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February 21st, 2024, 00:20

Instead of typing I have found if the name of the character is selected on the combats tracker (As in it is their turn to act) if you click the particular effect button, it gives it to them.

February 21st, 2024, 01:10

Instead of typing I have found if the name of the character is selected on the combats tracker (As in it is their turn to act) if you click the particular effect button, it gives it to them.

OK. Cool. That is a workaround. Thank you. It does force one to basically go out of initiative order to apply it to the target and then remember whose turn it was to act, but since BRP doesn't usually have a lot of foes at one time (unlike higher level D&D combats) I can certainly live with it as is.


March 8th, 2024, 07:36
Playing around with the Combat Tracker (CT), I note the following:

2. Even if using hit locations, some things in BRP only do damage to general hit points (like poison). There needs to be a way to reflect this. In thinking about what it probably the best and easiest way to do this, I could think of two ways:

A. Create a line on the Armor tab for a universal hit location called General that has no need for AP and the general hit point wound could be recorded there and then accumulated with hit location wounds to reduce maximum hit points on the Main tab.

So, option A can already be utilized currently. Just letting people know in case they have the same issue I did. You can select CUSTOM as your hit location type and then add a location and call it "General Hit Points" and give it the full hp of the PC. Then, when the PC takes damage only to its general hp, you can mark the wound on that location. And, if you set the Melee and Missile D20 ranges to 100 for this phantom hit location, it will move it to the bottom of the hit location chart. Works pretty well!



March 9th, 2024, 00:21
Getting this error message in fantasy grounds whenever i click on an NPC
[Error] Window: Control (cohorts) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (nps)

Moon Wizard
March 9th, 2024, 02:01
That control and window class are not defined in the Basic Role Playing game ruleset provided through the FG store. Do you have any extensions running?


March 10th, 2024, 04:08
When you adjust an NPC's power points whether on the combat tracker or their sheet it also lowers their POW score. Therefore, there's no way to track power point usage without also lowering an NPC's permanent POW stat, which isn't how it is supposed to work. POW should basically set the max PP or be an autonomously entered field. Can this be fixed?



March 10th, 2024, 06:53
Pushed a hotfix. This will decouple the stat from the PP box and when a NPC is added to the ct, it will copy the POW to this box and reducing the number wont' change the stat anymore.

March 10th, 2024, 22:01
Pushed a hotfix. This will decouple the stat from the PP box and when a NPC is added to the ct, it will copy the POW to this box and reducing the number wont' change the stat anymore.

Excellent. Thanks!


March 28th, 2024, 22:26

Question. If I wanted to change the label of the Power category "Mutations" to "Miracles", what file would I edit? I checked the various .lua and .xml files in the Basic Roleplaying.pak and while I find many references to "PowerType", I cannot find anywhere the actual types are stored.



March 29th, 2024, 02:31

Question. If I wanted to change the label of the Power category "Mutations" to "Miracles", what file would I edit? I checked the various .lua and .xml files in the Basic Roleplaying.pak and while I find many references to "PowerType", I cannot find anywhere the actual types are stored.



Unoack the PAK and then use a find in files option in your text/code editor to search for mutations and make sure case sensitive is not checked.

March 29th, 2024, 04:35
Unoack the PAK and then use a find in files option in your text/code editor to search for mutations and make sure case sensitive is not checked.

I'm very much a newbie at this. Sorry. As I understand it, I unpack the PAK by changing the extension to .zip and unzipping it, which I did. But there are a great many files that unzipped. Do I have to search them all with my text editor?

I've got the following in my unzipped PAK root folder:

campaign folder
common folder
ct folder
desktop folder
graphics folder
ref folder
scripts folder
strings folder

I assume I can ignore the graphics folder entirely. Campaign folder has a bunch of xml and lua files.

If I have to go file by file and search I can...just want to see if there's a way to pare down the files to search.



March 29th, 2024, 04:39
many code and text editors (a simple free one is Notepad++) have a feature called find in files.
You nominate the text you want to search for - mutations and the root path you want to search (you can also tell it to only search xml and lua files) and it will find all locations for you in 1.3seconds.

March 29th, 2024, 04:40
Thanks, I will try that.

