View Full Version : Player Companions and Additional Content

June 26th, 2020, 20:55
Hi, new to FGU and looking to get set up with a new game for PF 1st ed. How do I go about adding content from Player Companion .pdf's to the FGU library? I just got my standard license and I want to make sure I have everything available to me so I can get started setting up a campaign.

Tuleen Donai
June 26th, 2020, 22:48
Are you talking about from the Player's Handbook? D&D 5e?

If you are not against paying $30 to FG for the "book," I would purchase that. It makes things SO much easier, and I guarantee you will spend more than $30 of your time trying to do it yourself.

I would also recommend the Dungeon Master's Guide and the Monster Manual as well, but that's another $60. Depending on what you are doing, you may not need those.

June 27th, 2020, 00:57
He mentions in the first sentence he's talking about PathFinder 1st Edition (PF 1st ed), so I don't believe any of the 5e stuff would apply there. I don't play PF, so I don't have any reference here for what he might need, just wanted to clarify which ruleset he was referencing.

June 27th, 2020, 18:43
See the 3.5 / Pathfinder sub forum. It has lots of stickies with information and content. In short, you can buy the official products that have everything, or you can download and install the community OGL versions that have most of the data.


June 27th, 2020, 22:01
Or you can just add it yourself if it's not in any of the Community OGL content (I've noticed a LOT of the material from Player Companions are not included in those). If it's a Feat, open your Feats window, right-click and Create New and just enter the info. Same for spells, items, whatever. Click the export button (or the /export command) when you're done and create a player module so it will be automatically shared to your players when they connect. Easy peasy.

Or state which Player Companion(s) you're interested in; I'm (so far) the only DLC Dev who's been approved to do any (I've done two so far, two more on my obligated list then I'm free to do whatever).