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July 18th, 2020, 17:32
I found a larger font extension called Big Fonts but it seems to throw errors when I load it. Can anyone recommend a larger font extension that is compatible for the MgT 2E ruleset?


July 18th, 2020, 17:34
I found a larger font extension called Big Fonts but it seems to throw errors when I load it. Can anyone recommend a larger font extension that is compatible for the MgT 2E ruleset?


Are you using FGC or FGU and what's the extension called, and what errors does it throw?

In v1.1.4 the fonts are a bit smaller than in earlier builds to fit in with the CoreRPG FGU fonts (mostly for FGU).


July 18th, 2020, 17:38
I am using FGU and the extension is called Big Fonts

Not sure how to copy/past the error log. But it is giving a "font: Missing TTF tag for font (sheetlabel). [BigFonts] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]

July 18th, 2020, 17:41
I am using FGU and the extension is called Big Fonts

Not sure how to copy/past the error log. But it is giving a "font: Missing TTF tag for font (sheetlabel). [BigFonts] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]

The console that appears on an error should have a 'Copy to clipboard' option. I've use that, however I'd contact the makers of the extension and if they require, they can contact me though SheetLabel is a common font.

Extensions override fonts, but some systems use non-standard.

So why do you want to use Bigger Fonts? I ask this as we have some Theme makers amongst the players who might be able to make a Traveller specific extension for you.


July 18th, 2020, 18:03
I was reading some forum posts before jumping into FGU and saw where people recommended a larger font, so I assumed it was needed. I have removed the font and everything seems fine. Although I did not see any Copy command in the console log - all there is : Compile Logs, Clear and Close.

July 21st, 2020, 02:49
Only in FGU Compile Logs will setup a zip file with all the needed files needed. FGC is a bit simpler with a copy to clipboard button. Compile logs creates a zip file with a ton of troubleshooting data to help with various issues while running FGU.

July 24th, 2020, 18:38
How about just allowing us to choose the font size that suits us as a standard option - that would be extremely helpful for everyone. FGU fonts appear to be about half to two thirds the size of the font used in windows. Large fonts (less screen real estate) for those of us myopic GMs and miniscule fonts for the eagle-eyed who want loads of screen room. I must admit, I find it a bit of a juggle managing the non-standard font size of this single application - much better to conform to standards.:square:

September 2nd, 2020, 03:24
How about just allowing us to choose the font size that suits us as a standard option - that would be extremely helpful for everyone. FGU fonts appear to be about half to two thirds the size of the font used in windows. Large fonts (less screen real estate) for those of us myopic GMs and miniscule fonts for the eagle-eyed who want loads of screen room. I must admit, I find it a bit of a juggle managing the non-standard font size of this single application - much better to conform to standards.:square:

This, for the love of all that's holy THIS!

September 2nd, 2020, 04:46
This, for the love of all that's holy THIS!

I would have to agree also. Signed x10!!!

September 3rd, 2020, 01:20
How do you make a character sheet that can maintain aspect ratios etc. for font 8 AND font 42?

September 3rd, 2020, 12:41
Have you tried the scaleui command? it enables you to rescale the interface,

Robin Damien
September 4th, 2020, 16:39
Scale UI is insufficient because it scales every aspect of the UI and people don't necessarily want every aspect of the UI to be scaled, just the fonts. A lot of programs/apps have differing options for scaling UI vs. just scaling fonts. It's a common article of convenience anymore.

Having a font selection or size selection even if it only works in the chat/notes while leaving area open for maps would be a good middle ground. There were several font extensions that did a work around for this by forcing the font in those areas to just be larger, but they don't work (yet?) on Fantasy Grounds Unity, and they were often server side meaning that all players had to share the same font size.

Honestly I think a lot of UI problems are some of the largest things that keep FG in general held back. Overlooked but seemingly simple things like not being able to snap masking squares to grid/half-grid, not being able to snap the vision-blocking-vectors to grid/half-grid, doors having to be a block and not being able to be a line, etc.; quality of life improvements, especially for those of us with not-the-best eyesight like that, that add up.

Sorry if this seems overly critical, it's not my intention to just be negative. I don't know how hard this would be to implement, honestly. I just tire of people dismissing it out-of-hand because they, personally, don't need it.

Like in the image above, I might want the font in the reading areas larger without making the entire right-hand-side of the board with the buttons taking up more and more space. Their fonts are already larger by default.

September 4th, 2020, 17:15
I think (and hoped that) FGU could redo the UI and make things easier.

Though it's difficult, for example, the Character Sheet. Fields can only fit certain text sizes, and the labels can only be a certain size as they're linked to the left of a field -90 pixels etc.

FGU has a scaling problem though already reported. Now there's an FGU version for Linux I'll soon be switching to it, then I can address those.

Sorry I can't say much to help, a special custom theme for larger fonts is a lot of work, and not work I can do alongside everything else, so I'm willing to help someone if they want to build a theme.


Robin Damien
September 4th, 2020, 19:48
I understand. I appreciate the reply.

September 6th, 2020, 12:27
Has anyone answered the original question regarding "Big Font"?

