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Moon Wizard
July 14th, 2020, 23:05
We are aware that there have been several types of connection issues with FGU so far; and we're working to identify and fix those issues. The current issues we've seen with the most recent builds are stalled connections, and losing connection during mid-game ("de-synch" as referred to by some users). I am creating a new version of this thread to provide updated information, and to focus our efforts.

Current Build

We just pushed a new build today that should help with the stalled connections. For the mid-session disconnects, we still need to identify what might cause this. My current theory is that it seems to be related to campaign or module data getting into a state which saturates the network. (Possibly triggering security features on routers or relays to shut down connections) However, we won't know for sure until we can narrow down the issue.

Reporting Issues and Providing Data

In order to help us figure out what is happening in all the various scenarios that people have for their connections, I need data from anyone having a connection issue in order to try and reproduce the issue locally if possible, and provide us with as much information as possible to recreate and investigate.

When you have any connection issue occur, please immediately gather the logs from both the GM and the player. They can bring up the application console by typing /console in the chat entry box (or pressing button in upper left during launcher/load screens). Once there, just press the "Compile Logs" button, and provide the resulting ZIP file.

Additionally, for any mid-session disconnects, please have the GM provide a copy of the campaign folder zipped up. They can send to [email protected]; and make sure to reference the related report in this thread with the logs.

Thanks for your patience as we work through this,

July 16th, 2020, 00:17
I had a sync issue on Monday. Though we didn't get any errors from the game, so no logs, but all players suddenly couldn't pick targets or move their tokens on the map. The first time this happened everyone restarted the game (GM also) and reconnected via LAN. Everything seemed to work fine for awhile and then it happened again. The second time I merely "un-shared" the map and then "re-shared" it and everything seemed to work for the remainder of the session. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread feel free to move it to the appropriate one.

July 16th, 2020, 03:17
Recognizing this issue is greatly appreciated, as my group has been having these issues for a while now. I'll start compiling logs as they occur and send as available.

July 16th, 2020, 15:47
I hope you guys figure this one out soon.

Moon Wizard
July 16th, 2020, 21:29
As noted, the new build on Tuesday should help address connection stalls, which will help password-protected games as well as random people not being able to connect. Plus, it helps get people reconnected if there are other disconnects. So, definitely make sure you update to the latest Live version.

For any other disconnect issues, we need examples and detailed steps in order to track down the issues. So, please send in the information I ask for in the first post, if you are having these issues in your game.


July 17th, 2020, 04:42
Cheers for that Moon Wizard.

July 18th, 2020, 15:39
I had a few new connection issues last night. I was connected to the cloud server and waiting for my players to connect. After about 5 minutes I lost connection and received an error from the slide out log. No one else was connected when this happened. I've attached the logs for that incident. After restarting the game and reconnecting it was fine on my end although two of my players were having connection issues. Both of them were from the same location (IP) and they were frequently losing connection. I don't think they were getting errors from the console log but their game would freeze and I would have to kick them from the game so they could reconnect. The other two players connected just fine and remained connected the entire game. This led me to suspect that this issue was party or entirely, related to the internet service of the two players at the same location. Sorry I don't have any logs from those players but like I said I don't thing they were getting errors from the game.

July 18th, 2020, 19:40
Was it, by any chance, at the same time as Cloudflare got a DDOS attack and took a ton of progreammes/sites down with it for 10 mins or so?

July 19th, 2020, 15:40
I had weird connection issues last night. Many of my players couldn't connect until I updated (despite there being nothing for me to update); then once I did "update" I could no longer connect to myself via localhost. It would tell me that the versions were incompatible. The only way I could fix that was by restarting my computer, but then I was back to my players not being able to connect because I needed to "update".

July 19th, 2020, 18:04
I had weird connection issues last night. Many of my players couldn't connect until I updated (despite there being nothing for me to update); then once I did "update" I could no longer connect to myself via localhost. It would tell me that the versions were incompatible. The only way I could fix that was by restarting my computer, but then I was back to my players not being able to connect because I needed to "update".
I would make sure you do not have multiple installations of FGU on your computer. Also check the version date on the launch screen. Last resort, backup your data folder and then uninstall and reinstall.

July 21st, 2020, 16:57
This probably not a new thing, but I continually get this error code.

July 21st, 2020, 19:27
This probably not a new thing, but I continually get this error code.
See the OP on how to compile your logs for inclusion here. Also make sure that you and the GM/host instance are not using the same license key.

July 22nd, 2020, 16:45
One of my players is having trouble connecting to my game, but none of my other players have had issue. He's able to connect to other games, just not mine.

July 22nd, 2020, 17:10
One of my players is having trouble connecting to my game, but none of my other players have had issue. He's able to connect to other games, just not mine.
Did you explicitly confirm that you are both on the same date build of FGU? Which date?

July 22nd, 2020, 17:19
Yes, we both made a point of making sure we were up to date. We're both on the 7/16 build.

July 22nd, 2020, 19:12
Same here the authorization server is not available.
It looks like our GM license key is invalid while it should not.
I am able to connect with my ultimate license but others with the free license can't.
The GM has an ultimate license.
And the other players can connect to me without issue.
Our GM has been contacting support and waiting for an answer.

the problem is due to its ultimate key, he received a new temporary one from support shortly after contacting them and we have been able to play.

July 22nd, 2020, 23:24
None of us can connect to our GM's server tonight. I have an ultimate license but neither myself nor demo version players can connect. I can connect to non-password protected servers but his one is password protected. Just hangs.

July 23rd, 2020, 06:20

Just submitted a report to the support email provided by the OP. I included the DM logs and the campaign. Unfortunately, I do not have the player logs, but hopefully any data is useful.

GM + 3 players on EST using a cloud instance of FGU
Two players experienced mid-session disconnects, which kicked them from the application, but left instances of their connections
One player experienced back to back disconnects
Players, once disconnected, were unable to re-join server due to there being instances of them still "connected"

Force kick both connection instances
Remove ownership on their characters to allow them to regain access

Swapped to LAN after back-to-back disconnect. No major issues after swapping to LAN connection.

Shout out to the update to the network library. I've run two sessions since Monday over LAN and the connection stability was greatly improved over weeks prior.

Thank you! Please keep patching & improving, I'll do my part to contribute detailed logs as available.

July 23rd, 2020, 06:48
None of us can connect to our GM's server tonight. I have an ultimate license but neither myself nor demo version players can connect. I can connect to non-password protected servers but his one is password protected. Just hangs.
Please provide the details requested in the OP.

July 25th, 2020, 02:52
I can't seem to load anything in cloud server mode this morning due to a "fatal network engine error". My internet connection seems to be working fine in all other aspects, and FG works fine as long as I stay in LAN mode.

Edit: This issue seems to have resolved itself as of 5 hours after my original post.

July 25th, 2020, 03:32
I am having connection issues today as a GM (just working on the campaign)
[7/25/2020 12:26:57 PM] FGU: v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-07-16)
[7/25/2020 12:26:57 PM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
[7/25/2020 12:26:57 PM] GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER : 5991
[7/25/2020 12:26:57 PM] USER: rpgathome
[7/25/2020 12:26:57 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[7/25/2020 12:27:07 PM] Starting cloud server mode. [rpgathome]
[7/25/2020 12:27:10 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [12787]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Failed to connect to relay server
[7/25/2020 12:27:11 PM] Fatal network engine error occurred. [Failed to connect to relay server]

Iron Templar
July 25th, 2020, 04:38
Well I'm not exactly sure if this is a connection issue or not, but I am at a loss, and I cant find info on this.

I have been running a campaign for a group of players for a little over a month now. recently (as in today) I had a player who tried to connect. He was able to get into the game, however he cannot see any information. He open the tabs and all they show nothing they are just blank. I had him try just about everything I could think of including reinstalling the program. However nothing worked. No other player had this issue save for him, and by the end of the night he had just had a bad day and went away frustrated. Has anyone experienced this? are their any solutions?

July 25th, 2020, 05:24
When he reinstalled, did he delete his FG Data folder? If not, have him delete his player cache (cache folder accessed from the folder icon of the launch screen) and then try connecting to you when he's the only player.

July 25th, 2020, 05:36
I can't seem to load anything in cloud server mode this morning due to a "fatal network engine error". My internet connection seems to be working fine in all other aspects, and FG works fine as long as I stay in LAN mode.

Same here, I cannot upload the logs atm as I am getting ready to go out (was just going to throw up the server for some players in tonight's game)

July 25th, 2020, 23:12
i'm also having problems. one of the players can't connect due to this fatal network engine error. He used to connect before last 07/16. He already deleted the whole folder, and downloaded again...

July 26th, 2020, 00:43
None of my players are able to connect today. I have an ultimate key and my players have Demo copies. We normally use LAN mode. My route is port forwarded, everyone's windows firewall is confined to let FG through via opening its default ports for TCP and UDP. No one is able to connect, it's as if there is no route when people can in fact ping my machine. Everything worked fine a week ago... Why did you change things? :/

Moon Wizard
July 26th, 2020, 18:59
As many people are having networking issues, and the fact that the 7/16 update improved connections for many people, it's expected that we will continue to work on the networking engine to try and stamp out any disconnect issues. I know we are looking at things in another thread as well. Please note that I did not change anything related to LAN networking in the 7/16 build other than incrementing the network version for updated token packets to resolve an endless networking loop related to FoW data on tokens.

Can the player connect to any other servers? Does his client show 2020-07-16 in the upper right of the launch screen? Can you get the logs from him, per original post? (Open console in upper left; and press Compile Logs button; then send the ZIP file)

There was some down time on the networking facilitation service on their Australian servers on Jul 24. Where is the GM located? Are they still having an issue?

@Iron Templar,
I haven't heard of anything like that before.
* Perhaps the player was on an older version? (should be 2020-07-16 or newer)
* Perhaps the player cache got corrupted? (can hit the folder button on launch screen, and delete cache folder before next connection to check if that's the issue)
* Can the player connect to any other GM games without issue?
* Could we get more details, including logs and a screenshot?

This is the main network issue I'm tracking down now. There's some sort of hiccup in the networking communication that can occur during play that stops communication, but doesn't trigger the disconnect event. I'm trying to work with the networking library developer to see if the current logs can help pinpoint; or whether more logging is needed to pinpoint.


July 29th, 2020, 04:42
My PC players are able to connect and stay connected. I worry that I can't help my Mac player stay connected to the point. She will disconnect and I can kick her before she rejoins. But, there are times that I've kicked her, she tries to reconnect, but I can't force her to disconnect again. So she literally has to wait 10-15 minutes before that connection times out before she can reconnect.

Some days, this might happen once in a two hour session; other days like today, it will happen every 20-30 minutes, so she's spending the majority of her playing time reconnecting. Is there a mac support thread that I can be pointed to? Or is this a recurring issue for others?

Thank you in advance,

July 29th, 2020, 04:55
Is there a mac support thread that I can be pointed to? Or is this a recurring issue for others?
This is the right thread. Not sure if or how many others have this issue.

Please post the logs from you and the player as requested in the OP. The devs can use those logs to help resolve this issue. Without the logs their is little they can do.

July 30th, 2020, 06:45
Thought I would just mention my group now playing on Wednesday evenings Uk time. Is having no issues since 2x weeks. My MAC pc player is connecting 1st time and stable. My PC players are stable.
We did have symptoms of desync on maps a few weeks back. But now stable.
If only discord was this stable.
Performance generally is very good.
Unity is really getting there.

One thing we done that made a big difference was to not play Tuesday evenings - to avoid update clashes. It would be nice to be able to choose a build number on launch maybe or auto detect GM build

July 30th, 2020, 06:47
I have to say the same. My last session using FGU was extremely good on a Mac. Smooth, snappy and no connection issues.

I hope it stays like this from here on out.

July 30th, 2020, 10:09

Only issue i faced last saturday. Player could not find em on lobby. Restarted session and first player found me in list and could connect. % min later second player came online and ocne more could not find me. and had to restart game once mor ethen it worked. Guessing temporary issue

July 31st, 2020, 02:52
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but had some more connectivity issues tonight.