March 29th, 2024, 14:46
The file you are looking for is "manager_gameline.lua" in the folder "scripts".

March 29th, 2024, 17:24
The file you are looking for is "manager_gameline.lua" in the folder "scripts".

Thanks. I found it using Notepad ++ as suggested. Now if I can only figure out why, when I make the change of "Mutation" to "Miracle", rezip the .pak file, and put it back in the rulesets folder, I get an error on loading the campaign. I did prudently backup the original .pak, so I'm not in any distress. But I need to figure out what I did wrong.

March 29th, 2024, 17:44
You don't need to rezip up the ruleset. You can leave it in a folder in your rulesets folder and it will use that before the .pak file.

March 29th, 2024, 18:11
You don't need to rezip up the ruleset. You can leave it in a folder in your rulesets folder and it will use that before the .pak file.

That worked! Thanks. I am pretty sure I can now fiddle with the skills listing as well in the same lua file.



March 29th, 2024, 18:15
Quick question.

If I make changes to the lua scripts in the Basic Role Playing ruleset, will that be overwritten when you make updates?

If yes, does that mean I need to do these changes via extensions instead?



March 29th, 2024, 18:42
If it's in it's own folder, no. But you will have to make the updates manually to your own custom BRP

March 29th, 2024, 18:50
If it's in it's own folder, no. But you will have to make the updates manually to your own custom BRP

OK. Then it sounds like I should do an Extension, since I don't want to have to try to figure out what updates FG makes to the set and then manually do them all.



March 29th, 2024, 18:58
Yes, this would be best as an extension.

April 1st, 2024, 18:00
While testing my own strike rank handling code I noticed that the existing code doesn't really work as expected.

The SR value is never updated. That's probably because
local nodeActor = link.getTargetDatabaseNode(); in onUptionUpdate() in ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua returns nil.

This code in getStrikeRank() in scripts/manager_gameline.lua

local DEX = DB.getValue(node, "abilities.dexterity", 11);
local SIZ = DB.getValue(node, "abilities.size", 11);
returns values even if the node is nil.

April 1st, 2024, 18:01
Following up on the previous post.

You can verify the problem by:
a) create a new campaign
b) turn on the strike ranks option
c) reload the ruleset
d) create character
e) Drag it to the CT. The SR will be 5.
f) Change the characters SIZ and DEX to 21. This should set the SR to 1. But it doesn't, it remains at 5.
g) Change SIZ and DEX to 3. This should set the SR to 7. But it doesn't, it remains at 5.

April 1st, 2024, 18:02
Further investigation.

local nodeActor = link.getTargetDatabaseNode(); with
Debug.console("Node Actor 1", nodeActor) I get
s'Node Actor 1' | databasenode = { combattracker.list.id-00001 } which I'm pretty sure is not what's needed. I know that the code is old so this maybe is some code that needs to be refactored?

April 1st, 2024, 19:54
Digging into this a bit more.

In ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua the following code, from onOPtionsUpdate()

function onOptionUpdate()
local nodeChar = link.getTargetDatabaseNode();

results in a different database node then this code from linkPCFields()

function linkPCFields()

local nodeChar = link.getTargetDatabaseNode();

The code in linkPCFields returns the characters db node (which is what you want), while onOptionUpdate don't. Since onOptionUpdate calls getStrikeRank with no db node the SR update fails.

April 1st, 2024, 20:18
I can get it to factor the Siz and Dex mods, but it won't factor weapon or power mods into the Strike Rank. That would require more factoring to have the players/GM to pick their action and add them to the box. Which as you can see is a bit of an undertaking.

April 1st, 2024, 20:46
I can get it to factor the Siz and Dex mods, but it won't factor weapon or power mods into the Strike Rank. That would require more factoring to have the players/GM to pick their action and add them to the box. Which as you can see is a bit of an undertaking.

Yes, I understand that. But, as I explained in my posts above, the existing code doesn't work. The SR is never updated because the getStrikerank funktion gets a nil value instead of a character node.

Just to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm not asking you to factor weapons or power into strike ranks, I'm going to fix that part myself. I'm just letting you know that there's a problem with the existing code, and (incidentally) that create problems down the line for my code.

