View Full Version : Fleshed out characters to be an NPC or PC?

June 25th, 2020, 15:56
I have NPCs in my campaign who will join the party and level up with them from time-to-time.

In FGU, what would be the best way to do this?

I can create an NPC and gradually give them more powers/ actions as they would level up. Or I could create a PC under my control and level them up as a player would.

What are the pros and cons of each? Is it possible to change an NPC over to a PC at a later date for players to control?

June 25th, 2020, 16:07
What ruleset?

June 25th, 2020, 16:07

5e, sorry!

June 25th, 2020, 16:20
You can make an NPC under control of a player by sharing that NPC from the CT to the character portrait (top left). You also probably want to change their faction to green.

I would make a PC. It will hamper your control of it a bit (since the CT won't have their actions). But it allows you to level them up. Creating them as an NPC means you can't give them proper levels and giving control to a player will be less than fully functional.

All that said, have you considered the sidekick rules as presented in the Essentials Kit? I'm generally very opposed to DMPCs and sidekicks are always under control of the players and don't have the associated problems.

June 25th, 2020, 17:02
How would I implement sidekick rules in FGU?

I would like to think that any NPC I create could join the party, which it sounds like I can do by dragging to their portrait - I didn't know this, so thanks.

I also guess that if someone does join them I could quickly create a PC from their NPC stats? Not sure if that's getting messy though.

June 25th, 2020, 17:17
I don't have the Essential Kit so I'm not sure what the recommendation is. I believe Sidekicks are normally setup as PCs, but they get a special 'sidekcik' type class that gives them less abilities than a full PC class.

To me, if you envision the character having all the abilities of a PC, including the ability to improve, then it's easier to set them up as a PC and create a duplicate NPC entry, than it is to go the other way.

I rarely have anyone other than a PC with full PC class abilities (allies or adversaries), but, that's what I am doing in my current campaign with a group of adversaries I've created for the party. They are effectively a group of adventurer's working at odds to the party'e goals. It may or may not come to combat, but they are going to be a recurring group that the party crosses path (and maybe swords) with repeatedly. Since this group will need to stay competitive/relevant as the party levels up, it is easier for me to make them as PCs. And if/when it comes time for combat for me to create simplified NPC records for them at whatever level they are at when the fight is likely.

June 25th, 2020, 17:28
Ok, cheers for the advice.

If you create them as PCs, do the players see the ones you've made in the PC menus?

June 25th, 2020, 17:59
Ok, cheers for the advice.

If you create them as PCs, do the players see the ones you've made in the PC menus?

Not as long as the DM has taken control of them.

June 25th, 2020, 18:32
Brill. Thanks for your input all.

It will take a bit of work, but if the party wants to take an NPC with them and have more detail I will have to just go ahead and create it again as a PC.

June 26th, 2020, 19:52
Apologies for coming back to this and double-posting, but without the Essentials Kit how would I best set-up a follower? Is there a way someone could recommend that doesn't involve a full PC?

June 26th, 2020, 22:39
Options are PC object or NPC object. I would go with PC database object and just not give them full abilities of a PC. But, up to you.

June 26th, 2020, 22:59
Yep, I'm thinking that would be the best way to go. To start with more and pair it down to an NPC if needed.