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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekday Game Monday 6-7pm CST US Time Zone prefer PF1E

July 5th, 2020, 03:26
FG License: Ultimate
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Starting time on Monday around 6-7pm CST and hoping the game is Weekly
Term: Long term Campaign
Voice: Discord
Game System Preferred: Pathfinder 1e
Game System Experience: I am a new player to the Pathfinder 1e system, but have done some reading.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have roughly 1-2 years of FG experiences mainly as a DM than as a player

Character Type Preferred: I like playing Melee or Ranged physical type of classes
About me: i like to read fantasy book on my off time which lead me to slowly finding people that got me into DnD, and I have been playing ever since High School. I like to have fun adventuring with people in a TTRPG which every system or style it may be and just have a good time.