View Full Version : Token dragging issue

Dire Weasel
July 7th, 2020, 17:58
My players and I have consistently been having an issue with dragging tokens on the map. After some tests, it appears to be related to zoom level.

I've tested with no extensions (other than Theme: Simple Brown).
I've unloaded all modules but LMoP and PHB.

If I zoom in reasonably close, I can easily move the token.

If I zoom further out, then attempting to move the token moves the window instead. This happens extremely consistently.

In both cases, the cursor changes to a hand when I mouseover the token.

When zoomed in and I begin the drag, the cursor changes to a clenched hand and the token drags correctly.

When zoomed out and I begin the drag, the cursor changes to the cross arrow, and the window drags instead.

FGU 2020-07-02
Ruleset: 5E
OS: macOS Catalina 10.5.5
Mouse: Logitech G600


July 7th, 2020, 23:32
I've seen this (3.5E & 5E, no extensions, player and DM) , but haven't paid much attention to if the cursor changes. I assumed that I was not actually grabbing the token (that my pointer was off) and I resolved by just zooming in. Would be nice if I didn't have to :)

Dire Weasel
July 7th, 2020, 23:57
Issue still occurs on FGU 2020-07-07.

Moon Wizard
July 8th, 2020, 00:02
Thanks for reporting. I've added a task for Carl to review.


Dire Weasel
July 30th, 2020, 22:52
This appears to be fixed in 2020-07-30.

Dire Weasel
August 4th, 2020, 23:17
Did some more testing in 2020-08-03. While it's much better than it was, there is still an issue.

For this test, zoom way out.

Slowly move the mouse cursor from below the token up into the token. As soon as the token highlights and the cursor changes to a hand, click and attempt to drag the token.
The cursor changes into the cross arrow, and dragging moves the window.

If you move a few extra pixels before dragging, you can successfully move the token.


August 5th, 2020, 06:07
Did some more testing in 2020-08-03. While it's much better than it was, there is still an issue.

For this test, zoom way out.

Slowly move the mouse cursor from below the token up into the token. As soon as the token highlights and the cursor changes to a hand, click and attempt to drag the token.
The cursor changes into the cross arrow, and dragging moves the window.

If you move a few extra pixels before dragging, you can successfully move the token.


I have a pretty similar issue occur when dragging links. For instance dragging spells to the action tab every so often it will appear to grab the link then somehow drop it and instead either move window or highlight and drag text from the summary field of a spell the cursor is passing over. This in Pathfinder 1e.

August 5th, 2020, 06:09
Can't speak to the efficacy of zooming in with regard to my issue because I can't zoom in on the spell links.

Moon Wizard
August 5th, 2020, 06:36

Can you elaborate in a new thread with maybe a quick snippet of what you see, and the steps to recreate?
(You can use Windows Snipping Tool (Window key + Shift + S) to make a quick snip of the screen.)


August 5th, 2020, 06:56

Can you elaborate in a new thread with maybe a quick snippet of what you see, and the steps to recreate?
(You can use Windows Snipping Tool (Window key + Shift + S) to make a quick snip of the screen.)


Sure, I can. Just sort of thought it might be the same issue. Seems like FGU is registering as if I have released the mouse and then clicked it again rather than holding it down the whole time. And that is the behavior the OP essentially described. If the token is large enough the click/unclick/click will happen when the cursor pointer is still hovering over the token but on a smaller token the pointer will have moved off it and grabbed the window instead. This is just my theory anyway.

I will try gather the snippet and post tomorrow.

Moon Wizard
August 5th, 2020, 08:21
I actually think it's a separate issue at the moment; though we might find it is somewhat related. The image/token interface is fairly different from the basic UI interface, due to the nature of how it all works. So, I just didn't want your comment to get lost in this other issue.


Dire Weasel
August 18th, 2020, 23:25
Tested on 2020-08-13, and it's much, much better!

This can be marked as fixed.