September 6th, 2020, 18:46
Has anyone answered the original question regarding "Big Font"?

The font extensions tend to blow up in FGU because it requires specific types of fonts. That is more of a FGU problem that cannot be addressed at the ruleset level.

Traveller is generally compatible with Unity but MadBeardMan isn't using Unity yet but has said when he does he will look at the UI.

September 7th, 2020, 00:25
Thanks. Looking forward to one of them becoming useable.

January 10th, 2021, 06:02
I've done a little experimenting now, and on my 4k monitor /scaleui 150 is just about perfect for my 50 year old far sighted eyes.

February 17th, 2021, 06:29
I too, am really frustrated by tiny fonts.

The juggle between monitor size, scale and being able to read stuff while seeing all the real estate that I need for windows open is annoying.

I tried using an extension called "5e Font - 14 Point Clear Font" that is loaded successfully in FGU by my DM and allows us to be able to see the text in chat and char sheets at a larger size.

However on my iMac I get a bunch of errors alerting me to a missing TTF.

Similarly if I enable the extension when I try and load a campaign as a DM, I get errors of missing fonts and it doesn't work.

I've unzipped the extension, and it refers to a font called Driod, which I have found ( for free) and installed.

It still doesn't work

Interestingly, the droid font is different to that display when I'm a player in the game where it does successfully load.

unzipping the extension, it contains references and a bunch of files of type .fgf

I'm a bit lost at this point.

Below is the extension and a log file of me loading a campaign.

Any suggestions?

February 17th, 2021, 10:28
Hi All,

I'm Unity focused now, CoreRPG has been updated this week and tidied up a few things.

Which fonts on which screens are people wanting larger, I did a lot of work recently on them, but there might be space for a point size larger.


February 18th, 2021, 14:20
Chat for me is a priority
then it would be all the stuff that the GM needs to access, so NPC, Story, Encounters etc
They are the things that I'm squinting at most

February 18th, 2021, 14:54
Chat for me is a priority
then it would be all the stuff that the GM needs to access, so NPC, Story, Encounters etc
They are the things that I'm squinting at most

Hi Reg,

The chat font is quite large and easy to read, even on a huge monitor - what resolution are you running at?

I have to take into account people running 1080p or lower resolutions and so increasing fonts might make it too big for someone at smaller resolutions etc.

I would suggest you look at FGU's UI scaling, that might solve your issue but it scales everything, try it at 110% and go from there.

Sorry to not be especially helpful, but try the UI scaling (load FGU -> Settings -> FGU Application UI scale).

Let me know how you get on.


February 19th, 2021, 03:07
Looks like there's no way out then.

I'm running a 32 Nick 4k monitor at 3840x2160.

I already have the UI scaled to 200%

The fontsI seem to get are tiny and almost illegible.

If I reduce the monitor resolution to a non-native lower size then two things start to happen - I run out of space and the quality of the text starts to degrade.

That's disappointing

February 19th, 2021, 11:04
Looks like there's no way out then.

I'm running a 32 Nick 4k monitor at 3840x2160.

I already have the UI scaled to 200%

The fontsI seem to get are tiny and almost illegible.

If I reduce the monitor resolution to a non-native lower size then two things start to happen - I run out of space and the quality of the text starts to degrade.

That's disappointing

Hi Reg,

Can you share screen shots please, I run 3440 x 1440 and I don't need to scale (though I do wear glasses). The fonts are (for me) about the right size, I could make them a point size bigger here and there but there are side effects.

I would have thought at 200% UI scaling, that the font size in the Chat window will be around 36 point size, which is larger than most headings on web pages.

So please share some example screen shots.


February 20th, 2021, 13:18
Hi. I was thinking that maybe you could publish an unencrypted theme like they do for CoC that would allow people do their own thing with fonts and such. Doesn't need to be fancy just community viewable.

February 20th, 2021, 18:01
Looks like there's no way out then.

I'm running a 32 Nick 4k monitor at 3840x2160.

I already have the UI scaled to 200%

The fontsI seem to get are tiny and almost illegible.

If I reduce the monitor resolution to a non-native lower size then two things start to happen - I run out of space and the quality of the text starts to degrade.

That's disappointing

Here's my solution -- 18 point fonts (sans serif), on a 32" 4k monitor at native resolution

I've attached both the extension and a screenshot of how it looks:

February 22nd, 2021, 15:12
Here's my solution -- 18 point fonts (sans serif), on a 32" 4k monitor at native resolution

I've attached both the extension and a screenshot of how it looks:

That is one of die Hard Gamings extension, but modified and badly-repacked. Care to provide the link to where you found the original and which fonts you used?

February 22nd, 2021, 15:50
The fonts are included in the zip.


February 25th, 2021, 13:32
I found using the /scaleui command has done what I need without installing anything. Hope it helps some others.

February 27th, 2021, 13:05
I found using the /scaleui command has done what I need without installing anything. Hope it helps some others.

That's also available via the Settings button when FGU loads (same place you enter in your license codes etc). It rescales everything, same as if you told your OS to scale, if it works nicely for you then that's fab news cheers!