View Full Version : Error while loading campaing

June 25th, 2020, 03:40
I just began having this error when a click load campaign:

Database Error: A XML parse error occurred processing file extensionstate.xml - Error on line 0: Error document empty.

any ideas? should I reinstall(repair) the software. I'm at the latest version of FG classic, updated a couple of days ago.

June 25th, 2020, 03:50
Forget about this. It looks like the campaign I just created was corrupted. Tried to open the extensionstate.xml file and my visualstudio didn't want to.

June 25th, 2020, 04:13
You can just delete that file and FG will recreate a fresh copy.
You will need to reselect extensions.

Moon Wizard
June 25th, 2020, 04:43
Also, make sure that any file synching software (such as OneDrive, DropBox, etc.) is not active on the FG data folder. It will cause contention when accessing files; and can cause corruption like that.


June 27th, 2020, 18:38
so i had a crash when opening up a campaign i started and it keeps making backups and tells me to copy to the db file to restore. Other than deleting the db file and renaming the backup file i don't know how else to do so and it doesnt work. Is there a work around or any way to get my data back or to copy to another campaign so i can keep my data. Please help. I've been working on this for over two months.

June 27th, 2020, 19:50
In addition to the backup.xml file there will be several session.xxxxxxx.xml files. First back up the campaign folder and then rename the db.xml to something like dbold.xml or whatever and then make a copy of the latest or largest session file and rename the copy to db.xml and then load your campaign.

Depending on how many sessions you have opened since the error happened you may have to go back to an earlier one.

Also make sure when you are looking at the files that you actually see the file extension (the .xml part). If you don't click on view at the top of the folder and switch on the option to show file extensions.