View Full Version : [REQUEST] per-user AppDir reg setting

July 17th, 2020, 18:24
I have a PC with multiple user accounts, each with its own Fantasy Grounds binary and data directories.

user1 AppDir D:\Games\FGU
user1 DataDir D:\Games\FGU\Data

user2 AppDir D:\Games\FGUClient
user2 DataDir D:\Games\FGUClient\Data

The data dir works out fine since that's stored in HKCU, but here is a collision in the registry for AppDir since that's stored under HKLM and is global for all users.

Request that FGU always use HKCU reg hive so that I can have different versions of FGU running in different locations under different user accounts.

Other than the above quirk, having to flip HKLM\SOFTWARE\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\AppDir between D:\Games\FGU and D:\Games\FGUClient to run the updater for the appropriate account... other than that, I can run both instances of FGU so I can be both DM and Player to test out my campaigns as I build them.

stretch target, allow multiple instances of FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe to run concurrently under multiple user accounts on the same PC.

Yes, I'm aware I can have one set of binaries, accessed by both profiles. That prohibits me from keeping my main account back-level when my friends DM on an older client and testing latest-and-greatest on my own campaign.