April 1st, 2024, 22:44
Yes, I understand your request. I just wanted to be sure there was no misunderstanding with power and weapon mods to the strike rank.

April 2nd, 2024, 13:20
Well, I got it working.

In ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua I modified onOptionUpdate() so that the DB.setValue used the database node of the CT windowlist.

function onOptionUpdate()
local sOptHRSR = OptionsManager.getOption("HRSR");
strikerank.setVisible(sOptHRSR == "on");
local nodeChar = link.getTargetDatabaseNode();
local ctNode = getDatabaseNode();
local nStrikeRank = LineManager.getLine().GetStrikeRank(nodeChar);
DB.setValue(ctNode, "strikerank", "number", nStrikeRank);

I also modified linkPCFields() and added a link to a aggregated SR value that is re-calculated when the underlying data is changed.

function linkPCFields()

local nodeChar = link.getTargetDatabaseNode();
if nodeChar then
pp.setLink(DB.createChild(nodeChar, "pp.current", "number"), true);
wounds.setLink(DB.createChild(nodeChar, "wounds", "number"));
hp.setLink(DB.createChild(nodeChar, "hp.max", "number"), true);

initresult.setLink(DB.createChild(nodeChar, "abilities.dexterity", "number"), true);
strikerank.setLink(DB.createChild(nodeChar, "sr.activeSR", "string"), true);

As an added bonus the ordering of entries worked out by itself since high DEX = low SR.

April 2nd, 2024, 16:38
I pushed a hotfix for the strike rank issue. I would look over the code for my implementation as it is somewhat different than the approach you have made.

April 2nd, 2024, 18:18
OK! Great, thanks!

April 7th, 2024, 18:12
Double Post. Sorry.

April 7th, 2024, 18:16
Hello. I think I spotted an issue.

If a PC has a negative damage modifier, then for missile weapons where it is supposed to use the full negative modifier, it uses TWICE the full negative modifier.

For example, normally, missile weapons with a damage modifier applicable use 1/2 of the dm. So, a +1D4 dm becomes a +1D2. And that works fine for positive dms.

When such a weapon is used by someone with a negative dm, it is supposed to apply the full negative dm, so a -1D4 dm stays a -1D4 dm.

The rules text:

"Missile weapons don’t allow a character to use their full damage modifier. If your character’s damage modifier is positive, divide the results in half (round up) when using a thrown weapon or a bow. If the damage modifier is negative, keep the modifier as is."

But, if I put in a PC with a negative dm, such as a STR of 8 and SIZ of 6, the dm shows as 1m4 (which I assume means -1D4) however, when I double click on a missile weapon's damage, it rolls -2D4.

I imagine the code is trying to double the normally halved dm but somewhere else it has already done that, so it is now doing it twice...just a guess on my part.

Now, there is a workaround...just unclick the db bubble for that weapon on the Main Page and manually type the -1D4 into the damage line. But would be nice if this could be easily fixed.



April 7th, 2024, 22:59
I'll look it over on Monday

April 8th, 2024, 12:20
I haven't noticed this. The code explicitly states that the damage should be -2d4. See campaign/record_char_main.xml, getWeaponDamageRollStructures(nodeWeapon).

if sDamageDice ~= "" then
sDBDice = DiceManager.convertDiceToString(sDamageDice);

if sDBDice:match("d6") then
sDBDice = "d3";
elseif sDBDice:match("d4") then
sDBDice = "d2";
elseif sDBDice:match("m4") then
sDBDice = "2m4";
elseif sDBDice:match("m6") then
sDBDice = "2m6";

The code in campaign/record_npc.xml, getWeaponDamageRollStructures(nodeWeapon) also needs to be edited.

April 12th, 2024, 05:50
I pushed a fix for this report

April 13th, 2024, 07:27
I pushed a fix for this report

Thank you!

April 21st, 2024, 15:30
I believe I found a bug:

Create a new campaign then a new character and set "Use Power Points" option on "On". Put a score in DEX (like 15, for example).
After a reboot, Dodge, Throw and Fly skills are granted a +5% bonus.

And they appear in the POWER tab.

EDIT: in fact, these skills win a free bonus equal to DEX - 10 (with DEX 18, they are +8%, for example).

