View Full Version : Two weeks of crashing out

July 8th, 2020, 03:41
Unfortunately for me, when I purchased in March, Unity ran really well. A few hiccups, but nothing major. I was able to run games just fine. Indeed, I defended Unity often.

Now that I'm well and truly past the 30-day window, however, I'm having constant problems with the program crashing.

Please bear with me, as I am not a developer. I'm not really that much a computer guy. I'm just a guy who bought the most expensive license for a virtual table top that is continuing to fail. Week after week. So, I'm probably not giving you all the information you need.

To be honest, I don't even know what the resolution here will be. What end am I hoping for? I don't think I'll get a refund. My hope of Unity being fully published or having the major bugs worked out before year end are dwindling.

From Lord Entrails Template:
Summary: Fantasy Grounds Unity on the current update (7/7/2020) and the last update would crash while only using a map (Los) and the combat tracker. Sometimes not even the CT.

Ruleset(s): 5e Dungeons & Dragons

New Campaign / FGC Migrated Campaign: FGC Migrated

Extensions/Themes: Several community extensions (listed below) last week and also with only the brown theme, no extensions, tonight (see screen shot).

Unity Compatible 5e Critically A
5e Advanced Effects
5e Advantage Display
5e Automatic Mirror Image
5e Better Sneak Attack
5e More Monster Filters
5e Ongoing Save Effects
5e Turn-Based Effects
Apply effect on CT drop
Combat Timer
CoreRPG -- Death Indicator
CoreRPG -- Table Import

Modules Loaded:
(Crashed twice to open FGU just to get this list)

5e Effects Coding -- Class Features (disabled prior to 1st near-crash)
5e Effects Coding -- Race Traits (disabled prior to 1st near-crash)
5e Effects Coding -- Spells (disabled prior to 1st near-crash)
Critically Awesome Essentials Module - 5e Player Tools (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
Critically Awesome Essentials Module - One Click Druid (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
Critically Awesome Essentials Module - One Click More(disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
Critically Awesome Essentials Module - 5e DM Tools(disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D 5e SRD Data (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D Acquisitions Incorporated (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D Basic Rules -- DM (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D Dungeon Masters Guide
D&D Eberron RLW - Forgotten Relics (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D Monster Manual
D&D Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
D&D Player's Handbook
D&D Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (disabled prior to 2nd near-crash)
D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters
D&D Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Exotic Traps (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Fantasy City FG Meanders Map Pack (disabled prior to 3rdnear-crash)
Fantasy City Nocturnal FG Meanders Map Pack (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Fantasy City FG Meanders Map Pack - City Interiors (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Fantasy City FG Meanders Map Pack - Expansions I (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
FG Battle Maps (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Fantasy City FG Meanders Map Pack - Expansions II (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Fantasy City FG Meanders Map Pack Summer City (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Syrinscape Chat Triggers (disabled prior to 3rd near-crash)
Syrinscape Soundlinks

Operating System / Language Setting:
Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Processor -- Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-975OH CPU @ 2.60 GHz 16. GB of Ram, 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Fantasy Grounds Unity
2. Have players connect
3. Open a map to run an encounter
4. Open the combat tracker
5. Open a previously established Encounter
6. Push said Encounter to the Combat Tracker.
7. Enjoy the spinning circle.
8. Take bets on how long this spin will be.
9. Feeling down? Bet that this one will be the time it crashes.

July 8th, 2020, 03:42
To be clear, all of my modules, settings, and extensions were fully functional until the onset of June. Since June, things have begun to degrade until the current point where I'm investigating alternative VTTs because I want to continue to run my games, but Unity seems to be no longer able to function.

July 8th, 2020, 04:03
Disable all your extensions. I know you don't want to hear that, but they are not official products and they change the code. Most extension developers are trying to keep up with the change to the FGU code base so their extensions can keep working, but that requires a lot of time and effort. Sure, they worked in March, but much of the code has changed since then.

After you disable all extensions, test again. Does FGU work as designed now?You can then make sure you have updated every extension, they do not get updated when you update FGU. You must go to where you found them (DMsGuild or the forums here) and update each one individually. While you are there, check the threads and see if others are saying they are working or not.

Then re-enable 1 extension that should work. Test. If it doesn't work then cross it off your list and let the developer know. Add the next one. Repeat until you have a list of extensions that work with the current build of FGU.

Then, every-time you update FGU, expect to go through the same effort. Personally I'm too lazy to do that, so I don't use any extension with FGU.

July 8th, 2020, 04:06
It may well be that you just have too much stuff loaded.

Can you try - and yes Im aware that there is some work involved in doing this -

Export your Characters and Your Story
Create a new Campaign with only the following:


D&D Dungeon Masters Guide
D&D Monster Manual
D&D Player's Handbook

Load your Module and Import your PCs

It will very likely work.
Add in stuff as you need it but really you probably have too much stuff loaded.