View Full Version : Process Data File error when loading my own module from FGC

July 7th, 2020, 22:56
Summary: Error "Process Data File (Keep on the Shadowfell (4e)): An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 4869, position 18." when trying to load my module created in FGC. I checked the "FGU Early Access - Known Differences and Issues" post and saw nothing that applied, and see no way I can edit the MOD file itself to look at line 4869, position 18.

Ruleset(s): 4e

New Campaign / FGC Migrated Campaign: New LAN Campaign

Extensions/Themes: None

Modules Loaded: None

Operating System / Language Setting: Win10 x64 / English

Steps to Reproduce: Load campaign, go to Library -> Modules -> Click "Load" button next to my module

July 7th, 2020, 23:20
Did you create the module?

If not, you might try to contact the author (assuming GMs Guild, since I see it there).

July 7th, 2020, 23:29
4E's not on the DMsGuild.

You should be able to take the module file yourself, rename it from .mod to .zip. Then extract it. Inside that is an db.xml file. Odds are the character being referred to is not ISO compliant. You can fix it, re-zip the content (not the folder) and then load it in FGU.

July 8th, 2020, 01:09
THANK YOU! I extracted and checked DB.XML, and line 4869 is "<bitmap>A2 & A3 - Kobold Lair.png</bitmap>", changed any instance of the & to "and", changed the png file name, and it works. Thank you sir, thank you!

July 8th, 2020, 03:54
Great news! Thanks for letting us know and happy gaming :)