View Full Version : LFG DnD New player excited for adventures! :)

July 16th, 2020, 21:03
Hey all, I'm Kris and 27 yo guy living in GMT+2 (normally its gmt+1 but its +2 now because of summer time). I got big imagination and creativity. I'm nice, polite and respectful (all religious, cultures, genders - i care who as person you are and not what you believe in :) )

I wanted to play dnd since I remember, but never made it. So now its the time! Its time for me to make first baby steps into that journey. But... It would be nice to have group to do it with and get help :D I played both video and board games, i did rp in both if they was possibility for it so I'm totally up for some crazy creative ingame talk :D Like i said I'm new to it, never played it, I do know what it is about, heard some podcasts etc. I'm learning fast and all type: adventure, rp, fight are fine with me. I don't mind if we do 1 shot or long campaign, I want to have a lot of fun cause that's what it is all about :)

I'm really hype and i hope that there is somewhere a group that will babysit me on it and take me on their journey! :D

Cheers all, take care and hf :))

July 16th, 2020, 22:37
Hi Kris!

My friends and I also live in GMT+2 (until the end of summer then we'll also be living in GMT+1 again :D). We're currently running a Starfinder game and looking for more players. If you're interested in joining we can speak more about it.

July 16th, 2020, 23:04
No clue what is Starfinder so... but we can talk and see :) my discord is Pheoxin#3828 :)