at the same time:
* time zones
* availability
* game and edition
* FG version
* style of play

For example, I'm planning to start a group just as soon as FG Unity comes to steam (since that's where I'm invested at the moment, though I wish now I'd simply bought direct from this website).

* I live in Japan, so coordinating a time with people in the US or UK is difficult.
* I'm available Saturday and Sunday nights. Some people are only available weekdays.
* I want to play D&d, so naturally I'm not looking for groups playing Pathfinder. I've decided to invest in 5e, which means I'm not looking at 2e games.
* I have FGC Ultimate, but I'm just using it for practice until FGU comes to STEAM, so I'm hoping to find people who are at least willing to play Unity rather than classic.
* While I like to have lively combat in my games, I encourage roleplaying, I want strong backgrounds that I can bring into the game, and I'd like to play with people who come to D&D to have fun, so probably there are going to be people who wouldn't enjoy my playstyle or the way I'd run a game as DM.

So long story short, just be patient.

I think it's better to find the RIGHT group or the right players by spending a few weeks being patient and selective, than trying to find a group right now and maybe finding a group that I don't match well with. Does that make sense?

Yes patience, but not in a passive sense. Rather a mindful active patience.
From my perspective with IRL gaming: Patience with a willingness to try a few more groups than you would of liked, while knowing it really is OK when it doesn't work out. There is an unavoidable time investment, and if/once you do find people you are comfortable with, there are still going to be times when you'll need more patience again, whether its scheduling compromises or a session focusing on something you're ambivalent about or the pace changing gears or whatever... it's gonna happen and you'll need to learn anticipate how much it'll bug you.
OP posted this to two different forums for two different platforms, I'd suggest not seeing the communities around you as a monolith, but the direct personal gaming session connections with individuals at your/their (virtual) table and how you feel about that specifically.

July 20th, 2020, 09:23
I was once were you are not that long ago, I didn't even know 5e but had years of D&D under my belt. What made it worse was I never played on FG before. The first game I got into all they wanted was to type their game as in text in the chat box(no mics). I didn't even get to session 0. I even mistakenly got into a game of Savage Worlds thinking it was a 5e game based out of the Savage Coast so not only was I trying to learn 5e but now I had to learn Savage Worlds fast because another group asked me to join their 5e group. I had a blast in Savage Worlds driving a van being chased by a biker gang as I threw grenades out the window. I'm still with the 5e group playing a Greater Rakshasa Tempest Cleric on a ship and of coarse he hates water. I had a rough time of it at the start like you but I found a couple of great groups and I'm looking forward to meeting more. Like they said, be patient and keep your cool.

July 20th, 2020, 11:23
Being willing to accept answers on this site and not just point to your discord is one place to start. Something more than "I want to play! Hit me up!" that tells us a little more is another thing.
As a DM then I advertise for players I would rank the answers who tell me about themselves higher than answers that requires me to ask you questions if you fit the group or not. It doesn't need to be long but at least something that would tell me about what you would want out of the game would be a help and what time your are available. Remember timezones!
And, edit your post as it easy to check what people post here then you are replying to a game. A quick background check on how people post here can tell a little about if that person is right for your game.

July 20th, 2020, 15:01
Similarly brings up many good points.

When I began I felt just like you. No one wanted me as a player since most DMs were already done recruiting. Time availability is an issue but the real main issue is not enough of DMs. I decided I would take a crack at VTT and DM knew nothing about VTT or how it functioned. So I invested a small amount of funds purchased the basic books, attended the college of LORE on discord, began learning how FGU VTT worked and then I decided to give this a shot as a DM. My first 2 games ended in a miserable failure as players quit or simply complained knowing full well I had advertised as a newbie DM. Three weeks later I am left with one player who kept faith in me. Six weeks later I had the basics down figured out how to create and mod maps, and create mods. 2 months later I am DMing 2 games and playing in 1 game.

So, as you can see I decided to begin as a DM got to know people learned the system and made connections. It took me 2 months before I became a player but thanks to a player who became a DM himself he asked me to play in his game. Now when I recruit players for my game it takes usually a few hours before its filled. When I first began it took me over 2 weeks, I almost gave up.

The question begs, what have you done lately? Maybe you should DM and after your first game ask one of the other players to DM. Keep in mind all you need is the basic resources PHB, DMs Guide, and maybe MM. After I got off the ground after 2 months I went all in on 5e. I have all the books my players are ecstatic and keep in mind many players are already committed to long campaigns, not one shot sessions. I just completed Phandalin campaign last night. My players are already asking me whats next.

More players than there are DMs
Current DMs are already committed to long campaigns
Some DMs are running more than one group and cannot commit to more
Resources, most people cannot afford the resources and thus seek out DMs who already have the books and adventures
Not every DM is familiar with VTT or using it or how powerful it is, there is a learning curve
Time Zones and game day are also an issue
Which version of FG are people using as FGU and FGC are not compatible

I want my players to be invested in their characters with strong backgrounds. I allow my players to play whatever race and class they want as long as it is in the resource books I have since these are already coded into the game. I like my players to think outside the box. With all the resource books I purchased I allow my players to begin with 3 free feats - 1 from Eberron, 1 from Ravnica, and 1 from Mytheros source books. I even coded in the Psion/Mystic class for a player and coded in the Bloodhunter Class for another player. But the player who wanted the bloodhunter quit on me and thus wasted my time that could have been spent on other things.

I also created a mod Return to the Temple of the frog for my sunday group for a treasure map they found. Converted this up to 5e. I am working on a second mod S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks for my sunday group who found a second treasure map.