April 22nd, 2024, 17:53
Pushed a fix for it not updating with the skill totals, but the cause of the additional bonus is due to the the category bonus. Ensure that this has been turned off to not receive it.

April 25th, 2024, 15:10
Nevermind I realized where the error was... The armor was not equipped...

April 25th, 2024, 16:30
Pushed a fix for it not updating with the skill totals, but the cause of the additional bonus is due to the the category bonus. Ensure that this has been turned off to not receive it.

Well, if I understand I can't use the Power Points option and the category bonus at the same time without to get the DEX bonus ? And it's impossible to fix that ?

April 25th, 2024, 16:58
Power Points isn't the issue, it's the skill category bonus option adds to it's children and that is what you are seeing when you roll. Turning off category bonus will remove that additional increase from the attribute.

May 6th, 2024, 14:24
I've found a problem with the CT player view when using the strike rank option. The players see actors sorted after their SR value but the value shown is the Dex value. The GM sees all actors sorted by SR and also Dex. I think we need to add a strike rank column to the Player view or replace the initresult column when the strike rank option is used. See the attached images for more detail. I'll see if I can come up with a good solution for adding a new column but you might want another solution.


May 6th, 2024, 14:59
Thanks for the report. I'll add it to my list to investigate.

May 7th, 2024, 17:16
I've found a problem with the CT player view when using the strike rank option. The players see actors sorted after their SR value but the value shown is the Dex value. The GM sees all actors sorted by SR and also Dex. I think we need to add a strike rank column to the Player view or replace the initresult column when the strike rank option is used. See the attached images for more detail. I'll see if I can come up with a good solution for adding a new column but you might want another solution.]

I managed to come up with a solution. I need to test it (and the rest of my strike ranks implementation) in real play before sharing it though.

June 14th, 2024, 05:56
I've found a problem with the CT player view when using the strike rank option. The players see actors sorted after their SR value but the value shown is the Dex value. The GM sees all actors sorted by SR and also Dex. I think we need to add a strike rank column to the Player view or replace the initresult column when the strike rank option is used. See the attached images for more detail. I'll see if I can come up with a good solution for adding a new column but you might want another solution.


Yep. This is something I pointed out a while ago. Would be great, too, if we are showing it to the players, to allow them to type in the SR field as well for their PCs, since the SR changes as they do different things from round to round, and it is a pain for the GM to have to enter it for every player.

Also, when two creatures on the CT have the exact same SR and DEX, things go a bit haywire and their entries shuffle back and forth on the CT. This doesn't happen in FG D&D when two creatures share the same Initiative and DEX, so they must be using some hidden third sorting criteria. In any case, something as simple as defaulting to alphabetical as a third criteria would be helpful since at least the entries would stop bouncing around.

To test this, call up the CT and enter three NPCs with the same SR and DEX and then start with the first one and keep hitting end turn and watch what happens. Clicking on them to select them on the CT does the same thing.

Lastly, right now I can only drag effects into the CT for the creature whose turn it is. However, one usually needs to drag and effect on a creature when it is not their turn. Would be great if we could freely drag effects into the CT even if it is not that creature's turn. That would be a very big help in larger combats.



June 14th, 2024, 19:48
I'm adding it to my list along with the previous report. Just not able to focus on this at the moment and will require finishing some of my current projects.

July 2nd, 2024, 09:48
I just noticed that when you drag a new skill from the Skill menu onto the skill tab, the base chance of the skill is not initialized, it get set to zero. I'm sure this used to work once, but now it seems broken. See image below.


July 2nd, 2024, 17:23
I'll add it to my list to investigate, but may take some time for me to tackle this by the next update weekly update. I'm unsure of it's original functionality myself.

July 7th, 2024, 07:44
I bought BRP system today but it seemed like the location rolls was not right result in missile weapons. it's seems to match the melee.
BRP ver is 2024-07-03 ,Core RPG ruleset is 2024-07-03 also
is this my problem? somewhere hotfix?

July 7th, 2024, 13:29
It's best to provide steps to replicate. This will help us see what you are seeing. How are you rolling the location? Any other conditions you may think of that the character is in that might help us track down the issue?