Cloud hosted game with all users freshly updated. The issues started around 9pm EST, with strange issues preventing drag and drops. Then, around 9:30pm and again at 9:43pm all users lost connection to the FGU cloud server and needed to restart.

As with last time, I'll email these logs to the support email address provided in the op.

P.S. I've run three sessions between Saturday and Wednesday this week, with no issues.

Moon Wizard
July 31st, 2020, 07:04
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

@JSCHERTLER, I got your logs. I'm following up in e-mail.


August 1st, 2020, 03:57
sending now, thanks for working on this

Moon Wizard
August 1st, 2020, 05:15
@sharkey, I got your logs. Following up in e-mail.


August 1st, 2020, 13:04
One player out of 5 had a connection issue last night. Disconnected from session (twice), and had to be kicked after disconnecting so he could re-connect. He was in the same house as his father, who had no connection issues.
Campaign folder about to be emailed.
Latest version, Symbaroum ruleset, no extensions.


Edit: So the zip is too large for my email program, emailed a dropbox link to the zip.

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2020, 04:35
Did the player just have updates stop (i.e. no chat/dice/updates); or did it boot them back to launcher screen automatically?


August 2nd, 2020, 20:27

I'm receiving an error with respect to losing a connection to the relay server. This has been happening for about the last 48 to 72 hours.

August 4th, 2020, 03:53
Trouble Shooting in FGU; In regards to random player disconnects, the issues are usually something related to the 'player' or 'gm' side of things, not always FGU, or the server... , We find that usually when the troubled player tries to reconnect, they tend have trouble with the lobby in regards to re-connecting, etc... And it's often something simple or such.
Question: In the connection history, when you have already established a previous connection and session, what type of data is stored in this history? Is this history data static? Does a software client update affect the data required to connect to the previous host with the current connection history data? Does the connection history option need to be updated too when there is a software update with any potential server or hand-shaking data? Just wondering there. I have no clue if that relates or makes any difference.

The reason for this question is that "many users" have had to delete that history as a work-around and have not been able to always re-use it to establish a connection to the host. I am guessing that maybe something is not updating in the history definition settings, or IF that does not matter? i was thinking that if the GM or players are updating in between session, perhaps the older data is conflicting there too.

August 4th, 2020, 19:34
I have one player that is consistently the only person to be disconnected from my games. Oddly, he is the person closest to me geographically, and is on the same ISP as me (AT&T U-Verse). His logs are in the .zip file, mine are in the gm_Console.log.

FGU Ultimate (2020-07-16)
Windows 10 64-bit
D&D 5E
Direct IP Connection
As you'll see from the log I had quite a few extensions and modules loaded, but that was unusual, and this issue is not new.

August 4th, 2020, 20:16
Is he using a VPN, or a wireless connection>?

August 5th, 2020, 00:42
Rebooted machine
Removed community extensions.
Still get error: Game server connection was lost. Please return to launcher, and start game again.
This occurs shortly after closing the Campaign set up window.

I get this with both the GURPS and 5e rulesets.

August 5th, 2020, 02:03
Is he using a VPN, or a wireless connection>?

If this was directed at me, no. Just a wired connection direct to router, then to modem.

edit: and I am the same.

August 6th, 2020, 12:58
Since Classic essentially ceased working for us (different thread, no solution in sight), we are in the process of moving over to FGU. We briefly checked by 2 people joining for a bit and all seemed fine. Now, that I'm actually running FGU in the background (while reading/prepping), it keeps dc/ing every single time, after about 10-20min latest. "Shutting down because of fatal error: Lost connection to relay server"

FGU Ultimate / Windows 10 64-bit / D&D 5E

At first I was wondering if this is some sort of inactivity kick (in which case its way too soon because 10-20min of talking on discord while not actively rolling or anything in FGU is pretty common) but if not, it seems unplayable like this (?).

The thing making this even more critical for "us" is that we all work full time and have a rather large group, meaning we only get to play like once in 4-6 weeks and need to plan the date in advance. If everyone shows up and we cannot really play, we dont have the choice of saying "until next week"; its another 1-2 months later.

August 6th, 2020, 14:45
Valhingen - I would double check the contents of this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

If that applies to you it could be the culprit.

August 6th, 2020, 15:40
Valhingen - I would double check the contents of this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

If that applies to you it could be the culprit.

No, that shouldnt be it in my case. Even stranger, so....

Scenario 1 : I run FGU on my own PC, cloud-public and dont do anything - d/c as above after 10-20min, every time
Scenario 2 : as above but in addition, I join with PC 2 within same LAN (though I do connect via cloud, not LAN) - seems stable, at least for approx 2 hours or so, still running

Does that make sense to anyone? That you d/c if only the DM is hosting vs. one player has joined?

Moon Wizard
August 6th, 2020, 18:31
It looks like you are running in LAN mode. If so, all the connection is directly between you and player. If the player is disconnecting, I would look at some of the flood protection or QoS or other security settings on that player's machine.

@Padre Moto,
The cloud network library developer has been working on this issue in particular over the last couple weeks trying to figure out what causes it, and reducing load on the servers. Can you provide information on what city/country you are in?

I'll forward it on to the network library developer. Thanks for the additional sleuthing.


August 6th, 2020, 18:59
As per my scenario 2 above, it ran stable for 2.5 hours....then...
[8/6/2020 7:52:29 PM] [ERROR] Noble Connect [19266382]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Lost connection to relay server
[06/08/2020 19:52:29] [ERROR] Noble Connect [19266389]: Unknown exception while sending
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Will do some more testing :/

August 6th, 2020, 19:54

Country: Canada
City: I live in a rural municipal district, nearest community is Wainwright, Alberta
I use a high speed internet hub

August 6th, 2020, 23:22

After the above dced, I restarted only the DM PC - again, lost connecting approx 20-21min with same error message.
After that, started DM PC, logged into it with 2nd PC - stable for 3.5 hours and still running. This time the 2nd PC dced (~2 hrs in) but could reconnect to host.
(all scenarios fully afk, no interaction with the program)


Another day, another testing run.

Test 1 - PC1 Hosting (cloud, public), PC2 joining - running for approx 4.5 hrs until it lost connection.
Test 2 - PC1 Hosting (cloud, public), noone joining - running 9 minutes until it lost connection (10-25 min seems the norm)

August 7th, 2020, 23:14
8/7/2020 - Running FGU Unlimited Edition, D&D 5e. Players using free basic version. They cannot connect to y Lan game (worked fine last week). Tried putting it to a private cloud, and they cannot see it. Ports are forward. Any ideas?

Resolved - They had to re-enter the external IP address.

August 7th, 2020, 23:18
8/7/2020 - Running FGU Unlimited Edition, D&D 5e. Players using free basic version. They cannot connect to y Lan game (worked fine last week). Tried putting it to a private cloud, and they cannot see it. Ports are forward. Any ideas?
Please post your logs as requested in the OP.

Check your port forwarding. Routers often update internal IP addresses but your port forward will not follow/update. Make sure your connection is private. Also see the "Connections Explained" thread in the house of Healing for more ideas.

August 7th, 2020, 23:39
Did the player just have updates stop (i.e. no chat/dice/updates); or did it boot them back to launcher screen automatically?


Sorry for the delay, my player didn't see the email I sent him asking for more details, until I got him to check again tonight.
"FGU was unresponsive for a few seconds, then I was disconnected from the campaign. The log of errors window appeared and once a clicked on the 'Compose List' button and closed the window, the launcher screen automatically appeared. "

He had the same thing happen again tonight. He father was also connected using the same broadband service. This time his father also disconnected, but that appears to be different, as my console logs showed a disconnect for him, whereas the son was shown as still connected and had to be kicked. The father also got a message that something was updating, so it was probably another program that interrupted his connection. I have attached the logs from tonight to this.

Edit. Oh, and I also accidently closed Fantasy Grounds, and had to restart it at one point. So that might look a little weird in the logs.

August 9th, 2020, 13:58
My last report for now since it seems repeatable every single time.

PC 1 hosting (public, cloud, premium) - PC 2 joining - runtime without discconnect approx. 7 hrs (then I shut it down to go to bed)
PC 1 hosting (public, cloud, premium), noone joining - lost connection approx 30min later

While the overall issue of losing connection can probably have countless reasons (within FGU, my own connection whatever), there seems to be a very clear difference between hosting as DM solo (say you wait for your players) and having someone connected. Maybe whatever the reason for this is, is also affecting other disconnects (just guessing of course).

Moon Wizard
August 11th, 2020, 18:35
There was a post on the cloud network library developers Discord stating that he was a couple days out from an update that I believe should help with many of the issues reported:
"New feature coming soon: Auto reconnect if connection to a relay server is lost (including selecting a new physical relay server when necessary). No more dropped connections when users experience a connection hiccup that temporarily prevents communication with their relay server, and automatic failover if one of the relay servers experiences technical issues. The only thing that should drop a connection now is the transport layer disconnect timeout. Your application won't need to change at all, it's all automatic. To be released in the next couple days. Cheers"

Thanks again for additional checking. I've forwarded the solo timeout question to the library developer.

Thanks for additional logs. It looks like the first player logs are tied to the server being closed; and the second player logs shows the lost connection to relay server issue. I think this may be helped by above coming update.


Lou Ciphor
August 11th, 2020, 20:00
This started last week (8/6 - Thursday night) for me. Was working fine up until then. Thursday night players started reporting that they could not find me in the lobby server. After restarting the table, the quick ones were able to connect, but after about 5 minutes, no one could find me. I fired up the laptop and parked it in the lobby to monitor. Server dropped out, came back, dropped out, came back, about 3 or 4 times in the first 3-5 minutes of launching the table. After that, it never showed back up in the lobby. After several hours of trying to figure out what was happening, I left it on overnight and checked the network and server logs, and could not find any indication whatsoever that FGU ever even attempted to try to reconnect after the 3rd time.

Further testing the following day, I built a new campaign in case it was something in my campaign that got corrupted and was causing errors. Worked flawlessly as if there was never a problem to begin with. Restarted multiple times to be sure, and not a single issue. So... I set out to rebuild the module I was planning on running on Saturday again from scratch. No a single issue, and players were able to log in and roll up characters.

Next day (Saturday), relaunched the campaign to get set up for the session... and back to square one. Through the rest of the weekend, same results. Brand new from-scratch campaigns ran flawlessly. The next time they were loaded, total failure within 5 minutes of launch. I could connect to other tables just fine.

More testing. Even went as far as reinstalling FGU, reinstalling windows, blowing out firewall and rebuilding that one rule at a time. Same with Verizon FiOS router. Disabled A/V (no VPN, no proxy, etc.) and even put the system in the DMZ. The only error in the console was that "due to software on the host system" is a totally false report. WireShark shows nothing anomalous. Even happens in Safe Mode. 30-years as a network engineer and "agency" cyber expert, and I can positively conclude that this is not a network issue on my end. System specs include 2 x 8-core CPUs, 2 x GPUs, 256GB RAM, and more internal storage on 2 x RAID5 arrays than anyone could reasonably need.

Anyway, doing some more tracing and it is definitely the loading of ANY module (fresh install, so I currently have ONLY SmiteWorks content default content from the initial reinstall of FGU). As soon as I load ANYTHING, the network drops the cloud server. After the module loads, it comes back online. After the THIRD time, the system NEVER attempts to reconnect to the cloud server again.

No players connected. They never get the chance.

Link to the Logs and copy of test module sent via email.

Ruleset = 5E
Modules tested with = PHB, DMG, MM. Any 3 will cause this to happen. I was hoping to get buy with at least the core 3 for a session tonight....

Moon Wizard
August 11th, 2020, 23:46
Responded via e-mail.


August 13th, 2020, 17:03

Has anyone tried to start a campaign and had the "Network engine not ready"? Not sure how to fix this.

Thanks for any help

Moon Wizard
August 13th, 2020, 19:11
I'm surprised to see that error message. It means that the network engine objects in the program are not initialized.

* What is the make/model/specifications of your machine?
* What OS and version are you running on?
* How does the machine connect to the network? (i.e. wired, standard wifi, mobile wifi, etc.)
* Anything unique to your environment/machine that would be different than other users?


