View Full Version : LFG 1 Pl LF Sunday anytime Weeknight Game Mon Wed or Thurs GMT UK Time Zone only 5E

July 4th, 2020, 23:23
Hey there!

Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time (UK)

Number of Players: 1

Time of Day Available: Any time on a Sunday or Mon, Wed, Thu evenings between 5pm - 11pm

Fantasy Grounds License: Free game

Term of game play: weekly - long term

Voice/Visual: Either of both - I'm used to using Discord

Game System Preferred: Only looking for D&D 5e

Game System Experience: c. 150hrs of 5e

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Completely new to this!

Character Type Preferred: I prefer something melee

About Yourself: Combat / Roleplay / Puzzles 45 / 45 / 10. Not much into puzzles. Prefer combat and roleplay. I like games where the focus is on everyone's enjoyment rather than power-levelling or everything taken too seriously. Looking to improve my knowledge of the game by playing more and hopefully enough to actually DM one day. I played AD&D way back in the 80s so coming back to it as 5e in the last two years has been great. Don't know why I left it for so long. I like playing by the rules as it helps me understand them better. So far, since coming back, I've played a fighter, a cleric, and a wizard but I enjoyed the first two more. Ideally I would like to do one of the published quests.

Thanks for reading!