July 7th, 2024, 15:54
Ok, I think I see the issue and have also resolved the Skill drop, and making SR on the combat tracker not reaonly. I would still like to hear how you attempted to roll to be sure my solution resolves it. I will be pushing the fixes with the weekly update.

July 9th, 2024, 18:50
Pushed an update that should include all recent reports.

July 12th, 2024, 20:57
Pushed an update that should include all recent reports.

Thanks. However, I am not seeing SR being visible or input-able by the players.

As a side note, when I disable or enable the Strike Rank option, I now get an error message of:

[ERROR] Handler error: [string "Basic Roleplaying:ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'strikerank' (a nil value)

I have attached a screenshot showing the GM view of the combat tracker and the simultaneous player view.



July 12th, 2024, 21:27
Ah, that is on me, I made the field editable for the GM, but it's not on the Player's side. I'll take a look at it and try to see if I can get something out by the next weekly update.

July 16th, 2024, 08:45
I just noticed that the "wounds" field on character main is not editable. Sometimes a character suffers damage to its "general hit points" and when you assign and also heal such damage you'll need to be able to edit this field. So, it would be good if that could be changed. I think it's non-editable because it is automatically updated from the armor tab, but unfortunately it's not that simple. :)

July 16th, 2024, 17:01
I will be pushing an update to both strike rank and the wound issue.

July 16th, 2024, 21:23
"[Fixed] PC strike rank not adjustable. Added a modifier box to the character sheet to adjust it up or down. NPCs remain editable."

Where is it on the character sheet? Main Tab? I cannot find it.



July 16th, 2024, 21:48
Its to the right of the strike rank number value. Next to Mod


July 16th, 2024, 23:01
Its to the right of the strike rank number value. Next to Mod


Weird. See my screenshot attached. You can see from the CT that SR are enabled, but none of the PCs has an SR or MOD box.

Any ideas why?



July 16th, 2024, 23:52
Not sure, but I would recommend starting a fresh new campaign without any extensions and see if it still wont' show.

July 17th, 2024, 09:18
Sorry, but the wounds field is still not editable. Maybe that change wasn't pushed yesterday?

July 17th, 2024, 12:54
To add 'general' wounds would be to hold CTRL + Mouse Wheel to add a modifier to the wounds field. It will be directly editable when not using hit locations.

July 17th, 2024, 19:41
Not sure, but I would recommend starting a fresh new campaign without any extensions and see if it still wont' show.

New BRP campaign called "Test". No extensions at all. SR option enabled. Test PC created. No SR box or Mod box on the character sheet. Attached image shows both GM and player view.



July 17th, 2024, 19:56
I can't really read the chat output, but the date should say 2024-7-16. Does it say that? Which means you might have an unpacked BRP ruleset overriding the update.

July 17th, 2024, 19:59
I can't really read the chat output, but the date should say 2024-7-16. Does it say that? Which means you might have an unpacked BRP ruleset overriding the update.

You are correct as usual!

It says July 3, 2024.

How do I fix this? I did run the updater.



July 17th, 2024, 20:05
I would check your ruleset folder and see if you have another BRP ruleset unpacked in there. You can get there pretty quick by clicking on the folder icon on the dashboard (window where you select the campaign you wish to run).

July 17th, 2024, 21:39
I get a error when making a damage roll for a NPC, this only occurs when the damage bonus (+db) is present.

[7/17/2024 9:29:51 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_dice.lua"]:306: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got string)

July 17th, 2024, 22:19
Pushed a hotfix for this issue.

July 18th, 2024, 00:20
Sorry to inundate, but I found an issue for a future fix:

If you enter missile hit locations for a creature that is not a humanoid, when you close it and reopen the creature, the missile hit locations are erased.

How to duplicate:

1. Create a new NPC.

2. Choose a Hit Locations type other than Humanoid (try Winged Humanoid)

3. Enter some numbers in the hit location fields under Missile.

4. Lock and close the creature.

5. Reopen it and the numbers you entered will be gone.



July 18th, 2024, 02:22
Pushed a hotfix for this issue.