August 15th, 2020, 03:55
I've tried to play with two different groups, on several ocasions (2 times with each group), but to no avail.
As soon as everyone is connected, which takes some time, someone "crashes". By this I mean they are out of sync with everyone, and no one can see their actions and vice versa.
This happened whilst trying to play Starfinder, both with the dead suns 1 module and without any modules at all.

I am playing with a FGU Ultimate account, and my friends are trying to connect with free accounts. At one point the log gave an error, but usually it does not.

Any help?

Currently the game is not playable at all =(

edit: It takes up to 20-30 minutos to get everyone connected, because most of the time everyone gets a "could not load lobby server" or similar. Is there maybe a better way using lan (and hopefully not hamachi?)

edit2: It is really frustrating. I've already lost 4 play sessions. Any help would be apreciated.

August 15th, 2020, 04:44
I've tried to play with two different groups, on several ocasions (2 times with each group), but to no avail.
As soon as everyone is connected, which takes some time, someone "crashes". By this I mean they are out of sync with everyone, and no one can see their actions and vice versa.
This happened whilst trying to play Starfinder, both with the dead suns 1 module and without any modules at all.

I am playing with a FGU Ultimate account, and my friends are trying to connect with free accounts. At one point the log gave an error, but usually it does not.

Any help?

Currently the game is not playable at all =(

edit: It takes up to 20-30 minutos to get everyone connected, because most of the time everyone gets a "could not load lobby server" or similar. Is there maybe a better way using lan (and hopefully not hamachi?)

edit2: It is really frustrating. I've already lost 4 play sessions. Any help would be apreciated.
Have you checked this post to see if it applies? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

Have you read the OP? Can you please post the logs as requested? Instructions in the OP.

August 15th, 2020, 21:27
Hey, mail with data send. Is it easier over lan/hamachi? Are there less desynchs or similar?

August 15th, 2020, 21:39
Have you checked this post to see if it applies? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

Have you read the OP? Can you please post the logs as requested? Instructions in the OP.

It is not an isp problem, we are not from the states, and we checked that our ports were open.. I guess we could not connect, not even once, if the ports were closed..

August 15th, 2020, 23:17
"Advanced Security" goes by many names and is not limited to just the USA. Those ISPs are simple the ones that have been identified by users so far. There is also "Youth Protection" in Germany which causes similar issues (though a different technology and intent).

Correct, if the ports were closed you would not get single connections. Being able to connect once but then being disconnected or denied are traits of security software say "Hey, this is transferring too much data, maybe it's a virus or a hack and they are doing something they shouldn't. We'll turn block it now." Things other than Advance Security that do this are "Parental Controls", "QoS", "Flood Protection" and I'm sure their are many other names, especially outside the US.

You might try contacting your ISP and telling them something like, 'I have a security system with an online component and it works for awhile but then gets blocked until I restart it. Is their some security setting I'm missing?'

August 16th, 2020, 00:09
I will try that anyway, thank you for your reply.
What about lan? Or hamachi+LAN would give us the same problems?

August 16th, 2020, 00:24
I will try that anyway, thank you for your reply.
What about lan? Or hamachi+LAN would give us the same problems?
A VPN, like Hamachi, is very likely to bypass many of the security protocols, so definitely worth trying. LAN is another good choice, but without a VPN (Hamachi) requires port forwarding, which is a bit more complicated. Again, worth trying if you have the ability to port forward.

August 16th, 2020, 00:39
A VPN, like Hamachi, is very likely to bypass many of the security protocols, so definitely worth trying. LAN is another good choice, but without a VPN (Hamachi) requires port forwarding, which is a bit more complicated. Again, worth trying if you have the ability to port forward.

What do you mean exactly by LAN without VPN? Can you use a direct connection? Asuming I can forward my ports correctly?

August 16th, 2020, 03:27
What do you mean exactly by LAN without VPN? Can you use a direct connection? Asuming I can forward my ports correctly?
Yes you can direct connect in FGU. On the campaign start screen change the radio button from Cloud to LAN. Players will then need to know your public IP and you will need to have Port 1802 UDP forwarded to your host computer.

August 16th, 2020, 03:35
Yes you can direct connect in FGU. On the campaign start screen change the radio button from Cloud to LAN. Players will then need to know your public IP and you will need to have Port 1802 UDP forwarded to your host computer.

Ah, I see! This could help us out. Last question: Only I (the host) have to open my port, right? Thanks again for your replies!

August 16th, 2020, 03:59
Correct, only the host needs to have port forwarding. This post explains direct connections. It's written for FGC, but everything except the port protocol (UDP for FGU) is the same.

August 18th, 2020, 21:02
Please help! I can load campaign but no players can connect - kills server process and drops whole game when they try. Doesn't matter if public or private - tried both with same results.
Worked the last time we connected (about a month ago). I sent three compiled logs to support but would like to get this resolved as soon as possible.


August 18th, 2020, 21:21
Please help! I can load campaign but no players can connect - kills server process and drops whole game when they try. Doesn't matter if public or private - tried both with same results.
Worked the last time we connected (about a month ago). I sent three compiled logs to support but would like to get this resolved as soon as possible.

Without the logs posted here, or the error messages from them, we don't have much information to go on and can probably only tell you the most common issues.

At a minimum, info such as the host o/s, network architecture (are players on the same network or another...), is your ISP providing 'Advanced Security' or similar feature? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

August 18th, 2020, 21:36
Thanks for the response. I do not have any of the mentioned ISP providers.

What is the best way to get this info to the correct folks? As noted, I have sent compiled logs to support but have no idea how this process works in reality.

Everything is great until someone else (most likely on the same network) attempts to join the session then this is what the console looks like:
[8/18/2020 10:54:50 AM] FGU: v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-08-13)
[8/18/2020 10:54:50 AM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
[8/18/2020 10:54:50 AM] GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce GT 720 : 984
[8/18/2020 10:54:50 AM] USER: secors
[8/18/2020 10:54:50 AM] Launcher scene starting.
[8/18/2020 10:55:01 AM] Starting cloud server mode. [secors]
[8/18/2020 10:55:02 AM] Game server started. []
[8/18/2020 10:55:02 AM] Launcher scene exiting.
[8/18/2020 10:55:02 AM] Match successfully created on lobby.
[8/18/2020 10:55:02 AM] Tabletop scene starting.
[8/18/2020 10:55:02 AM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
[Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
[8/18/2020 10:55:10 AM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 8.6817848 - 5E
[8/18/2020 10:55:11 AM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0.067473 - 1
[8/18/2020 10:55:12 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 1.2966382 - 26
[8/18/2020 10:55:12 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 0.0559701
[8/18/2020 10:55:12 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.0039975
[8/18/2020 10:55:12 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.0569799
[8/18/2020 10:55:12 AM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 0.1189513
[8/18/2020 10:55:13 AM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 11.7323396
[8/18/2020 10:55:14 AM] Loaded FreeType library version 2.10.2
[8/18/2020 10:55:15 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.6591126 - D&D Basic Rules - DM
[8/18/2020 10:55:16 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.019899 - D&D Basic Rules - Players
[8/18/2020 10:55:17 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.5463784 - D&D 5E SRD Bestiary
[8/18/2020 10:55:18 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.9013037 - D&D 5E SRD Data
[8/18/2020 10:55:19 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.9282844 - D&D 5E SRD Magic Items
[8/18/2020 10:55:19 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0079978 - Default Fumble and Critical Hit Tables
[8/18/2020 10:55:19 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0769682 - FG Battle Maps
[8/18/2020 10:55:20 AM] RULESET: 5E ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
[8/18/2020 10:55:20 AM] RULESET: CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
[8/18/2020 10:55:20 AM] EXTENSION: Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded.
[8/18/2020 10:55:20 AM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 6.6696993
[8/18/2020 10:55:20 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [29984]: Fatal socket error: NetworkReset
at System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncResult.CheckIfThrowD elayedException () [0x00014] in <ae22a4e8f83c41d69684ae7f557133d9>:0
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceiveFrom (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult, System.Net.EndPoint& endPoint) [0x0003b] in <ae22a4e8f83c41d69684ae7f557133d9>:0
at NobleConnect.Stun.Controller.AsyncReceive (System.IAsyncResult result) [0x00004] in <923b98ebd1ed4bb5b23c09db09a00766>:0
[8/18/2020 10:55:23 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [32957]: Failed to bind channel on relay server: Timeout
RELAYED [[2604:a880:400:d0::1968:1]:63578] related: [DEFAULT] => HOST
[8/18/2020 10:55:23 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [32996]: Failed to bind channel on relay server: Timeout
RELAYED [[2604:a880:400:d0::1968:1]:63578] related: [DEFAULT] => HOST [fe80::54c1:90bf:822e:e0a8]:59447
[8/18/2020 10:55:23 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [33036]: Failed to bind channel on relay server: Timeout
RELAYED [[2604:a880:400:d0::1968:1]:63578] related: [DEFAULT] => SERVER_REFLEXIVE
[8/18/2020 10:55:23 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [33077]: Failed to bind channel on relay server: Timeout
RELAYED [[2604:a880:400:d0::1968:1]:63578] related: [DEFAULT] => RELAYED [[2604:a880:800:14::7:5000]:54999] [DEFAULT]
[8/18/2020 10:55:23 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [33117]: Failed to bind channel on relay server: Timeout
RELAYED [[2604:a880:400:d0::1968:1]:63578] related: [DEFAULT] => RELAYED [[2604:a880:800:14::7:5000]:54999] [DEFAULT]
[8/18/2020 10:56:53 AM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [122344]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Lost connection to relay server
[8/18/2020 10:56:53 AM] Fatal network engine error occurred. [Lost connection to relay server]
[8/18/2020 10:56:53 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Game server connection was lost. Please return to launcher, and start game again.

August 18th, 2020, 23:05
I am having the same connection error issues either by myself or trying to get others to join. Normally it happens just a few minutes into logging in. I am running a private cloud game and my players are connecting using Demo versions. I changed my campaign to make sure there are no special characters. There is only one copy of FGU - Ultimate loaded on my computer that I see. Logs updated for 08/17/2020 and a few minutes ago today 08/18/2020. Thanks for any assistance.

August 19th, 2020, 00:35
Thanks for all the help. I located the issue in that both computers trying to connect were on the exact same subnet and therefore had the same external IP. When I followed the advice under this thread and made the client connect via an internal IP address everything worked as expected.


August 21st, 2020, 15:51

I had a situation a few hours ago where first one, then within minutes, all players could no longer see chat actions or entries, not move tokens, other than locally

I'm the Ultimate licence holder 6 players were on demo licences

I hadn't read this thread before, as I'd not experienced connection issues

As a result, I didn't ask players for log files, nor took any myself

Is there any info that I can still grab that can help with this?

Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2020, 17:18
@KuriiClaw, @secors, @Naimed,
Thanks for sending in your logs via e-mail; I responded in e-mail.

FGU will only remember logs from current session plus last session; and since I assume you had to restart already at least once, the logs probably aren't there any more. To get the logs, just type /console while in tabletop mode to open the console, and there is a Compile Logs button that will pull all the log files for review. I have heard of this issue reported a few times over the last couple months; but haven't been able to get anything definitive trapped in the logs. I added a bit more information in the logs to help, once someone can get me an instance. It's preferred to get both the GM and player logs at the time it happens; since that should help pinpoint the time in the logs.


August 21st, 2020, 21:59
@Moon Wizard
Actually no. We quit at that point.

So I can get my logs later today

Do you need every players logs?

Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2020, 23:57
Just the ones who disconnect. If multiple at same time, then a single player plus GM logs should be sufficient.


August 22nd, 2020, 07:41
Just the ones who disconnect. If multiple at same time, then a single player plus GM logs should be sufficient.


Just waiting on player response

August 23rd, 2020, 18:41
We had an issue this morning where the people using the demo version could not connect to the game my friend hosted who has ultimate. I have the standard version and could connect With no issues. They got a “host not using authorized version or auth server down” message. We have played weekly most of the year with no connection issues, everyone had updated to the latest updates.

