View Full Version : LFG - 5E Campaign - Fri, Sat or Sun Night EU GMT+2/3 - 2 Players

July 12th, 2020, 01:45
Hey everyone! A friend and I are looking for a D&D 5e Campaign to join.

FG License: We have a player and ultimate license respectively.

Time Zone: We are in southern Europe and our time zone is GMT+3 (currently due to daylight saving time)

Availability: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Nights

Campaign Duration: No real preference

Voice/Video: No real preference, although voice at the very least would be appreciated

Gameplay Balance: No real preference

D&D Experience: I have been playing 5E for 1.5 years and am going to start DMing soon. I have played SKT halfway through, a bit of CoS and various one-shots. My friend is new to 5E and is very excited to start playing. We have been playing Baldur's Gate cooperatively for a while. We have already finished the first game, the expansion and are close to finishing the second. Hence, we have a good understanding of the AD&D 2nd edition, so my friend won't have an issue with picking up 5E's rules.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am familiar with the interface. My friend is completely new to it, but anything we can learn on the fly easily.

Preferred Character Type: I have absolutely no preference and would be happy to play just about anything. My friend would very much like to play a Cleric. We don't really care about min maxing. We would prefer to play interesting characters, interacting with the other players' characters, as wells as the DM's world in general.

About Us: Males, 25 and 26 respectively. Big fans of LOTR, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, Divinity:Original Sin, Pathfinder:Kingmaker, Torchlight and so on. We are both capable of common sense that would be considered surprising by some people, meaning we are accepting of others, have no qualms about playing with people of a different sex, ethnicity etc. Always adhering to the golden rule in these types of games; to prioritize fun.

Hope you are interested! :)

September 1st, 2020, 01:50
I would like to join your game. I like playing a fighter type