Here are my suggestions:

You should start off as a DM and recruit players
When your done with that 1 shot or campaign ask the players who is willing to DM
Be a creator and create a mod thats why you have a powerful tool at your disposal

There are many things you can do to help yourself like I did. My games fill up quick as soon as I post. I am not willing to DM campaigns one after another, two is more than enough. The amount of work that goes into it just to create theatre of mind. But my players get a kick out of it.

July 20th, 2020, 16:53
I encourage you to look for one shots, this fills a bit of the frustration of not having a regular game and helps with meeting folks and building a circle of friends. One of whom may invite you to a “closed” game at some point in the future.

Also consider trying other rule sets. I myself tried another rule set on a whim and found I like it much better than 5e. Not that there a lot of games offered for that rule set but being open to more rule sets increases the number of games available.

Personally I’ve been waiting a maddeningly long time to get into a Call of Cthulhu game but no luck so far.

Just a few thoughts.

July 20th, 2020, 17:52
As a DM I've always found my players by advertising right in this lfg forum. Ive not posted for players in a year but i can't imagine with covid especially tyat there is a draught on good players.

As a dm i can only take so many as well. Once i had 13 players express interest for 6 slots in my game.

Here is what i look for when accepting players , maybe it'll help your situation.

(These are in no specific order btw)

1. I like when players respond with enthusiasm. You have to remember here rhe dm has no idea who you are as a player anymore than you know them as the dm. Anything the dm can see to show interest level is helpful.

2. Be polite. Be patient.
Remember most dms posting for games do this as a hobby not a job. Life happens. Dont go crazy if you dont hear back within 24 hrs of the game being posted.

3. Be flexible be accommodating. If the dm writes would you be willing to play a healer by chance? They are probably asking for a reason. Granted dont play what you dont enjoy either but if decline politely.

4. Follow up...show interest. If a day or two passed i personally like it if a potential player contacts me.."hey . I notice your game "blah blah " i really liked what you put in the post and im interested are you still recruiting?".

Its really as simple as being polite showing interest and sometimes being a little flexible.

Ive found great players with lots of experience through these forums.

July 20th, 2020, 19:57
I appreciate all the people who understand what I'm saying and who reached out to me via private message to invite me to games. It renewed my confidence in the community. For the record, in case anyone cares, just to illustrate the difference between Fantasy Grounds and their, uh...competition *cough cough*, I made almost the exact same post on the OTHER guys forums, and rather than actual responses I got a message from moderators telling me my post and one of my comments saying similar things on another person's post were deleted because they were quote: Personal attacks, passing judgement, and passive agressive trolling. The fact that my post is still visible here is why I will always give preference to FG over the nit-wits over there. <3 you Fantasy Grounds.

July 22nd, 2020, 00:27
I used this forum to recruit players for a campaign I started back in November. The campaign is still running strong with the players I found here. I did advertise I was a new FG DM with 5e experience. I got a good mix of new/experienced players. I filled in my slots on a first come first serve basis.

I may have been lucky in my method as I do feel that a GM can choose to be discriminant when screening for players since the pool of player applicatants FAR outweighs the pool of GM's.

On a final note the games I have been having on Fantasy Grounds as an adult are just as fun, to me, as when my friends and I stayed up late at the kitchen table when we were kids.

July 22nd, 2020, 15:39
Another thing I see not mentioned is a lot of the experienced DM/Players don't even come to FG Forums to look for games or more players. Once you start meeting people and joining large Discord groups, you don't even need the forums in order to find a game as DMs post new games, or LFM in their Discord server. This does create a small problem as the LFG forum dies down.

I would search out some FG Discord groups, and join them.

Of course I started by using Steam Forums to find games, that was a nightmare. I later moved to FG Forums and meet some cool people. Those people stayed in my Discord server after games where completed. Server built up to over 50 people, in which I now recruit from.

Edit: Two good Discord servers to start with are: Fantasy Grounds official server, and the Fantasy Grounds College server. (Sorry no links, but you can find with an easy google search)

July 27th, 2020, 22:43
Here is another issue DM's run into. This situation happens more often than not. You start an adventure half way through players just quit on you. They get upset, their situation changes, it is always something. There is nothing more that frustrates a DM who has worked hard to get a party to a certain point then players start dropping and then have to pause the game to find new players. The new players come in expecting to start at level 1 and find they are starting at higher levels.

Just this week and last week a player got upset at a DM in a game I was in, he quit that game because he did not get his way. He was also in my sat game. Unbeknownst to me he quit my game without any notification.

Players can sit here and complain all they want, it is us DM's who have the right on our side when players become toxic and have nothing but excuses crying here on the forum. I also found out another player quit my sunday game, and all of these players have asked me to run campaigns. So I have put the effort, time, energy, and tool sets in their hands to make it the best experience they can have and what did I get in return - nothing.

So to all the players who complain about wanting to be a player and instead are nothing but quitters dont apply for game and waste our time. I completed Mines of Phandalin with 2 players out of 4 a campaign that took more than 10 weeks to play because they wanted to enjoy their holidays - one lame excuse after another. Sunless Citadel had started with 5 now down to 3. Thursday game were down to 2 - 6 quit to do their own thing.

So with us DMs giving all you players so many opportunities and here we are with nothing to show for it but a waste of time. So lets see we started with a total of 15 and in 3 weeks 11 players quit, some letting us know their situation changed and some never notifying us at all.

This is one of the major reasons no one wants to DM, because you as a player can quit anytime with any excuses you can think of.

July 28th, 2020, 00:08

Its sad to say it's really true, which helps explain why there's too many players such as OP scrambling to find a game. Based on the other posts in the thread, all I can say is stay positive, keep the faith, and keep looking.

The more you post a friendly response to GMs posting LFP's eventually you'll strike a few that work for you and from there you'll network with other active members on here who will help you later connect with other games with their contacts and network.

July 28th, 2020, 00:22
Lets keep this positive - the Op is looking for ways to find his way into a game.