After this hotfix, now when I change the MOD for strike rank, Strike Rank instantly sets to 0 and never changes. So, for example, if I start with a Strike Rank of 5 and I mouse wheel or enter "1" in the Mod box, Strike Rank instantly becomes 0 and never changes.

This was working fine until the hotfix went through.

Is this replicable for anyone else?



July 18th, 2024, 02:46
I pushed one more hotfix. Looks like I forgot to include a check in the code and it always assumed the option was turned off on the character sheet.

July 18th, 2024, 07:47
To add 'general' wounds would be to hold CTRL + Mouse Wheel to add a modifier to the wounds field. It will be directly editable when not using hit locations.

OK. Thanks.

July 18th, 2024, 17:31
Used the new general hit point mouse wheel indicator in last night's game. Love it! Very easy to use. Thank you for that great enhancement.

Did not get to try the SR modifier last night but looking forward to using it next Saturday.



July 28th, 2024, 18:13
Regarding setting wounds by using the mouse wheel. It works when hit locations are on but when they are not, it doesn't work.

In the line "local bHRUHL = OptionsManager.isOption("HRUHL", "on");", in the function below, bHRUL is bFALSE if hitlocations are off.
Should you even need to test if hit locations are on or off? Wouldn't you want the mouse wheel to always work?

In wounds on charater main:

function onWheel(notches)
local bHRUHL = OptionsManager.isOption("HRUHL", "on");
if not Input.isControlPressed() or not bHRUHL then
return false;

self.setModifier(self.getModifier() + notches);
return true;

July 28th, 2024, 18:35
It could still be enabled, but this was my solution for the time being for when hit locations are enabled. I had no time to test further for other scenarios. This ensures a modifier is used when hit locations are enabled and don't interfere with normal wound calculation for that state. I would think since the wound box is editable, it would be faster to just type the wounds and it factor the wounds normally as its not pulling from other sources to calculate your final wounds.

July 29th, 2024, 05:37
OK. Fair enough.

July 31st, 2024, 00:37
Used the new general hit point mouse wheel indicator in last night's game. Love it! Very easy to use. Thank you for that great enhancement.

Did not get to try the SR modifier last night but looking forward to using it next Saturday.



New SR modifier is working nicely. Thank you.

July 31st, 2024, 02:11
Great to hear, glad it's working out.

August 3rd, 2024, 06:32
In case it is easy to do, my players have told me that they would love a little fill-in circle next to POW on the Main page of the character sheet so that they can mark when they get a POW gain experience check. Right now, they have to write it down in the NOTES tab. This would be the same fill-in circle you find on the Skills page or in the Melee and Missile section of the Main page.



August 3rd, 2024, 07:30
I'll consider it. Just may be some time since I'm a bit swamped and the ruleset is currently in the beta awaiting release to LIVE.

August 8th, 2024, 23:21

If I enter an NPC and it has a body type of four-legged, if I enter missile hit locations and close the window, when I reopen the NPC, the missile hit locations are blank. Is there any way to make it so that they stay?

I haven't tried all of the body types, but four-legged definitely erases them.

There is a work around, so I guess this isn't urgent. One can just enter the four-legged body type, let the system generate the hit locations and melee rolls, and then change the type to "Custom" and enter in the missile rolls and they are not erased.



August 9th, 2024, 02:54
I'll add it to my list to look at. Currently buried under other projects, so may take some time to get to it.

August 14th, 2024, 19:26
After the new update the battle tracker is getting a lot of windowsclass errors and warnings.
And all tooltips are white text on a white background.

Ignore this post.

August 14th, 2024, 21:52
After the new update the battle tracker is getting a lot of windowsclass errors and warnings.
And all tooltips are white text on a white background.

Ignore this post.

Did it stop doing that for you?

I am getting CT errors. See attached.


August 14th, 2024, 23:29
That appears to be an issue with the theme you have selected. The vanilla BRP theme doesn't throw those errors. I would say to post in the forum for the theme to have the dev fix it or post in the support forums if it's a SmiteWorks theme.

August 15th, 2024, 01:00
That appears to be an issue with the theme you have selected. The vanilla BRP theme doesn't throw those errors. I would say to post in the forum for the theme to have the dev fix it or post in the support forums if it's a SmiteWorks theme.