Moon Wizard
August 24th, 2020, 02:50
This means that the connection from the player machine to the www.fantasygrounds.com site to check the server license was being blocked somewhere on their machine or network; OR that the license is not valid.

Did you take out a subscription and immediately cancel? If so, as noted in the subscription page and FAQ, cancelling will immediately terminate the license. If that happened, please reach out to [email protected] for a refund.


August 24th, 2020, 10:32
This means that the connection from the player machine to the www.fantasygrounds.com site to check the server license was being blocked somewhere on their machine or network; OR that the license is not valid.

Did you take out a subscription and immediately cancel? If so, as noted in the subscription page and FAQ, cancelling will immediately terminate the license. If that happened, please reach out to [email protected] for a refund.


My friend bought his his Ult license Outright earlier in the year, we play every week With no issue until the latest update. Someone else has the same issue on the Fantasy Grounds Discord as well.

August 24th, 2020, 12:57
Just waiting on player response

Finally heard back from my player that first experienced it and another who was in the same situation a minute or so later.

Attached are the logs - Campaign Friday Night ALternate coming via email

August 24th, 2020, 17:59
My friend bought his his Ult license Outright earlier in the year, we play every week With no issue until the latest update. Someone else has the same issue on the Fantasy Grounds Discord as well.
Unfortunately 'me too' types of posts only let the devs know how wide spread an issue might be, but do not provide any actionable info to go on to resolve the issue. When possible, please include the log files as requested in the OP and like @Reg did in the post below yours. It will help the devs identify, isolate, and resolve the issues quicker. Thanks!

August 25th, 2020, 16:43
This is an issue that has been happening with Unity for over 4 months. Cant figure out the issue.

If I log into FGU and start a LAN game with username and password, if I as GM have FGU up and running for over 15 minutes nobody can log in (remote clients). They get stuck on attempting connection. I exit FGU and relaunch it, then everybody can log in. Happens every time. If one client logs in within that few minutes of me launching LAN game, then others can log in hours later, its just that first connection needs to happen a few minutes after I start LAN connection.

Maybe its something with my firewall or router. Checking if anybody else has run into this issue.

Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2020, 17:47

The latest update did not actually change anything in the network engine; so this leads me to believe some sort of network security software, router setting or ISP Advanced Security setting is blocking the connection. When the "fingerprint" of an application changes, most security software (such as Windows Defender) request that you re-allow connections.

The only strange thing is that it appears to be able to connect to the GM server, but not verify the license with our web server. Have you tried connecting to anyone else's game?


Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2020, 17:52
We're already talking in e-mail. Thanks for sending in there.

I've heard at least one other report of a similar situation; but I can't find anywhere in the code with a 15 minute timeout. I'm asking the network facilitation service developer as well, just in case there is something in their library.


Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2020, 18:22
I just set up a LAN server here; then connected from another machine on my LAN after 30 minutes without issue. So, I'm not sure if it's network/machine specific, or related to networking library. But, it's another data point.


August 25th, 2020, 18:41
I just set up a LAN server here; then connected from another machine on my LAN after 30 minutes without issue. So, I'm not sure if it's network/machine specific, or related to networking library. But, it's another data point.


The issue is not local LAN (I can also log in using another computer locally), its when I set up a LAN connection and others log in remotely.

August 25th, 2020, 22:32

The latest update did not actually change anything in the network engine; so this leads me to believe some sort of network security software, router setting or ISP Advanced Security setting is blocking the connection. When the "fingerprint" of an application changes, most security software (such as Windows Defender) request that you re-allow connections.

The only strange thing is that it appears to be able to connect to the GM server, but not verify the license with our web server. Have you tried connecting to anyone else's game?


Actually I can connect to the host perfect fine, and I have a standard license. The people using a demo copy can not. I have attached the hosts log, as well as a few people with the demo copy who could not connect. They tried late last night.

Moon Wizard
August 26th, 2020, 06:01
If you can connect within the same LAN without issue; then that seems to be that the server is running on the host machine as expected. That's as far as the LAN server mode sets things up; it doesn't try to do anything outside your host machine. Only the Cloud mode attempts to do network facilitation through punchthrough or relays. That would lead me to believe something in your layers between your host machine and your ISP is blocking after 15 minutes for some reason. I even asked the network library guys, and they said that there was nothing set up to time out like that.

Thanks for posting the logs. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in there. Can you PM your Ultimate license key to me, so I can review it in our system?


August 26th, 2020, 11:16
@moonwizard I’ll get it from my DM or have him send it to you

Moon Wizard
August 26th, 2020, 16:50

The license key that you forwarded from your DM is a cancelled subscription key. If the DM had used an older subscription key prior to the one-time purchase, they may not have entered their new license key after buying license outright. They are two different keys.


August 26th, 2020, 16:56

The license key that you forwarded from your DM is a cancelled subscription key. If the DM had used an older subscription key prior to the one-time purchase, they may not have entered their new license key after buying license outright. They are two different keys.


I will let him know, and find out.

August 27th, 2020, 10:01
Hi Guys

I get a "Wrong credentials: the realm value is incorrect" when trying to setup a cloud server game. Something goes wrong with refresh request.
It seems to happen with all my games sessions. I'm supplying logs for a simple game session with Starfinder Core Rule book loaded.

I was lucky last night to get a running session. And it was fine for 3 hours without any incidents. But when I tried again this morning with the latest build 26/8-2020 the issue was there again.

Moon Wizard
August 27th, 2020, 16:16
Try unloading as many modules as you can, so that you're only loading the module you need for your current session (Core Rules and adventure only). This should help for now.


August 27th, 2020, 22:39
If you replied to my post nothing works now. I even tried to create an empty campaign using 5E. Same issue

Received REFRESH ERROR RESPONSE [cbfe5c5cf0644f21beef7d46] (441): Wrong credentials: the realm value is incorrect
[27-08-2020 10:18:10] Noble Connect [72378]: Lost an allocation:
[27-08-2020 10:18:10] [ERROR] Noble Connect [72382]: Unhandled error: Wrong credentials: the realm value is incorrect
[27-08-2020 10:18:10] Noble Connect [72383]: Received response for unknown or already completed transaction.
[27-08-2020 10:18:10] Noble Connect [72383]: no multiplexed handler
[27-08-2020 10:18:10] [ERROR] Noble Connect [72383]: Fatal socket error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at NobleConnect.Stun.Controller.AsyncReceive (System.IAsyncResult result) [0x00125] in <923b98ebd1ed4bb5b23c09db09a00766>:0
[8/27/2020 10:18:10 AM] [ERROR] Noble Connect [72396]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Lost connection to relay server

Moon Wizard
August 27th, 2020, 23:42
Can you provide the full logs of the brand new 5E campaign when you get the error? (Using the Compile Logs button)


August 27th, 2020, 23:51
Yes of cause here it is.

Moon Wizard
August 28th, 2020, 21:34
Thanks for the logs. I didn't see anything stand out that would cause the error, so I need to circle with the network facilitation service developer. He has already provided me with a new update that I was planning on working to integrate this weekend. So, I should have a new build next week to try.


August 28th, 2020, 22:31
Nice great news.

If it helps in your debugging I got my ISP to allow me to do port forwarding and I could run everything using the LAN option. And all my custom and officials modules works. So it's only when trying to make cloud server games it fails.


Gore Nargai
August 30th, 2020, 02:19
i have a problem connecting to the dm game, i don't get any errors, just a screen that says "attempting to connect...." if i wait a little bit my connection intent crashes the server of the dm, hope someone can help me out :c.
here's my log.

September 2nd, 2020, 21:45
my friend yesterday as DM had the same issue: Received REFRESH ERROR RESPONSE [cbfe5c5cf0644f21beef7d46] (441): Wrong credentials: the realm value is incorrect
we used 3.5 only the 3.5 SRDs and pdfsrds- after starting the pc again and starting FGU it took 40 seconds after the FGU was running smoothly, then this message came and FGU shut down every time. Not able to use FGU now.
He used a handy WLAN internet connection and the public server.

Lou Ciphor
September 3rd, 2020, 22:03
[QUOTE=micaelHe used a handy WLAN internet connection and the public server.[/QUOTE]

Not sure what makes a Wireless network "handy" or how that affects performance.... ;)
But have him try using a wired ethernet connection, instead of a wireless connection. Unity has problems with wireless connections dropping frequently. Mostly unnoticed as they tend to recover before throwing any notifications to the user or disconnecting from the host/DM. But that's on the player's side. The DM should never use wireless whenever possible, until the network code is fixed between SW and the cloud hosting provider.

September 3rd, 2020, 23:33
Since today, I've been unable to start my campaign session. The launcher seems to get stuck on 'Starting Cloud Server [Grivenger]' and nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's a connection issue or whether it should be its own thread. Does anyone have any experience with this?

September 3rd, 2020, 23:37
Since today, I've been unable to start my campaign session. The launcher seems to get stuck on 'Starting Cloud Server [Grivenger]' and nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's a connection issue or whether it should be its own thread. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Having the same issue.

September 3rd, 2020, 23:47
Having the same issue.

Me too. Stuck on Starting Cloud Server [Rhenny]. It must be a bug in the newest update. I hope they fix it before Saturday night (my game night).

September 3rd, 2020, 23:58
Me too. Stuck on Starting Cloud Server [OneEyedNinja]
And I have a game in an hour !! Argg!

September 3rd, 2020, 23:59
Me too. Stuck on Starting Cloud Server [Rhenny]. It must be a bug in the newest update. I hope they fix it before Saturday night (my game night).

Yeah, same problem here. Which sucks, because I was on an hour ago. I logged off and noticed there was an update. Now I can't get on.

September 4th, 2020, 00:05
Same issue as above.

September 4th, 2020, 00:11
If it's helpful, I think I ran two updates earlier today, and was still able to connect and mess about for hours on end ... I turned 'er off around 3:30 PM EST, or thereabouts. When I spun it up again just now (around 6:50 PM EST, I'd say), it ran yet another update. Huzzah, thought I. That is the only thing that has obviously changed on "my end."

September 4th, 2020, 00:11
Now changed to "unable to check lobby server" when I'm trying to load my game (as host).

September 4th, 2020, 00:28
Same issue here. I have updated windows, disabled firewall, removed and reinstalled Fantasy grounds Unity and still continue getting same error. Is there any resolution to this as it appears to only affect a few in our group on a regular basis

Moon Wizard
September 4th, 2020, 00:32
Just rolled back the last build. Before you roll back, if you can provide your logs, that would be appreciated.

Open console using button in upper left of launch screen or /console in tabletop mode; click the Compile Logs button; and provide the resulting log files.

Also, we always recommend not updating right before a game, especially during Early Access; and letting your players know as well.


Moon Wizard
September 4th, 2020, 01:47
Just pushed a new build without the network changes, so the other fixes will get out this week.


September 4th, 2020, 07:47
Not sure what makes a Wireless network "handy" or how that affects performance.... ;)
But have him try using a wired ethernet connection, instead of a wireless connection. Unity has problems with wireless connections dropping frequently. Mostly unnoticed as they tend to recover before throwing any notifications to the user or disconnecting from the host/DM. But that's on the player's side. The DM should never use wireless whenever possible, until the network code is fixed between SW and the cloud hosting provider.

Lots of people I know don´t have access to a wired connection, because they use another router and don´t have cables inside their home or don´t own a cabled tarif at all- I don´t remember that it is required to run FGU? Where can I read that? Every software should be able to function with WIFI, too?

September 4th, 2020, 07:55
Just rolled back the last build. Before you roll back, if you can provide your logs, that would be appreciated.

Open console using button in upper left of launch screen or /console in tabletop mode; click the Compile Logs button; and provide the resulting log files.

Also, we always recommend not updating right before a game, especially during Early Access; and letting your players know as well.


We updated because the Campaign couldn´t be find on the lobby server in spite of starting it again and again fresh- after the update the campaign was found but after 40 seconds this bug was happening every time. So a roll back will not funktion because the last version was already bugged in another way. Please roll back the complete FGU to a unbugged version for all till you find a fix or provide a fix this week- otherwise lots oif campaigns can´t be started.

