View Full Version : LFP: "Old School" BX/1E modules with 5E (modified) ruleset!

June 24th, 2020, 09:02
1. Game Name: B/X old-school D&D modules for Fifth Edition rules

2. Paid/Free: Free

3. Platform, Voice/Text: Fantasy Grounds VTT (standard or ultimate licence required), Discord for voice

4. System & Setting: D&D 5E rules (with constraints), run with conversions of 1970s-1980s old-school TSR modules

5. Available Space: Drop-in/drop-out style game (individual modules, not a campaign)

6. Time, Timezone, & Day: Session dates will vary (flexible/dynamic) but sessions will typically start at 9pm AEST (GMT+10) and run for 3-4 hours.

7. Rules: Some specific constraints implemented to 5E rules to capture the 'old school' feel and to simulate play in the B/X era, but with very few house rules (mostly makes use of variant rules in PHB and DMG). Essentially, it still plays like normal 5E. Can use all material in the official sourcebooks (PHB, DMG, XGTE, VGM, SCAG) except where specific constraints say otherwise.

8. Synopsis: Yearning for experiencing the excitement and raw energy of 1970s/1980s D&D, but still embrace the refinements offered by the modern 5E ruleset? Want to delve into famous TSR dungeons and wilderness adventures like Zenopus' Basement, In Search of the Unknown, Castle Caldwell, Isle of Dread, Keep on the Borderlands or Expedition to the Barrier Peaks? Want to play with an experienced DM (playing and refereeing D&D since the mid-1980s, covering all editions) who is also an expert at Fantasy Grounds? Don't want to be locked into a regular schedule of a campaign? Want to roll up new characters regularly, to suit a module and its level, and be not too afraid to risk character death (with some OSR gritty realism)? Then this might be for you!

If this interests you, reply below or DM me and I will send you the link to the Discord server for the Game.

June 24th, 2020, 09:05
For those interested, here is the modified rules I'll be using:

5E Rules Constraints and Variants for B/X-Style Modules

Ability Score Generation and Hit Points Per Level
Ability scores are generated by dice rolls based on the following algorithm: 1 x 2d6, 2 x 3d6, 2 x 4d6k3, 1 x 5d6k3. This results in ‘average’ rolls = 7, 10.5, 10.5, 12.2, 12.2, 13.4

You may then allocate to desired ability scores as per 5E rules and add racial bonuses.

Hit points per level are rolled, but with ‘advantage’; that is, roll 2 class-specific HD, and take the higher result. This can randomly result in very low or high HP gains on levelling, although high is more likely. To illustrate, here are the average results for each HD using this method, with the PHB average method shown in brackets for comparison: d6 = 4.47 (4), d8 = 5.82 (5), d10 = 7.15 (6)

(Disclaimer: the DM has discretion to request a re-roll of scores that are all too low, too high or too even.)

Races / Classes Restrictions
Players Characters are restricted to one of four races, within which classes are restricted as follows:

Human: Fighter (any except Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer), Cleric, Rogue (any except Arcane Trickster) or Wizard. No multiclassing allowed.

Dwarf: Fighter, Cleric, Fighter/Cleric or Fighter/Rogue. Minimum CON = 9.

Elf: Fighter (only Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer), Ranger, or Fighter/Wizard. Minimum INT = 9.

Halfling: Fighter/Rogue or Rogue (only Arcane Trickster). Minimum DEX & CON = 9.

For the demi-human races (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling) that choose one of their available multiclass options, the two component classes must maintain a level ratio of 2:1 or lower. For example, a Fighter 6 / Wizard 3 is okay, but the next level in this case must be Wizard. Note that the ability score prerequisites for multiclassing (PHB 163) still apply to demi-humans.

PHB Variant Rules
Variant-human traits (PHB 31), Variant Backgrounds (PHB 130-136), Equipment Sizes (PHB 144), Multiclassing and Feats (PHB 163-170—see above for race restrictions and possible class combinations), Skills with Different Abilities (PHB 175), Encumbrance (PHB 176), Playing on a Grid (PHB 192).

DMG Variant Rules
Mixing potions and scroll mishaps (DMG 140), Wands Don’t Recharge (DMG 141), Diagonals (DMG 252), Level Advancement without XP (DMG 261—equivalent to XP-by-coin in B/X), Slow Natural Healing (DMG 267), Combat Action Options (DMG 271-272), Massive Damage (DMG 273), NPC Morale Checks (DMG 273).

Other Homebrew Rules/Variants
Everyone gets the Lucky feat (PHB 167) for free at level 1 BUT with only 1 luck point/day.

Clerics are forbidden from using edged weapons unless they take the War Domain.

Wizards provoke an AOO when casting in melee unless they take the War Caster feat.

Dwarves and Halflings cannot use longbows or two-handed weapons.

Maximum 2 × short rests and 1 × long rest within 24-hours. Can expend HD before and/or after a long rest.

New initiative rolls each round: this is made possible/fast by Fantasy Grounds automation.

The first time after a long rest that you drop to 0 HP (dying) and are stabilised/healed, you must make a DC 15 CON saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. Thereafter, you automatically suffer a level of exhaustion each time you drop to 0 HP, with no save. Raise Dead reduces CON permanently by 1.

Anything else (character options, spells, feats, etc.) that does not violate the above rules/constraints and is described in one of the official sourcebooks (PHB, DMG, XGTE, VGM or SCAG) can be used.

June 27th, 2020, 07:22
sent you a DM

July 2nd, 2020, 10:55
Thanks, DMed.

Still open to new players too!