View Full Version : Window Hiding & text scaling

July 7th, 2020, 20:24
Is there a way to switch windows within FGU equivalent to alt-tab on desktop?

Is there a way to scale text ( or everything ) in the FGU desktop, I have a 4k screen and have a difficult time reading the tiny text... sorry old man eyes.


July 7th, 2020, 21:00
/scaleui from the chat window will scale the UI.

Valid entries are 50-200

Example: /scaleui 125

I don't think there is an equivalent to alt+tab, they are not really windows in the conventional sense. I could be wrong though.

July 7th, 2020, 21:03
Thanks for the Info Sulimo!

July 8th, 2020, 00:47
There is an extension called FG Tabber or similar and it kinda fakes alternate desktops and works pretty well.

July 8th, 2020, 20:47
I hotkey the character sheet, combat tracker, party sheet, literally everything on the hotkey bar down below and use that to bring up things if they're hidden.