September 4th, 2020, 17:01
Lots of people I know don´t have access to a wired connection, because they use another router and don´t have cables inside their home or don´t own a cabled tarif at all- I don´t remember that it is required to run FGU? Where can I read that? Every software should be able to function with WIFI, too?
I think Lou was confused like I was by the way in which 'handy' was used. Rather than a convenience thing, it sounded like some sort of technical term, like 5G :)

The whole purpose of trying a wired connection is not that FG doesn't/shouldn't work with wifi, but rather a wired connection is usually more stable and faster and it helps eliminate wifi problems such as contention.

Do note, I personally recommend anyone using wifi, especially in a congested or high density area such as an apartment, get a 'wifi analyzer' app for their phone. It will allow them to set the channel of their wifi router to one that is least used in there own area. Which can greatly improve speed and stability. Yes your router will probably be set to "Auto" select the channel, but in my experience it rarely picks a good channel and it never seems to update as the environment changes.

September 5th, 2020, 01:31
Is this connection issue being resolved? I have paid client games all weekend in preparation for PAX online.

Mister Smith
September 5th, 2020, 06:10

i am also having the same connection issues. I know you would like the a copy of the logs but i am not computer savvy and couldn't work out how to either post them here or a private message. I also have no idea about roll backs and the like.

Thank you.

September 5th, 2020, 08:43
I am having issues with players joining my compaign.
Last few times we played, most time only 2 players could connect without issue, allways one player (not the same player) cant connect, having the screen "resolving host ip (or so dont know exact wording)" and the game does not start.
After lots of restart from me and players all can connect (yesterday it took us 90 minutes !).
The one who cant connect seems to be total random, its allways of of the 3 players, but rotates.

September 5th, 2020, 09:47
Having the same issue, in that when I try to host I get stuck on "Starting cloud server"

Logs show
[9/5/2020 8:38:51 PM] Starting cloud server mode. [Defenestrayte]
[9/5/2020 8:38:55 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [573964]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Failed to connect to relay server
[9/5/2020 8:38:55 PM] Fatal network engine error occurred. [Failed to connect to relay server]

>tracert connect.noblewhale.com

Tracing route to connect.noblewhale.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ultrahub.hub []
2 130 ms 13 ms 7 ms 121-74-63-254.telstraclear.net []
3 6 ms 3 ms 3 ms
4 33 ms 34 ms 35 ms
5 38 ms 39 ms 38 ms
6 39 ms 39 ms 37 ms
7 38 ms 40 ms 43 ms
8 41 ms 42 ms 42 ms
9 43 ms 42 ms 42 ms
10 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms ec2-3-104-74-180.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com []

Trace complete.

September 6th, 2020, 03:14
Connection now working after update https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54466-FGU-Early-Access-Updates&p=539742&viewfull=1#post539742 (possibly unconnected, but good anyway)

September 6th, 2020, 03:42
Same too - new update fixed it. Thanks

September 6th, 2020, 15:09
my friend yesterday as DM had the same issue: Received REFRESH ERROR RESPONSE [cbfe5c5cf0644f21beef7d46] (441): Wrong credentials: the realm value is incorrect
we used 3.5 only the 3.5 SRDs and pdfsrds- after starting the pc again and starting FGU it took 40 seconds after the FGU was running smoothly, then this message came and FGU shut down every time. Not able to use FGU now.
He used a handy WLAN internet connection and the public server.

Micael meant to say that his friend (and mine... I'm playing in the same campaign) is using an internet connection via his mobile phone (aka handy in Germany).

That realm value seems to be a part of some authentication procedure. How can it be incorrect? Perhaps because the mobile phone is inbetween? What to do to solve it?

September 6th, 2020, 15:31
Micael meant to say that his friend (and mine... I'm playing in the same campaign) is using an internet connection via his mobile phone (aka handy in Germany).

That realm value seems to be a part of some authentication procedure. How can it be incorrect? Perhaps because the mobile phone is inbetween? What to do to solve it?
Try connecting again and Compile Logs and upload the zip file to here.

September 6th, 2020, 19:28
Try connecting again and Compile Logs and upload the zip file to here.

here you are- the connection logs for the credential bug.. try to deinstall and install again- same bug again after 40 seconds hosting a campaign over the global server, the bug comes and FGU times out. Not able to hist a camoaign any more.
No difference with private server and LAN is not possible becuase I can´t set portforwarding (no control over router).

September 6th, 2020, 20:03
The GM managed to get the connection to the cloud server working for a few min but then it crashed and same error come again as posted by micael over. When starting the game in LAN modus the GM can start the game with no problem. Problem is we can not play as he has a mobile conection and can not port forward from it.

September 6th, 2020, 20:07
here you are- the connection logs for the credential bug.. try to deinstall and install again- same bug again after 40 seconds hosting a campaign over the global server, the bug comes and FGU times out. Not able to hist a camoaign any more.
No difference with private server and LAN is not possible becuase I can´t set portforwarding (no control over router).
Others have reported a similar issue when the player was using Windows 7. What o/s is your player using? (Note, Win 7 is not supported)

September 6th, 2020, 20:07
The GM managed to get the connection to the cloud server working for a few min but then it crashed and same error come again as posted by micael over. When starting the game in LAN modus the GM can start the game with no problem. Problem is we can not play as he has a mobile conection and can not port forward from it.
Can you post the logs as requested in the op please?

September 7th, 2020, 02:48
As of today, the most current 09/05/2020 update has been installed. I am running on Windows 10 and using a private FGU-Ultimate cloud server. At first, I was the only one connected creating campaign content and learning about FGU. Rare times I encounter no connection issues for hours on end thinking the issue has been resolved. Then the rest of the time I am losing connections more frequently within 10-15 minutes. I've already jumped through multiple hoops trying to make sure FGU is able to get through my firewall in case that was the issue. Tonight's error logs look different from the previous ones I have provided in the past to JPG via post or direct email. Attached are the most recent logs as of 09/06/2020 8:00 PM CST. I understand the product is still in BETA, but I expect to at least have a stable connection to enjoy my purchases (FGU, source books, etc.) with my players.

September 7th, 2020, 02:57

Returned from holidays and hoped the issue had been successfully resolved.

Hopefully there will be a permanent fix forthcoming.

September 7th, 2020, 06:48
Rare times I encounter no connection issues for hours on end thinking the issue has been resolved. Then the rest of the time I am losing connections more frequently within 10-15 minutes.
Who is your ISP?

September 7th, 2020, 09:18
Happens most times 2 times in a 4 hour session:
[07.09.2020 10:15:33] Noble Connect [1503039]: Lost an allocation: 2003:d4:cf08:3500:d851:a02e:4bef:159
[9/7/2020 10:15:33 AM] [ERROR] Noble Connect [1503046]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Lost connection to relay server

My network is stable, no other con losts when losing FGU connection.
I am located in germany, provider is 1&1

September 7th, 2020, 13:49
Can you post the logs as requested in the op please?

its already posted with my last response in the thread,,

September 7th, 2020, 17:06
Who is your ISP?

AT&T is my provider

September 7th, 2020, 17:10
AT&T is my provider
Do they provide an "Advanced Security" or other web-based security portal for your account? A lot of the US ISPs do, but some of them call it by different names. More info here; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

September 7th, 2020, 18:59
Others have reported a similar issue when the player was using Windows 7. What o/s is your player using? (Note, Win 7 is not supported)

he is using windows 10

September 7th, 2020, 21:15
Do they provide an "Advanced Security" or other web-based security portal for your account? A lot of the US ISPs do, but some of them call it by different names. More info here; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

After following the instructions, I did not see any unauthorized threats on the device I use. I did verify both LAN and Firewall that FGU port 1802 is allowed.

September 8th, 2020, 00:31
KuriiClaw, FGU requires UDP port 1802, not TCP.

edit: The FGU wiki for LAN connections STILL points to the FGC wiki on port forwarding. This is going to continue to be a point of confusion until that is fixed.

Zygmunt Molotch
September 9th, 2020, 08:00
I get infinite hangs at
"starting cloud server mode"

as GM,

router port forwarding is set to 1802 UDP before anyone asks ;-)

it seems that the cloud server is blocking my ip

I can host it locally, but I'm 95% sure this functionality will be removed in the future :D

September 9th, 2020, 15:57
I get infinite hangs at Starting cloud server mode as GM, router port forwarding is set to 1802 UDP

it seems that whatever host of the cloud server thing is blocking my ip

I can host it locally, but I'm sure this functionality will be removed in the future :D
Cloud brokered connections do not use port 1802. They use a unique number assigned by the cloud server.

Please see the OP as to how to collect and post the log files.

September 9th, 2020, 16:25
Others have reported a similar issue when the player was using Windows 7. What o/s is your player using? (Note, Win 7 is not supported)

Can you please respond, if there is another solution or what is your plan? Your last update is blowing up our whole Fantasyweekend- our GM has even configurated a new laptop with windows 10 using lots of his precious hours instead of preparing his game and inspite of this he gets "the credential bug" as soon as he is connecting to the public serve for a time- sometimes it takes longer, sometimes the connection is cut immediatly... is there a special connection to a licenceserver needed or what kind of bug is that? Cnan´t you provide an older version from FGU for us to donwload and roll back a few weeks? Did you find anything in the logs?

September 9th, 2020, 16:31
On his new laptop after he put in the license number there is happening nothing

September 9th, 2020, 21:20

September 9th, 2020, 22:00
Can you please respond, if there is another solution or what is your plan? Your last update is blowing up our whole Fantasyweekend- our GM has even configurated a new laptop with windows 10 using lots of his precious hours instead of preparing his game and inspite of this he gets "the credential bug" as soon as he is connecting to the public serve for a time- sometimes it takes longer, sometimes the connection is cut immediatly... is there a special connection to a licenceserver needed or what kind of bug is that? Cnan´t you provide an older version from FGU for us to donwload and roll back a few weeks? Did you find anything in the logs?
First, I'm just a user who's trying to help. I'm not a developer or SmiteWorks Employee. So "I" can't do much of any of that, can only help you trouble shoot and try things that have worked for others.

I know there were several updated with the networking with last being Sept 3rd. I'm assuming everyone is on that and a visual check of the date code has been performed and not just an assumption that if the update button isn't red then it's updated? And that everyone is on FGU and not a mix of FGU and FGC?

There are a couple of different server urls that get contacted, but I can not remember them all. One is; patch.fantasygrounds.com

And you checked all security software? And that computers on the GMs internal network are using the internal IP address and not the cloud system?

In the program Settings (from launch screen) there is the option to use "PREV" channel which will use a previous build of FGU. But everyone has to do this, and all the campaign data has to be copied to the new location (data is intentionally segregated to prevent corruption).

I know you've probably already gone through and posted lots of that info. But I don't have time right now to dig in further. You can always reach out to support directly at [email protected]

September 10th, 2020, 05:49
For what it's worth, I used a VPN and played with two players for well over an hour tonight and there were no connection issues. Players didn't experience any connection issues.

Not sure what the VPN does that corrected the situation for me versus when I initially hosted a game without using VPN and didn't receive the connection error.

September 10th, 2020, 13:17
For what it's worth, I used a VPN and played with two players for well over an hour tonight and there were no connection issues. Players didn't experience any connection issues.

Not sure what the VPN does that corrected the situation for me versus when I initially hosted a game without using VPN and didn't receive the connection error.

What VPN Software do you use? It is free?

September 10th, 2020, 13:22
First, I'm just a user who's trying to help. I'm not a developer or SmiteWorks Employee. So "I" can't do much of any of that, can only help you trouble shoot and try things that have worked for others.

I know there were several updated with the networking with last being Sept 3rd. I'm assuming everyone is on that and a visual check of the date code has been performed and not just an assumption that if the update button isn't red then it's updated? And that everyone is on FGU and not a mix of FGU and FGC?

There are a couple of different server urls that get contacted, but I can not remember them all. One is; patch.fantasygrounds.com

And you checked all security software? And that computers on the GMs internal network are using the internal IP address and not the cloud system?

In the program Settings (from launch screen) there is the option to use "PREV" channel which will use a previous build of FGU. But everyone has to do this, and all the campaign data has to be copied to the new location (data is intentionally segregated to prevent corruption).

