View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds Unity Road Map

July 1st, 2020, 16:12
I could not find it, but I was wondering if there was a road map posted somewhere, or a bugs and features checklist? I am curious to when we will be getting out of beta, and just to see how things are. I keep up with your update posts, which is great - but whats down the pipe would be great too. :)


July 1st, 2020, 16:19
I don't think there is a road map anywhere.

I too would enjoy getting excited about what the future holds. The road map doesn't need dates on it. Just an initial priorities list of new features that the devs are intending to work on after full release.

July 1st, 2020, 17:23
Something they might do once they get out of beta but until then, I'd imagine its hard to do.

July 1st, 2020, 20:45
Their is a list of known issues (stickied in this forum). The devs have stated that we will leave Beta when FGU reaches parity with FGC and not based upon some schedule or date. SmiteWorks is also always cautious to commit to any future features, but their are clues as to their priorities. Some of the things I believe they will prioritize are; light sources/vision types (torches, darkvision,etc), LOS calculations by ruleset (i.e. 4 corners, etc), map effects/fx, sounds.

But, that's all my opinion and speculation. You can also look on the wish list to see what has significant votes there as some idea of what they have carefully considered.