View Full Version : [BUG?] Map reveal buggy after close & open

July 3rd, 2020, 18:30
Don't know if i'm doing something wrong (i'm pretty much fresh meat) but i don't think that this is intended

Skip to 0:40 to skip to Bug

Edit: PNG Map, last update (2020/07/02) D&D 3.5E

July 3rd, 2020, 19:58
The issue being demonstrated in the video is that after applying some mask elements to an image and then closing the image and re-opening, when a new mask element is added, the previous mask elements are cleared.

I don't believe you are doing anything wrong and would expect what you are doing to work myself (though I have never tried what you are).

Note, if I were you, I would check for a player ready version of the map, but if you can't find one, then I would use the 'clone' tool in Gimp to erase the labels on the map.

Old Scouser Roleplaying
July 25th, 2020, 12:59
I'm experiencing this and it's driving me crazy - in play I revealed a whole map to players; fortunately this one wasn't game breaking, but for other maps it would be. I spend 10 minutes masking a map, then close and reopen, and go to the map tool to reveal sections. As soon as I do the whole mask disappears, no warning, no undo. If this isn't a bug then it's terrible UI design.

I have experienced this using both the edit map function and also mask editing from the layers pop up map. The map I am working on is from a module I have imported - I'd assume that has nothing to do with it.

Is there a tutorial that clearly explains how to work with masks in FGU? Until I have a grasp on how this works I won't be using FGU (which annoys me no end as I've put a ton of work into setting up my game in there).

Moon Wizard
July 26th, 2020, 07:53
Without knowing the steps you are following; it's hard to guess if it's a UI issue or a technical issue. Can you recreate every time? If so, could you do a screen capture while you are doing it?


Old Scouser Roleplaying
July 26th, 2020, 14:20
Following the example of the OP I've put a video showing the issue on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/xH9QmWIYvSI

Really hope it's me doing something wrong, but I just can't see it, the problem occurs consistently. This is with the latest version of FGU and a fresh CoreRPG campaign, with only that image added.

What's interesting is that the mask is still there, I can continue to mask stuff, but those elements of the original mask are gone for good.

Appreciate any advice.

July 26th, 2020, 15:42
I'm unable to recreate this at all. You may want to re-install FGU just in case there's something wrong with the installation.

July 26th, 2020, 16:08
Same as Zacchaeus. Trying to replicate the issues but to no avail. Maybe something ruleset dependent? I'm working under 5e ruleset.

Old Scouser Roleplaying
July 26th, 2020, 23:36
I have reinstalled, but still get the same result. What consistently produces the same result with a range of images is:

- Remove the mask over most of the image
- Cover up some parts of the image holding shift
- Close and reopen the image
- Remove part of one the mask areas previously created

It's like it's got something to do with masked areas nested inside other. If I upload an image and unmask separate areas then I don't have this problem.

I've attached the image I used I don't know if you can recreate the problem using this, following the steps from my video.

BTW, I appreciate help with this, it's driving me mad

July 27th, 2020, 00:37
Your video as far as I could tell showed you adding the mask to a map, revealing parts if it, then closing the map, reopening it then revealing another area. This is what I tested, I didn’t see any area being re masked. So I’m confused as to the steps I should take to test.

Old Scouser Roleplaying
July 27th, 2020, 08:06
Your video as far as I could tell showed you adding the mask to a map, revealing parts if it, then closing the map, reopening it then revealing another area. This is what I tested, I didn’t see any area being re masked. So I’m confused as to the steps I should take to test.

Sorry, I should have been clearer. What I've observed is the problem occurs when you create "islands" of mask, if you close and reopen the image, then remove a section from one of those islands, they all disappear. This video shows a scenario when the bug doesn't occur (which may be what you have tried so far) and another when it does (from 48s onwards) https://youtu.be/dpM2iVUqzJQ

It shows two scenarios, first when the bug does not appear:
- Create a mask and remove bits of the mask. Close and reopen the image. Remove more areas of the mask, everything works fine.

The second scenario (from 48s onwards) shows the bug:
- Create a mask and remove most of the mask. Using shift add in two more areas of the mask (it doesn't matter how you do this for the bug to appear, you could remove areas to create the two "islands"). Close and reopen the image. Remove an area from within one of the "islands", they both completely disappear.

I have discovered a work around with my original map which is to create thin connections of mask from the "islands" to the body of the mask, then if I remove bits from the "islands" they don't disappear. This has to be something to do with how those islands of mask are stored and updated.

I've asked a friend with FGU to see if he can also recreate this, he'll be trying it this evening. Thanks again for looking into this.

July 27th, 2020, 08:28
Ok I can reproduce this now that I fully understand.

So steps to reproduce
1. Add the mask to a map
2. Reveal parts of the map
3. Then redraw in an area that has been revealed
4. Close and reopen the map
5 Reveal any area of the map and any areas that have been redrawn in step 3 disappear.

Old Scouser Roleplaying
July 27th, 2020, 08:37
Ok I can reproduce this now that I fully understand.

So steps to reproduce
1. Add the mask to a map
2. Reveal parts of the map
3. Then redraw in an area that has been revealed
4. Close and reopen the map
5 Reveal any area of the map and any areas that have been redrawn in step 3 disappear.

That's it! Glad it's not just me (kind of, it does mean it's a bug for everyone I guess). Been experimenting more with the original maps that highlighted this, if I create "bridges" of mask to the main body of the mask the bug doesn't appear, it's a work around for now at least.