OK, I will try another theme. The one I use is a Smiteworks theme, so I will post it on the support forums.



August 15th, 2024, 01:04
OK, I will try another theme. The one I use is a Smiteworks theme, so I will post it on the support forums.



Even the Core Theme gets that error. Any theme I use results in it. Tried with all extensions off, still get the error result.


August 15th, 2024, 01:15
Can you try with all of your extensions disabled? I'm not seeing this with a vanilla BRP campaign.

August 15th, 2024, 01:31
Can you try with all of your extensions disabled? I'm not seeing this with a vanilla BRP campaign.

I did and still get the error. Let me create a new campaign and see what happens.


August 15th, 2024, 01:34
I did and still get the error. Let me create a new campaign and see what happens.


Started a new Vanilla BRP campaign with no extensions. Got the error message.

I note that the previous poster was also getting the same messages but then said "never mind". I wonder what happened to them?

BTW, I also get the white on white issue the other person mentioned.


August 15th, 2024, 02:05
Did a bit more poking. I notice that the header of the CT seems a bit messed up. That might be the cause of the error. If you look at the attached picture and look carefully at the very upper leftmost part of the CT, you can see what is basically black letters all jumbled together. These seem to be the rest of the headers for the CT that should be alongside Name and Init. If I mouse over that jumble, in fact, I get a tooltip explaining Strike Ranks.

Also, you can see the white on white on the names of the PCs in the upper left of the screen.


August 15th, 2024, 02:08
I believe it's the theme with the combination of the extensions you are using. Here is the desktop with no errors and how the CT should look when opened.

August 15th, 2024, 02:11
I believe it's the theme with the combination of the extensions you are using. Here is the desktop with no errors and how the CT should look when opened.

Weird. As I said, I created a new campaign with no extensions and no theme and still had the issue, but I will poke into it more and see what I can see.


August 15th, 2024, 02:56
I can suggest deleting the ruleset in your rulesets folder and then doing another update to download a fresh copy. This can be accessed from the folder icon on the first screen you see when starting FG. I would suggest only the ruleset and no other files.

August 15th, 2024, 06:06
I can suggest deleting the ruleset in your rulesets folder and then doing another update to download a fresh copy. This can be accessed from the folder icon on the first screen you see when starting FG. I would suggest only the ruleset and no other files.

Thanks. Fixed.

I need to remember that!


Moon Wizard
August 15th, 2024, 18:43
Just pushed an update that should address the Wood theme nameplate coloring issue. Please run a new Check for Updates.


August 17th, 2024, 03:07
Just pushed an update that should address the Wood theme nameplate coloring issue. Please run a new Check for Updates.


Yep. That fixed it Thanks!

August 23rd, 2024, 13:46
When you drop a skill that has a base chance that is a formula (such as dodge) on the character sheet, its base chance is not calculated.

To replicate:

Change the dodge skill in the table "Skills" in scripts/manager_gameline.lua so that dodge reads:

["Dodge"] = { Base="DEX*2", Category="Physical", Untrained=true },
Now dodge is no longer a default skill.

Reload the ruleset. Create a new character. Drag the dodge skill onto the character sheet. The base skill value is empty. If you reload the ruleset, you will force a re-calculation and the skill value will be properly calculated.

This is a problem to me because I'm adapting an extension so that all skill base chances are formulas, so when I drag skills to the character sheet the base chance remains at zero.

August 23rd, 2024, 13:49
Thanks for the report. I'll have a look at it when I get a chance.

August 25th, 2024, 02:50
When a player sets as AFK, the other players can see it, but the GM gets an error message:

[ERROR] Unknown special message type received. (setafk)

I tested this out with my players and with me acting as a player.



August 25th, 2024, 02:59
Thanks for the report. It's best to place these in the bug report thread as I monitor there.

August 25th, 2024, 04:03
I think its a CoreRPG issue.

August 25th, 2024, 05:27
Thanks for the report. It's best to place these in the bug report thread as I monitor there.

OK. Will post it there if it already hasn't been.


Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2024, 19:51
Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed in the Tuesday rulesets update.


August 26th, 2024, 13:47
When you drop a skill that has a base chance that is a formula (such as dodge) on the character sheet, its base chance is not calculated.