I know you've probably already gone through and posted lots of that info. But I don't have time right now to dig in further. You can always reach out to support directly at [email protected]

not sure how to use the prev option- date of the build is also not clear- can I choose between older builds?

September 10th, 2020, 15:35
What VPN Software do you use? It is free?

I use Nord VPN, and it is subscription based.

Hopefully FGU can rectify what's happening. I don't think one must needs be a tech-guru in order to play a virtual table top game, especially if we have paid for the service. However, as it is still in Beta, those bugs will continue to be worked out.

September 10th, 2020, 17:50
not sure how to use the prev option- date of the build is also not clear- can I choose between older builds?
First, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Backup all your data first in case you have to re-install.

Second, from the FG launch screen chose Settings > Advanced > Build Channel

No you can not chose what build you go back to. It will be whatever build the devs want in that channel. Normally it is one update prior, but I do remember a mention once that in a given case it was the same as Live because they rolled back the Live channel.

NOTE, this does not mean it is the build you had previously on YOUR computer. It means it is a prior build that the devs have staged on the update server!

Note that my understanding is that all data is stored separately in the different channels. So you will have to copy your campaign to a new data folder/sub-folder. No, I do not know the path to it. AND when you go back to the Live channel, you will have to copy your campaign data back to the correct place.

Rusty Kneecap
September 12th, 2020, 08:13
I have two players that cant log into my unity server. Everyone else is fine. We have run updates and uncheck extensions. These players are in India and Hong Kong. No problems with them connecting to my classic server. Any suggestions on trouble shooting this? They get stuck on: "attempting to resolve connection"

September 12th, 2020, 17:33
I have two players that cant log into my unity server. Everyone else is fine. We have run updates and uncheck extensions. These players are in India and Hong Kong. No problems with them connecting to my classic server. Any suggestions on trouble shooting this? They get stuck on: "attempting to resolve connection"
Please have them collect their logs (instructions in OP) and post on here with this info.

September 13th, 2020, 07:02
Hi I just got FGU ultimate on Steam yesterday. Two of my players who have the demo version of FGU can't login to my cloud game. We tried LAN as well since we were using zerotier as our virtual LAN for our FG Classic game but no success on LAN FG unity. We all have the same version v4.0 (2020-09-03) difference is i have the "ultimate" and they have "free". They all get the same message takes time in "attempting to resolve connection" and then gives them this message after "Shutting down because of a fatal error: Failed to connect to relay server".

Moon Wizard
September 14th, 2020, 17:55
@Rusty Kneecap,
There was a specific issue with the East Asian servers provided by the network facilitation service we contract with earlier on the weekend that was fixed on Sunday morning (US Pacific time). We had a few reports of people having problems connecting in that part of the world; and it's working again for those that responded back.

This may be related to the same issue that I responded to Rusty Kneecap for. It looks like it may have been the same issue from the logs. Can you try the connection again?

Thanks for all the logs. We are tracking a couple issues on the networking that we haven't been able to get resolution for yet. We have received a new version of network facilitation library a couple times that we tried to include in new builds, but had to roll back due to compatibility issues with certain network types. We've just recently gotten more access to the client side code from the network facilitation service we use, so we can dgi in more deeply. We also have a new developer (smelton) that has joined our team a couple weeks ago that is helping dig into the code and the issues. This is still a work in progress.


September 16th, 2020, 22:01
I could not see this issue has been reported.

My group of six upgraded to FGU recently. Got Lan working as we want after shakey start. 2 or 3 player drop in to try out the new features in different trial sessions. So far so good.

When we all get together at the weekend, it is ine early doors when we have 2 or 3 messing in a map, but when the player count increases we run into the bugs previously reported in term of character artifacts, player not being able to control their players etc. This seems worse when the fog of war is enabled but still persists without. We've fallen back to FGC for now but next session will try again and send logs. Hope this information helps

September 17th, 2020, 01:08
I seem to be having a similar issue to one of the recent posters. Credentials bug. Here are my logs. Any update on this one?

Moon Wizard
September 17th, 2020, 02:15
The LAN server mode requires the GM to set up their own connections and port forwarding. That's why we offer the Cloud server mode in FGU; and what this thread is primarily to address.
Any other issues should be posted in a new thread. Re-sharing of images will cause duplicates right now; and will be fixed in next release build. (Close and re-open image window as workaround.)

Thanks for your logs. This is one of the primary networking issues we're currently working on. We will soon have a new release build that we think will help with this issue.


September 19th, 2020, 10:28
Had connection issue for the previous two weeks of playing where players would drop out and have to be kicked to reconnect, but last night's session went perfectly network wise. Fixes seem to have worked, for my group at least.

September 23rd, 2020, 21:44
I'm never able to join any games, until suddenly the game lets me in. I try for hours, stalling on that "attempting resolved connection" screen, canceling and restarting the join attempt, uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing works. Some nights I can't get in at all. I don't know anything about computers, but so far my experience with this platform has been overwhelmingly negative. I don't even know where to start to fix this thing. All of the advice I've seen has been way over my head.

September 23rd, 2020, 22:59
I'm never able to join any games, until suddenly the game lets me in. I try for hours, stalling on that "attempting resolved connection" screen, canceling and restarting the join attempt, uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing works. Some nights I can't get in at all. I don't know anything about computers, but so far my experience with this platform has been overwhelmingly negative. I don't even know where to start to fix this thing. All of the advice I've seen has been way over my head.
Please post your logs. See the OP for instructions on how to do this. If you need more help to get them, let us know.

Also, do you have one of these ISPs (internet providers)? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

September 23rd, 2020, 23:34
I'm not sure if I did this right, but here are the logs.

Moon Wizard
September 25th, 2020, 02:20
For anyone that was still having connection issues; we just released a new release build of FGU with an updated network library we got from the network brokering service we use. Steven spent a bunch of time investigating the specific scenarios that we face that their other developers don't see. We think that the updated library will address many of the connection issues; but we want to keep getting logs if you run into errors. Make sure to grab the logs immediately when the issue happens. (Instructions in the first post.)


September 26th, 2020, 00:51
I can't connect to the servers after this last update. Here's my log (I'm sending by email too)

Moon Wizard
September 26th, 2020, 01:30
It looks like something may be blocking access to lobby.fantasygrounds.com. Can you double check your firewall (i.e. Windows Defender) to make sure that any reference to FantasyGrounds.exe is allowed to access the Internet? (Sometimes new versions trigger a new network record/request.)


September 26th, 2020, 15:02
After the latest update none of my players are able to join my LAN game with portforwarding, Here are the logs from one of my players.
I have checked windows defender and nothing is blocked, I disabled antivirus and double-checked my ports are correct, (UDP-1802)
Cloud servers worked for tonights game but I would like to get LAN back up and working.

September 26th, 2020, 18:44
If your players can't connect to you then the problem is on your end - so it is your log files that are required. All the player logs show is that they attempted to connect and then cancelled the attempt.

Commonly the reasons why connections will stop working are that your network has changed to Public, your computer's IP address has changed and thus nullifying your Port Forward rule, or your anti virus is interfering with Fantasy Grounds. Also if your ISP is one of these that's another likely cause. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

September 26th, 2020, 20:07
Hi, I'm trying to set up a new campaign, and one of my players is unable to connect. They get stuck on the fantasy grounds loading screen. I have another player who has connected, so it seems specific to him. Some support would be appreciated.

Moon Wizard
September 26th, 2020, 23:19
Can you have your player type "cmd" in the Windows search bar, press Enter, then in the command prompt, run this command "ping us-east.connect.noblewhale.com"?

It looks like something is blocking the ability of their machine to get to that server (owned by the network facilitation service we use); or to *.noblewhale.com in general.


September 28th, 2020, 00:16
I have been having a ton of connection issues with my players since the last update. We can't seem to get a session going. I was on with one player for over 2 hours, but it never lasts more than a couple minutes without crashing when we have more people. Here are a couple of the logs.

UPDATE: It appears to just be a problem with one my players who causes it to crash whenever he connects, but it never gets to the point where he can grab logs...

Moon Wizard
September 28th, 2020, 04:00
I've forwarded on to Steven to take a look to see if he can see anything.

From my experience, the NetworkReset usually indicates that a connection was dropped or blocked. So, perhaps something might be forcing the connection closed between you guys, such as firewall or router settings. We'll see if Steven has any other ideas from the logs; or has some questions that could help get more info.


September 29th, 2020, 05:27
Hi, I'm trying to set up a new campaign, and one of my players is unable to connect. They get stuck on the fantasy grounds loading screen. I have another player who has connected, so it seems specific to him. Some support would be appreciated.

It looks like from the player logs they might have had some internet connectivity problems ... according to the logs they first lost connection to the relay server, and when it tried to reconnect, it was unable to resolve DNS. But I don't think that is why they got stuck on the loading screen. There is an error message in the player's log file indicating the LUA DLL is missing. I would suggest adding exceptions in the anti-virus software for the FGU installation directory, making sure the user has write permissions on that directory and reinstalling FGU. Once that has been done, setup another game and have them try to reconnect.

September 29th, 2020, 05:41
I have been having a ton of connection issues with my players since the last update. We can't seem to get a session going. I was on with one player for over 2 hours, but it never lasts more than a couple minutes without crashing when we have more people. Here are a couple of the logs.

UPDATE: It appears to just be a problem with one my players who causes it to crash whenever he connects, but it never gets to the point where he can grab logs...

If you could get us the player's logs it would be helpful. Have them try to reconnect and after it fails, restart FGU then click the button in the upper left corner (the one with the four horizontal lines). Once the console opens click the compile logs button and send us the zip file. It will include the logs for the previous session.

September 29th, 2020, 18:29
If you could get us the player's logs it would be helpful. Have them try to reconnect and after it fails, restart FGU then click the button in the upper left corner (the one with the four horizontal lines). Once the console opens click the compile logs button and send us the zip file. It will include the logs for the previous session.

Update: The player is still unable to connect to my game, my other 5 players still have no issues connecting to my game. The player in question was able to connect to other random peoples games, just not mine... Below are logs from both our attempts today.

September 30th, 2020, 22:34
Back again, for my weekly 3+ hour struggle trying to get logged into this crappy piece of software. As usual, I'm getting the "Attempting resolved connection to server" message forever. I tried looking for a fix last week, and the week before, and there has been no improvement of any kind. Is this normal? Does this happen to everyone? Why do people find this enjoyable?

September 30th, 2020, 23:11
Back again, for my weekly 3+ hour struggle trying to get logged into this crappy piece of software. As usual, I'm getting the "Attempting resolved connection to server" message forever. I tried looking for a fix last week, and the week before, and there has been no improvement of any kind. Is this normal? Does this happen to everyone? Why do people find this enjoyable?

Please attach your log files and I'll take a look. To get those click the button (with the four horizontal lines) in the upper left corner and then click compile logs. That will drop a zip file on your desktop. Thanks.

September 30th, 2020, 23:21
Hope this helps.

October 1st, 2020, 01:27
Hope this helps.

Would you be able to jump on Discord (DM me at smelton#0068) to do some troubleshooting in real-time? If not, can you check to see if you have an external IPv4 address (it should be listed at the bottom of the Join Campaign screen)?

Zygmunt Molotch
October 1st, 2020, 08:07
Hope this helps.

the first line of your logs is FGU "FREE", not Ultimate, so this maybe a silly question, but...

are you attempting to join a game, or host one? if the latter, you cant

if you've got someone's server address and are attempting to join that, then yeah, that's odd :D

October 1st, 2020, 12:33
I have the same issue with one of my players.
The others can connect and create characters, but whenever this particular user connects, my network resets.
the user reaches the cloud-servers and sends an invite to me for joining and we get a timeout issue and my network resets

Here are the logs of multiple attempts,
in two of these instances another user logs in before him
I do have a suspicion that there is an issue on my users network. it is not a work-computer, but in windows firewall there is a domain network, not just private and public
while looking through the logs we noticed that our times did not match, he is unable to set the computers clock from the internet, so there are issues for him to connect there.

but still... he reaches the cloudservers and so on, you can see the logs

October 1st, 2020, 13:27
We managed to get it to work by him skipping his local router, and connecting directly into his isp's socket
so there are some local router settings blocking him.
I am hoping though that you might have some suggestions as to what settings should be configured in his router

one more thing, it worked just fine to use his router connecting to FG Classic

October 5th, 2020, 17:03
I have a development build of a DLL file that you can drop in and test if you would like. Just DM me on Discord and I will send it over to you.

