View Full Version : LFG - 1 Player - Wed or Thurs Nights U.S. - 5E

July 8th, 2020, 06:30
Ideally seeking a free game, but open to a paid game too as I'm looking to get my feet wet!

FG License: Currently I just have free - but I'm willing to pay up at some point if necessary.

Time Zone: I'm in Central Time U.S., but can flex in the evenings to PT or ET.

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Wed & Thurs nights only.

Term: Forever potentially if chemistry is great.

Voice/Video: I'd like a video group. I can flex on tech - Discord, Zoom, whatever.

Roleplay/combat mix: I probably lean a little roleplay. Story is a big part of the fun, but 50/50 is fine.

Game System Preferred: 5e

Game System Experience: I've DM'd my sons and some friends run through Curse of Strahd and some of Phandelver. I'm itching to be a PC instead of DM! I also watch a lot of streaming - e.g. Critical Role & Dice, Camera, Action. Last hands-on was 2+ years ago so may be a little rust. That's about it, never played as a kid for some reason.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Zero, just recently signed up. I'll figure it out.

Character Type Preferred: I'd like to run an interesting character with personality and background but no strong preferences on type. Happy to round out an existing group with whatever might be most useful.

About me: Male, 50yo, live in MN. Work in the healthcare/IT industry. Divorced a few years back and I have two teenage boys half-time, looking for a fun escape now and then. Long time fantasy/sci-fi fan. I saw LOTR Fellowship in the theater 9 times so I feel like that gives me some cred. Runner. Bad golfer. Weekends are those things / my boys and a dog + a girlfriend.

Looking for a fun group!