View Full Version : Can not import map after I deleted it without renaming the map

June 25th, 2020, 18:53
I did put a map (Random Map 01.jpg) image in ......\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\images
Then I clicked MAPS, Import File and finally selected the map file.

After playing around with the FGU Line of sight, the map suddenly vanished.
I then tried to open it up again from the IMAGES & MAPS, but it was not there any longer.

So, I tried to reimport the image, but FGU says “Script execution error” …. “A file with the same name already exists in the campaign images folder”.
The problem stayed even after I restarted the FGU. I can not find any image with the same name in the IMAGES & MAPS.

I simply renamed my image (Random Map 02.jpg) and reimported it without any problem.

I did test this once more. Deleted the map from the IMAGES & MAPS. Then tried to reimport the image again with the same error.
Thought that I now could rename it to the original name (Random Map 01.jpg). Still got the same error.
Had to rename it to Random Map 03.jpg

What am I doing wrong here?

Edit: I now see the maps in ASSETS Campaign. Did not place them there.

June 25th, 2020, 19:04
Moved to the FG Unity sub-forum - please post issues with FGU here. The tavern sub-forum is for general discussion about Fantasy Grounds. Thanks.

June 25th, 2020, 19:13
Thanks, missed that. Will not happen again. :o

Moon Wizard
June 26th, 2020, 01:52
Any image files placed in the FGU data folder under the campaign/<CampaignName>/images subfolder will appear in the Assets window under the "Campaign" bag.
Any image files placed in the FGU data folder under the images subfolder will appear in the Assets window under the "Data" bag.

If you change the file while FGU is running, it should attempt to refresh the image from your file.

Does this happen every time you import a file?
Can you make it happen again? If so, can you note the steps?


June 26th, 2020, 08:08
1 - I place an image in the ..\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\images named map1.jpg
2 - Start FGU using load campaign and settings Cloud, Private
3 - Maps - Import File - ..\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\images
4 - Select map1.jpg
5 - It opens up on screen
6 - Placed a token from the COMBAT TRACKER into the map
7 - I clicked the set visibility a couple of times and the map dissapeared. I then did not know that the set visibility icon where still there but hidden. Had been nice if that icon showed some sign to still be there.
8 - Closed the map
9 - In the IMAGES & MAPS I searched for the image again and it whas not there. Now when I retrace the steps the map1.jpg is still there and can be opened. :confused:
10 - Close the IMAGES & MAPS
11 - Now I renamed my map1.jpg to map2.jpg in the ..\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\images
12 - Repeated step 3 - 6 again but with the image name map2.jpg
13 - As I wanted my map collection to start with number 1 I then repeat step 8 - 11 but named it map1.jpg once again
14 - When I repeated step 3 - 4 I fot an error message that the file already exist in the campaign image folder

It did not show up in step 9 before but do now
If it was an error or not ???

Anyway, I now have a better understanding of how the maps show up in different places.