View Full Version : LFG: 1 Player LF Weekend Game PST prefer 5E

July 3rd, 2020, 00:55
FG License: Paid
Time Zone: PST.
Day(s) of week: Weekly. Available Saturdays or Sunday afternoons preferably between 1&5pm PST
Term: Any, however I would prefer Long Term so i can really get immersed.
Voice: Voice Chat
Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: None however since the bug bit me I have been trying to absord the PHB.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None
Character Type Preferred: Would love to try a sorcerer as I keep getting drawn to them in the PHB but am willing to do whats needed.

About me: Hi I'm Don. I'm 44 years old. and never had a chance to try DnD.(Hi don) Grew up in the bible belt so you can imagine why. :) I have always wanted to try this and get out of my solo play comfort zone, but have never found someone interested. Being new I had no idea you could find stores and go there. (i know) Recently tried to play some TTRPG solo, but its just not the same. Bought the PHB to look over and now Im hooked, but with everything going on, i cant just go to my local store and learn there. The only real experiance i have is a podcst i listen to but still new to all the rules. If you wouldnt mind taking on a total newb, id love to join a game.

July 3rd, 2020, 16:37
We are starting a short campaign Saturdays at 20:30 UTC (1:30 PM PST). Currently there are five of us with a sixth that might jump in and out as their schedule permits. Two are in the UK, with the rest being from the US.

5E FGC. We are using Discord video conferencing. Not recorded or streamed.

PM me for further details if you are interested.