To replicate:

Change the dodge skill in the table "Skills" in scripts/manager_gameline.lua so that dodge reads:

["Dodge"] = { Base="DEX*2", Category="Physical", Untrained=true },
Now dodge is no longer a default skill.

Reload the ruleset. Create a new character. Drag the dodge skill onto the character sheet. The base skill value is empty. If you reload the ruleset, you will force a re-calculation and the skill value will be properly calculated.

This is a problem to me because I'm adapting an extension so that all skill base chances are formulas, so when I drag skills to the character sheet the base chance remains at zero.

I managed to solve this problem as far as my extension goes. However, the problem remains for the ruleset as such.

August 26th, 2024, 14:29
Pushed a fix for this issue.

September 4th, 2024, 05:50

Having an error with tonight's update only on the player's side when I open the combat tracker with any PC in it. I tried to troubleshoot as much as I could.

Attached is the error message I get.

I did the following steps:

1) Deleted my ruleset and re-did the update. Made sure I did not have an un-packed ruleset folder in there. Still got the error.

2) Disabled all extensions and themes. Still got the error.

3) Logged in with my D&D 5e ruleset and did NOT get the error, so maybe it is something with the BRP ruleset.

Is anyone able to duplicate this?



September 4th, 2024, 09:27
Sorry, I'm not able to reproduce this error. Can't find that labelrightanchor control in the BRP ruleset.

September 4th, 2024, 17:26
Sorry, I'm not able to reproduce this error. Can't find that labelrightanchor control in the BRP ruleset.

Any advice? Should I do a full reinstall of FGU?

I wonder why it is looking for that control in my version but not yours.


September 4th, 2024, 17:42
Any advice? Should I do a full reinstall of FGU?

I wonder why it is looking for that control in my version but not yours.


Pushed a hotfix for this issue

September 4th, 2024, 17:43
Pushed a hotfix for this issue

OK. Thanks!


September 11th, 2024, 03:57
Are there any plans on implementing all of the optional rules and the ability of removing certain skills based on the setting? As is, this program is not really usable unless you are running a game that includes all skills and has a setting that incorporates everything from primitive societies and superheros to space opera. There is no option to add cultures/races and other things one would think a toolkit rpg would allow the user to make changes in game without having to nearly rewrite the code for the game. Truthfully, it would be best to just drop BRP and do a separate ruleset for all of the other games you do that are setting specific, like what was done with CoC.

It has been my experience, unless the game allows you get rid of stuff not used that the players will just cry that they are not being allowed to do something that is present in the currently available to them in the game through FG. It also makes it near impossible to track which rules you are using and which ones you are not. Most likely, FG is just not a good fit for a game that includes everything so that the GM can create their own set of rules for a specific setting but doesn't actually allow you to clearly implement those changes.

September 11th, 2024, 06:51
Are there any plans on implementing all of the optional rules and the ability of removing certain skills based on the setting?

See this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?82285-Questions-about-skill-data

September 11th, 2024, 13:56
We don't currently have any plans to add skill filtering by the GM for BRP. That does sound like it would be a useful extension if someone wanted to put one up on the Forge. It looks like the extension peterb build for RuneQuest is exactly what you are wanting to do. Perhaps he can share his work with you and you can edit it for your needs.

September 15th, 2024, 15:14
When I use the "reset initiative" button in the CT I get an error "[9/15/2024 4:07:48 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "Basic Roleplaying:ct/scripts/ct_menu.lua"]:46: attempt to index field 'list' (a nil value)". I have four NPC's in the CT.

The code in question is this:

for _,v in ipairs(window.list.getWindows()) do

I'm guessing that this code is deprecaded? Should it be a DB call instead?

Btw I reproduced the error running a vanilla campaign. I use:
[9/15/2024 4:04:07 PM] Fantasy Grounds - v4.5.10 ULTIMATE (2024-08-20)
[9/15/2024 4:04:07 PM] RULESET: Basic Roleplaying: the Chaosium Roleplaying System (2024-09-04) Copyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC
[9/15/2024 4:04:07 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (2024-08-27) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC

September 15th, 2024, 16:20
Pushed a hotfix for this issue.

September 16th, 2024, 06:52