View Full Version : Pathfinder Society Scenario 1-02 The Mosquito Witch shows square characters

July 6th, 2020, 02:54
Summary: Pathfinder Society Scenario 1-02 The Mosquito Witch shows squares instead of correct characters in Story and Bestiary entries in Unity. It does not happens on classic. It seems to happen on single quotes, double quotes and apostrophes.

Ruleset(s): Pathfinder 2E

New Campaign / FGC Migrated Campaign: New and Migrated (Module issue)

Operating System / Language Setting: Windows 10 Home / English

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create new campaign in FGU in PFRPG2
2. Load module Pathfinder Society Scenario 1-02 The Mosquito Witch module.
3. Click on Story.
4. Click on Entry 001.0004 The Mosquito Witch
5. Examples of bad text:

Ever since a rash of unsubstantiated sightings from 4662–4664 AR
dubbed the “Mosquito Witch” have
greatly improved the locals’ livelihoods.

It also affects Bestiary, ex text from Barbed Bloodseeker:

Requirements The bloodseeker is attached to a creature. Effect The bloodseeker uses its proboscis to drain blood from the creature it’s attached to. This deals 1d6 damage, and the bloodseeker gains temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. A creature that has its blood drained by a bloodseeker is drained 1 until it receives healing (of any kind or amount)

July 6th, 2020, 05:45
This is because this module uses characters that are not supported by FGU. They were not supposed to be used in FGC, but authors could do so and get away with non-compliant characters. This should be reported to the module author as they need to update their content to the FG standard. If this module is sold in the FG Store, then if should be reported in the Bug Report thread for the PF2E ruleset/forum.

Moon Wizard
July 12th, 2020, 06:56
I've pushed updates for the product, and related ones with similar product ID codes.
