View Full Version : Unable to give control NPC to PC by Dragging dragon / shield to upper right portrait

July 3rd, 2020, 21:15

Recently was reported that NPC sharing via the old method.

Place NPC in combat tracker
Make NPC friendly
Drag NPC token to map
Drag the dragon or shield to upper *left* portrait of the PC that you want to give control of the NPC.

Alternatively, I am trying to share the NPC, by going to NPC --> right click and pressing share to see if I can give my PC control of the NPC this way.

I will test this in tomorrow's game and will let you know if I run into the same issue.

July 3rd, 2020, 21:49
I just tested this and it seem to me that sharing an NPC as you describe in your steps does in fact work. I don't see any issues.

What is the problem that you are experiencing with the above procedure.

July 4th, 2020, 16:33
Sorry False alarm was working just fine today!

July 4th, 2020, 20:14
If you have OPTIONS: Party vision and movement (Off), the players wont be able to control the NPC token on the map. You will have to make a PC version of the NPC. Then have the player you want to control it, select it in the Character Selection panel to Own it. I have had to do this with player pets and mounts.

July 4th, 2020, 20:32
One thing I noticed while running an NPC as a player just a couple of days ago was that if you cast a spell from the spell tab of the NPC sheet, you can't actually mark the spell off as being used (clicking the little radial button to the left of the spell). Not sure if that's intentional or not, but thought I would mention it.