October 8th, 2020, 23:36
We've had problems for a few weeks. We had no problem for a long time using FGU but, three times in the last month, we've been unable to get them to connect or remain connected if they happened to get in.

October 9th, 2020, 01:43
I've also had this issue with getting stuck on "attempting resolved connection to server". I've been able to join random others' games, or get to their password. But once I get to the game I actually want to join I'm stuck on the attempt. I get the same problem on 2 different computers, one from a free account and another from an ultimate account. The Gadgetwolf game is the one I'm actually trying to join to play. 4005740058

Moon Wizard
October 9th, 2020, 03:21

Could we please get the GM and player logs when the connection fails?

Also, the new version I just pushed for FGU (2020-10-08) may help, but we won't know for sure until we see both logs or hear that it does help.


October 11th, 2020, 20:32
Hi, having issues with connectivity.
We can connect to the session but then have to wait for ages to get our character sheets and any modules.
Sometimes it takes 5 mins.. sometime it just never happens. Other players joining the same session don't seem to have any issues.
Will email logs.

October 15th, 2020, 19:16
When I run classic, I have to use a vpn and have players connect to the VPN's assigned IP address. Apparently I have to use the same setup with Unity, using a VPN and LAN connection. But I have two players who live in the same household who can't connect. I am wondering if them being on the same network is causing a problem because I don't have a problem with any other player connecting this way. Has there been any reports of players on the same network not being able to connect?


Moon Wizard
October 15th, 2020, 22:24
If you are using a VPN, then that creates an additional complication.

Have you tried using the Cloud connection option? That should be figuring out the best path automatically for LAN or WAN connections.


October 15th, 2020, 23:25
We tried again last night. They could connect to my server for a bit but then they would get kicked out. I wasn't losing any connection---our discord voice server was fine. We'd been fine for quite awhile on FG but now it's just not working for us. I'm attaching the logs from last night

Moon Wizard
October 16th, 2020, 02:27
At least one person was running the wrong version (squirrelatwar), some of the logs were empty as if the program had been restarted a couple times (godfatherbrak/Palimpset). From the logs that looked like they happened during the actual disconnect event (only player logs available), it appears that once the GM server went down, then the players were kicked as expected.

We're getting ready to push a new build this evening that makes it so that the GM machine and player machines will stay connected and online, even if they lose access to the network facilitation service for some reason. (A lost network facilitation connection will prevent new players from joining; but the upcoming change will allow everyone to stay connected and online while the GM machine attempts to reconnect to the service.)

After the update, if you are still seeing the issue, please capture the logs immediately when the event happens, so that we can make sure to get the immediate data relevant to the disconnect.

Also, double check that you do not have any Advanced Security features from your Internet provider that require authorization of external incoming connections; as well as any router or security software settings that may throttle traffic when it sees bursts (quality of service, ad blocking, parental control, etc.)


October 16th, 2020, 08:28
If you are using a VPN, then that creates an additional complication.

Have you tried using the Cloud connection option? That should be figuring out the best path automatically for LAN or WAN connections.


Yes, I tried tonight with players that can connect via my LAN connection, and for whatever reason, they can not find my game to connect to via Cloud. (do you need anything in the way of Logs? Or is this something you are already aware of and working on?) The two players who live in the same house were able to connect at the same time, but it was only for a short while (like a minute), and I had players that connected just fine last week, but couldn't connect this week. So I am thinking it is FGU as opposed to connection problems with either party. After we messed with trying to connect for about 45 minutes of game time, we went back to using FGC and didn't have any problems.


Moon Wizard
October 16th, 2020, 14:53
How are the LAN users connecting to your campaign with Cloud mode on?
They should still be using the Join Cloud Game option and using your FG user name; just like external users. (Not the Join LAN game option.)


October 16th, 2020, 15:34
How are the LAN users connecting to your campaign with Cloud mode on?
They should still be using the Join Cloud Game option and using your FG user name; just like external users. (Not the Join LAN game option.)


They connect via the LAN option, from the lobby. We have tried both public and private, using my GM name and my IP address. Since it has never found my game from the Cloud lobby, but they (mostly) connect right up using the LAN I haven't explored trying to figure out if there is a way to connect from the cloud lobby. I should also point out that I live in rural Texas and my internet connection is very close to still living in 1999 (lol). All my players can connect to my game (via LAN), I just haven't been able to get them all connected at the same time. If you have time and want to see what I'm talking about, we can see if you can connect to my board in FGcollege. Just shoot me a message here or my discord name is Badger#7622

October 16th, 2020, 16:39
Well Zacheuss and Kelrugem on FGcollege was helping out with this connection issue and as it turns out .... I'm an idiot :D I didn't know that when it says GM name that it wanted my FG forum name and not the name you choose for chat on FGU. This just goes to show you that it is probably a good idea to actually read the instructions, cause it most certainly helps you keep your hair a little longer (lol)

So, now that players can find me on the cloud, I'll gather my players sometime today and see if they can all connect and hopefully these previous issues will be resolved. I will let you know how it all goes in a few hours


October 17th, 2020, 06:53
Okay, been having this issue for near 4 weeks now and I would love some help. Out of 3 players in one game and 5 in another, 1 cannot connect (one of the 3 person game). This is the log I'm getting.

[10/16/2020 10:48:35 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [132493]: Fatal socket exception: Interrupted
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.EndPoint& remoteEP) [0x0003e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at NobleConnect.Peer.ReceiveFromApplication (NobleConnect.Bridge bridge, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, NobleConnect.PaddedBuffer buffer) [0x00031] in <e6c765ec0d35488c9ddcbe6425a26e20>:0
[10/16/2020 10:48:35 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [132493]: Fatal socket exception: Interrupted
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.EndPoint& remoteEP) [0x0003e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at NobleConnect.Peer.ReceiveFromApplication (NobleConnect.Bridge bridge, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, NobleConnect.PaddedBuffer buffer) [0x00031] in <e6c765ec0d35488c9ddcbe6425a26e20>:0

Player does not use antivirus, uses the same isp as another player who does not have issue. Is an issue with cloud and with LAN.

October 17th, 2020, 11:30
Thanks for the help! just to let you know, everyone was able to connect up via cloud and didn't really have any connectivity issues once everyone connected up. We did run across a few bugs, but overall was impressed with how well Unity did. I can't wait until they get all the goodies working :D

Again thanks for your time!!


October 18th, 2020, 15:34
Yesterday, I started a character creation session for a few members of the group. Using cloud for connectivity. One user, Vairgrim, got dropped a couple of times. I'm attaching the logs we got. I have two logs from him, one after each reconnect once we started tracking.

Moon Wizard
October 19th, 2020, 06:58
It looks like the connection was blocked/disrupted in between your machines; especially since the player had established a direct connection to the GM machine according to the cloud facilitation server.

Try checking to see if the player, Vairgrim, uses an ISP that does the Advanced Security option that can block external connections. Or see if they have any security settings on their security/firewall software that might block applications (especially with high traffic like when initial connections made) or maybe on their router as well.


October 19th, 2020, 10:14
Yesterday, I started a character creation session for a few members of the group. Using cloud for connectivity. One user, Vairgrim, got dropped a couple of times. I'm attaching the logs we got. I have two logs from him, one after each reconnect once we started tracking.
Check the advanced security feature used by Comcast and other ISPs. Info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53461-Comcast-XFinity-Cox-and-Shaw-Communications-Users-Important

Check on the GM side first.

October 20th, 2020, 12:03
Hi not sure if this is a connectivity issue or general performance issue tbh but perhaps I need help in troubleshooting further. Have been running FGC with 5 remote players, mostly without a hitch on a mix of windows and linux player PCs and a fairly well specced W10 machine as host via portforwarding, but decided last night to take a plunge and switch to unity. Copy and paste operations of the old campaign data seemed to work surprisingly well apart from some broken links to things like edges and hindrances on character sheets (running SW DLR) and nearly all my sound triggers were missing from Celestian's audiooverseer extension. I'll research separately and I don't think related to major issue we had.
Ran as a private cloud session with players connecting via lobby. Initial wait to join game of several minutes was expected, and actually I think faster than we previously experienced under FGC but then the recurring issue started. Roughly every 6mins, the FGU program on my host machine would become unresponsive with the windows 10 blue circle spinning for what seemed like forever but actually was somewhere just over a minute. It didn't noticeably happen in response to any specific action I took as a GM and I could otherwise continue to operate my computer normally throughout. Oddly the players were in most cases able to continue to make rolls, move characters around on maps etc on their local PC but the changes obviously didnt become visible to the GM or rest of the group until the blue circle stopped spinning on my host PC. Tolerable perhaps as an occasional glitch, however it did it repeatedly throughout the entire session, making running a supposedly fast paced combat a traumatic experience to say the least. I don't think it was an internet speed issue for any of us as we were communicating over Hangouts the entire time, and Windows Taskmanager indicated nothing was maxed out on my PC or even close, while the blue circle was doing its thing.
I did have one player struggling to join for much of the session as he seemed to be having difficulty getting his login to work under FGU and eventually resorted to doing a complete reinstall of FGU on his PC, but I don't think it could have been his attempts to join that was causing the issue, as when he finally did manage to join, the blue circle activity/annoyance continued to occur at seemingly the same regular intervals.
Any ideas where I can go from here?
I can't believe everyone using FGU at present is having this same performance issue or no-one would be even trying to run a game so I have to believe it was a specific issue with my set up but where to look? Otherwise seems we will be heading back to FGC for next week's session and the forseeable future- very disappointing for the whole group as a first experience of running FGU I'm afraid...

October 20th, 2020, 15:11
Besides the core book, what else do you have shared or active during your sessions? Does your machine or any of your players meet the suggested specs? Do you have an disk maintenance tools, or any aggressive anti-virus programs running? Usually, I get the blue circle if I have way too much content and I am doing a search in the library. Definition of too much content, in my case, too many TOKENS, MAPS, assets, and extensions. Try running with no extensions forst, and then go from there. If you have not already, clean up your assets and any third party content. Even though FGC can handle larger files, it cannot push more files than we have bandwidth to players. There are so many potential issues this could be, such as a scattered hard drive, an active anti-virus program, WIRELESS connections are often troublesome too.

October 20th, 2020, 15:24
Can you try and host the same game with no players, and let me know if the issue persists?
If it does, can you try hosting the Sample 5E Campaign, to see if you experience the same issue?

October 20th, 2020, 18:37
While I have no issues running FGU using the installer in the first post, I do note that when trying to install via Steam it still comes up with an error (in Steam)


This matters not to me but let me know what I can do to get it working - Manjaro Linux is my distribution.

OOPS - wrong location - reposting to correct place.

October 20th, 2020, 23:23
Thanks for the tips Laerun and Smelton. Tried running with no players connected and same behaviour happened about 6m into game loading as I was just flicking through combat tracker but not doing anything else. I've fired up the 5e sampler and no such issues at all, so perhaps it might be something to do with my broken links or an extension after all. My sound links for AO were in a module which doesnt seem to have copied across so will fix that for starters. At least I know I can test it without my players sitting around whistling now so thats great- would be nice to try and stick with FGU if we can, now we've taken the leap!

October 21st, 2020, 00:19
I was talking with Moon Wizard about your issue this morning and he mentioned the campaign auto-save feature runs every 5 minutes.. it could be related. Would you mind zipping up your campaign and sending it over to me so I can try to replicate the issue?

October 22nd, 2020, 00:01
Could well be onto something around flabby campaign data especially as its a long running campaign I copied and pasted across from FGC. It took an age to zip the whole thing up into a mod file. It might be helpful to know if I can safely delete any bits manually- like old db.session files of which there are several for instance, and what is actually getting backed up every 5mins. I'm on an SSD though so even flabby campaigns should get backed up pretty quick I would have thought on my system unless its zipping stuff up every time??
Have pm'ed you a gdrive link as file too large to send otherwise. Let me know if you have any access issues or need anything different. Thanks for your time.

One further observation- shutting down FG takes about the same length of time re the unresponsiveness- just under a couple of minutes. HDD activity not showing any significant activity levels but CPU "spikes" from around 20% utilisation to 34% in taskmanager with FG showing as "unresponsive", on a 4 core i5-6600K

October 22nd, 2020, 00:29
Worked fine for me on Sunday with another group.

Today, we tried to play and they'd connect and then get disconnect. I would get a "disconnected from cloud" message and then would go back on.

October 24th, 2020, 13:14
Are we any further towards investigating my issue possibly due to the autosave feature? Would it be possible to manually disable autosave during a game session firstly to see if it is the issue and secondly as a fix until I can work out what bits I need to trim from the campaign to stop the delay?

Should I be moving this to another thread as it doesn't seem like its a connectivity issue?

Moon Wizard
October 24th, 2020, 21:25
We just released a version on Thursday night that handles some network reset events better that may help your situation. It sounds like your network settings are potentially failing over from one network to another. Do you have multiple networks setup and running on the GM machine, or VPNs?

It's not a connectivity issue; so should definitely be in it's own thread. It sounds like you may have a lot of data in the system and/or extensions that may be slowing down everything. Have you tried turning off all the extensions for the campaign?


October 24th, 2020, 23:07
I have been having problems disconnecting in the middle of a game. The error message is Fatal Socket Exception:

Client side disconnect timeout
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[10/24/2020 2:52:15 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [1680082]: Fatal socket exception: Interrupted
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.EndPoint& remoteEP) [0x0003e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at NobleConnect.Peer.ReceiveFromApplication (NobleConnect.Bridge bridge, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, NobleConnect.PaddedBuffer buffer) [0x00031] in <7c522bf7329a44f380b14d0e9e8f0dbd>:0

i will email log files to Support

Moon Wizard
October 26th, 2020, 15:47
smelton has been busy rewriting the client library; and the Interrupted warning/error is a hold-over that gets triggered on any disconnect currently (including valid ones). We've talked about removing that log entry as an error; since it's now part of normal expected behavior when a connection ends (whether deliberately or due to network conditions).

We've gotten your logs; and I asked smelton to reach out to you directly to look at the situation in more detail.


October 27th, 2020, 00:06
@Moon Wizard
Thanks for the quick response. smelton is indeed working on it.


October 28th, 2020, 03:56
Thanks all for the assistance. Turns out the problem was either fixed in the last push or was related to the player being on WiFi (my thought is WiFi). We had a full session last Sat. with five players and all went well.

Moon Wizard
October 28th, 2020, 05:04
Great to hear. Thanks for letting us know. @smelton has been doing a great job working in the shadows, and making the network connections smoother with each release.


October 28th, 2020, 23:36
We just released a version on Thursday night that handles some network reset events better that may help your situation. It sounds like your network settings are potentially failing over from one network to another. Do you have multiple networks setup and running on the GM machine, or VPNs?

This should just be my computer. I don't know how to set up multiple networks. I'll see if it works tonight.

October 31st, 2020, 18:47
I've just updated to the latest version - all tokens coming through as red ? on all clients. I have ultimate license and others all using demo version. All clients (4 of them) up-to-date. Tried to get it to work 1-on-1 cannot get tokens or custom portraits to appear on clients. Look fine on host. Was working fine before update. I am using a cloud server. Anyone else seeing this?

October 31st, 2020, 19:43
I've just updated to the latest version - all tokens coming through as red ? on all clients. I have ultimate license and others all using demo version. All clients (4 of them) up-to-date. Tried to get it to work 1-on-1 cannot get tokens or custom portraits to appear on clients. Look fine on host. Was working fine before update. I am using a cloud server. Anyone else seeing this?

Reported on this thread.


November 6th, 2020, 03:54
After having my version mismatch error yesterday, and thinking our connection issues are solved, I once again am not able to connect. I just see FG logo permanently. There is no new update so I know that isn't the issue. GM has an ultimate license, everyone can connect, so we know network settings are correct. I tried to connect several times, restarting the program, changing computers, and updating the client, to no avail. Ofter serveral hours spent doing that, we found that my log says

Network Status:[Client][Connected][Client Type - PUNCHTHROUGH] while the other players say something different

Let me know if I'm missing something.

Moon Wizard
November 6th, 2020, 04:25
Can you please provide the full logs from both the GM and the player right after the connection fails?

You can open the console by pressing the button on the launch/connection screen in the upper left; or by typing /console while in the tabletop view. Once the console is open, you can export the full logs by pressing the Compile Logs button.


November 6th, 2020, 04:36
After having my version mismatch error yesterday, and thinking our connection issues are solved, I once again am not able to connect. I just see FG logo permanently. There is no new update so I know that isn't the issue. GM has an ultimate license, everyone can connect, so we know network settings are correct. I tried to connect several times, restarting the program, changing computers, and updating the client, to no avail. Ofter serveral hours spent doing that, we found that my log says

Network Status:[Client][Connected][Client Type - PUNCHTHROUGH] while the other players say something different

Let me know if I'm missing something.

Please send me the logs

Shorn deKernow
November 7th, 2020, 23:17

we seem to be experiencing a similar connection issue. I'm hosting LMOP with an Ultimate license, I have 1 player joining with a Standard license (new game, introducing each player and sorting out characters). I've tried a few variations, reducing stuff each time.
1/ with LMOP and PHB loaded, PHB with player share ticked, nothing else loaded (not even SRD or basic rules) - joiner stuck on "acquiring files".
2/ with LMOP and 5E Basic rules -DM and Basic Rules - Player (and player share green) - joiner stuck on "acquiring files".

I've reinstalled, creating a new data folder so all fresh data - no noticeable difference to the joiners experience.

I've setup port forwarding on my router and implemented a LAN based game (on a different port to the default) - I can see the joiner connected message, and then it sits there again. We waited 2 hours for the game to start to begin with, probably waited 30 minutes each time on later attempts.

I've grabbed the logs from my machine, and used the gather logs function on the launcher for the player having problems if you want them?


November 8th, 2020, 01:08
Yes, please post the logs :)

Shorn deKernow
November 8th, 2020, 16:16
Sorry for the delay - we tried again today - first times looked the same, last time there was a change in that the player connected and could see the tabletop, but sharing maps etc resulted in a red question mark. I've attached two different sets of logs, one set from earlier and one just as he connected.

<edit> We've found the culprit - player (based in the UK) is using a Talk Talk router on TalkTalk broadband. A port forward needed setting up on the router to allow the port1802 traffic through properly. Player troubleshooting involved using a different internet connection (tethering to mobile) to check connectivity, at which point it worked ok. Other Players have also been able to connect fine.

I've removed the logs, as they're no longer needed and I don't need the IP addresses advertised :) (I have a copy if you do want them for any reason) </edit>

November 10th, 2020, 03:12
Okay I am at my wits end ... Clean install of FGU for myself (Ultimate) and Demo version for others on 2020-11-04 version. Ports open. Players can connect via FGC, but not FGU. Lobby shows as connected and using Private LAN. Hangs at “attempting direct connection to server”

Thoughts? We game this Friday.

November 10th, 2020, 03:24
Can you jump on Discord and message me (smelton#0068) to run some tests?

November 10th, 2020, 03:25
Okay I am at my wits end ... Clean install of FGU for myself (Ultimate) and Demo version for others on 2020-11-04 version. Ports open. Players can connect via FGC, but not FGU. Lobby shows as connected and using Private LAN. Hangs at “attempting direct connection to server”

Thoughts? We game this Friday.
FGU uses UDP protocol, and may use a different port (depending).

And you are running FGU when they try to connect via FGU right? Because FGC and FGU can not connect to each other.

With FGU, you can do a "Compile Logs" button from the console window. Have yourself and a player who tries to connect upload logs, that will help us figure out details.

November 10th, 2020, 03:35
Trying to recover Discord access ...

November 10th, 2020, 03:45
I cannot login right now, as TFA is tied to old Authenticator and Cell. Will have to try another time.

RE: Logs. I compiled the logs, how do I find them?

November 10th, 2020, 03:48
Found them. I have attached mine


November 10th, 2020, 04:03
And I'm in his party. Here are my logs.

November 10th, 2020, 04:51
If you are hosting a Private LAN game, then your players should be connecting using your public IP address in the Join LAN Game section at the bottom of the launcher. You will need to setup port forwarding for UDP port 1802 on your Internet router/firewall and you also need to make sure your operating system firewall is allowing inbound connections on UDP port 1802 as well.

To get the logs, type /console in the chat window to open the console and click the Compile Logs button. Then you can send the logs to me and I'll take a look at them.

November 10th, 2020, 08:47
That is all in place. FGC loads no problem with 1802 enabled. Players, however, cannot connect in FGU. We have done this in real time. As such, I am unsure what to do. I could revert to FGC, since it is working, but we have played on FGU for several months and I have no FGC storage options left for our campaign. Does this makes sense? Why can players connect with FGC, but not FGU?

November 10th, 2020, 09:06
Hi again - attached is a new console log set as per your direction smelton

November 10th, 2020, 13:27
Note that FGC uses port 1802 TCP, while FGU uses port 1802 UDP. Those letters are vital, verify that your firewall rules, port forwarding, and security rules are ALL setup to allow both TCP and UDP protocols.

November 10th, 2020, 18:39
Note that FGC uses port 1802 TCP, while FGU uses port 1802 UDP. Those letters are vital, verify that your firewall rules, port forwarding, and security rules are ALL setup to allow both TCP and UDP protocols.

Thanks - TCP/UDP is open, but I will check to be certain.

November 10th, 2020, 18:50
Thanks, friends: seems it was the UDP port! Game on thanks to you all.

November 11th, 2020, 11:19
I updated FGU last night to 4.0.1 and tried to connect to my game from my PC and from another PC - getting connection issues now.

Logs attached.

EDIT: This may have been to do with unplug my ethernet cable earlier https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63534-Unity-offline-use&p=555493&viewfull=1#post555493

Seems ok now.

November 13th, 2020, 05:48
Starting last week, I have been having constant connection drops. I am able to log in to a server and play, but am dropped anywhere between every 5 to 15 minutes. I am using Mac OS Big Sur, a requirement for my work. Here are my client logs.

November 13th, 2020, 19:13
The logs say you had a client side connection time out which means is for 30 seconds, you did not receive any data from from host ... Did any other players get disconnected? Are you on a wired or wifi connection?

November 13th, 2020, 19:24
The logs say you had a client side connection time out which means is for 30 seconds, you did not receive any data from from host ... Did any other players get disconnected? Are you on a wired or wifi connection?

I am on a WiFi connection, and no other players are experiencing these issues. I am also on Discord during these sessions and not experiencing connection issues to the Discord server, or other internet connection issues.

November 13th, 2020, 19:32
Were you using Discord for voice communication?

November 13th, 2020, 19:34
Yeah, using Discord for voice with the players and DM. I was using the same setup in August, September and October without issue. The disconnects started in our session on 11/6.

November 13th, 2020, 20:18
Can you message me on Discord (smelton#0068) so we can run a connection test?

November 13th, 2020, 20:19
Can you message me on Discord (smelton#0068) so we can run a connection test?

Sure! I will ping you later this afternoon

November 16th, 2020, 02:36
I had a rash of more disconnects when playing this weekend (Nov 14, 2020). I have submitted files referencing Post#247.

November 18th, 2020, 17:33
I've reviewed the logs and I see some client side timeouts on your end .. however, you only sent in the GM console log and I really need the full set of GM logs in order to narrow down the root cause of the issue. Can you send those in next time this happens?

November 18th, 2020, 17:58
Will do. We will be playing again on Nov 28. I'll make sure we have the full set of logs then.
Thank you

November 22nd, 2020, 03:18
One of my players is having issues with the updater. The updater starts updating then stops/hangs. He has tried multiple times but the updater always stops/hangs during the updating process. He is on the Live channel for the builds. Here are the logs.
