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View Full Version : Strong recommendation of the AAW map tile packs from a DM perspective

June 22nd, 2020, 05:59
Short> Moved to Unity. Raged like mad, made it stabilize, still hicups but what makes it worth it is a few things.

First things first regarding Unity: Do NOT run any, any extensions. Do this and you will have a much better game experience close to free from issues.

Now to the title>

What I love abouot Unity and the indie developers crating maps out there is a few map packs that I recommend anyone to buy.
No Im not affiliated with them but: The AAW Map pack with tile sets. medieval castles, Sewers, catacombs, there is also a desert map pack you can use the Night time tiles for artic or simply change the color of tiles from sand yellow day light to white snowy, works like a charm.

What makes those so nice is the inbuilt line of sight and the freedom of creativity.

Im terrible at these things and have little patience, but I..ME..MOI..was able to build large maps that would span 3-5 player sessions just to go through, in under 1 hour.
UNDER 1 hour i create maps that, I cant even buy. I have browsed endless maps, spent 10th of hours finding the right map, and the tile sets from AAW that unfourtenately only works within unity, blows them all out of the water. Yes it takes your time, your creativity, but when you have a few of them the combinations you can make, the beautiful art from these maps, the inbuilt Line of sight.

The players I been with have praised these and I cant be more pleased with a product.
Trust me, after I bought them I was "What the heck is this" and I went coyping .jpg pictures, saving to maps, bought even other map packs that lets be honest, 90% of the maps sold here in the store are mediocre at best, most are just bad with immense lack of creativity or artistic mind. SOme are beautiful art but again, those tile sets...get them, learn to use them.
After building 3 tile maps Im now able to build an entire dungeon in 30 minutes. Im loving it and is THE strongest sell point for me to run Unity right now, and its not Unity itself but those AAW Tile map packs.

I used the Medieval castle to create an entire dwarven settlement, and I used the Sand dune maps, changed color and made beautiful artic maps from them.
Just a recommendation from one DM to the other that want to really ensure you get the right athmosphere and is not afraid to put in an extra hour, often less, of work.
I just wish there was a way to share them since just the very first catacomb dunegon map I created, there is not even anywhere a map like that to buy, anywhere. Its that good.

Wonderful job on those boys.Strong S+ from me

June 22nd, 2020, 13:37
Thanks Gissur. Jonathan at AAW Games and Antal at Black Scroll Games have some really nice content and they both work really hard on their content.

June 22nd, 2020, 15:09
Thanks for the recommendation Gissur. I'm currently running Curse of Strahd, and so my need for custom maps is limited currently. But hopefully we'll be finishing that up and moving to something more homebrew by the end of the year, and will get to play with these tools more then.

Fear Grounds
June 22nd, 2020, 16:39
I couldn't agree more.

These map packs are exactly what I was looking for. I don't have the time (or artistic ability) to make good maps on the fly. With these tools; it is quick, easy, and even fun; to make any size map.

Now I can easily create beautiful maps without having to learn some confusing software that takes years to master. Thank you to all the awesome content creators out there, and keep up the great work.

Ps. I make maps in unity, and screen capture the image at full screen, for use in classic edition as well. No line of sight, true, but still useful maps

June 22nd, 2020, 21:10
Thanks Gissur. Jonathan at AAW Games and Antal at Black Scroll Games have some really nice content and they both work really hard on their content.

Your welcome. I am not an artist when it comes to these things I am however a content creator for DnD but I never sold or shared anything outside the groups I played with. its a hobby, and Im a hobby writer on the side.

Should do something together.

Used to save everything on the side but started to really utilize the quest, notes parcel and encounter tabs in Fantasy grounds and its so easy. Combine this with beautiful maps and its great.

June 22nd, 2020, 21:12
I couldn't agree more.

These map packs are exactly what I was looking for. I don't have the time (or artistic ability) to make good maps on the fly. With these tools; it is quick, easy, and even fun; to make any size map.

Now I can easily create beautiful maps without having to learn some confusing software that takes years to master. Thank you to all the awesome content creators out there, and keep up the great work.

Ps. I make maps in unity, and screen capture the image at full screen, for use in classic edition as well. No line of sight, true, but still useful maps

This is a great idea too for use in Classic. I do run one campaign in classic now that is on hold and we had to try dungeon of the mad mage. The maps however, I get it the maps are huge but its black lines drawn on white paper with zero content in between the lines but text. Alot of theatre of the mind which is fine but...I think when you combine theatre of the mind with nice art, it just makes a much more fun and stimulating experience for DM and players alike.

June 23rd, 2020, 00:50
So I've downloaded these AAW sewer pack and a few others I bought, but they went to my FG instead of FGU. Not sure why, but they are FGU programs. Some guidance would be great on getting them into FGU.

June 23rd, 2020, 01:03
Update FGU. Everything from the FG store will download to both FGC and FGU, depending upon which one you run the update from.

June 23rd, 2020, 01:13
Found it, I thought it'd be in Library. But in Assets.

Fear Grounds
June 23rd, 2020, 01:13
To find them in unity, click the Assets button, just above library.

Click Images in the Asset window.


June 23rd, 2020, 04:41
Just a tip when using them.

Make sure you have grid turned off.
Later on you might set up a grid, if you then build tiles on them they will sense the grid network and place accordingly which is not going to work. Just turn it off, keep building then turn back on when ready.
With it off it snaps into place rather easy. After an hour of working with it you will be able to create pretty amazing maps in 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on size. I personally bought all their tile packs and you can easy combine them. Also dont forget to color the tiles if you want to set a different atmosphere.
As I said before the Sand tileset or the Giant in the forrest set can easily be colored more white, bluish for an artic look. I enjoy them alot I must say, and the player feedback I have recieved from the maps I have created have been immensly positive, since few are used to play on such detailed maps. Its cool, to put it simple.

June 23rd, 2020, 04:49
A question: Can you share maps between FGU users that own these tile sets? I get it you need to own these tile sets from a legal perspective in order to share but also to even load.
Since you got the tile sets I guess it should work.
Just like you load in something from one campaign into another, your able to as long as both are "loaded" and installed correctly.

Just speculation here since those packs place them self under assets, but I doubt they save themself as one file. I need to check if its possible.
Again, obviously both parties needs to own the tile packs for it to work but even then not sure how it would work. But a tip to the creators is to make it possible as it would probably create its own little sub community, which in itself would be free of charge advertising,
and from a financial aspect, profit to the developers.

June 23rd, 2020, 10:08
A question: Can you share maps between FGU users that own these tile sets?
I don't see why not The assets aren't contained in the export. So, as long as you start with a blank map (and not an image within the campaign) and export to a module, all you get is XML.

For examples, a quick 4 tile sewer map (references to the assets highlighted in bold):

<image type="image">
<bitmap>images/tiles/b6.jpg@Sewer Map</bitmap>
<bitmap>images/tiles/b7.jpg@Sewer Map</bitmap>
<points>-345,293,-307.3,293,-305.6,813.3,-159.9,813.3,-117,820.1,-51.9,823.6,32.1,821.9,99,815,152.1,803,255,803,255 ,893,-345,893,-345,293</points>
<bitmap>images/tiles/b4.jpg@Sewer Map</bitmap>
<bitmap>images/tiles/a4.jpg@Sewer Map</bitmap>
<locked type="number">0</locked>
<name type="string">Test - Sewers</name>

I think it's a great idea for the community to start sharing some of the maps based off FG assets in FG modules. It'll be a great resource and also a very good example of what FGU can do.

This is the example map from the XML above:


And if you don't have the original assets they'll be displayed as red question marks:


June 23rd, 2020, 16:23
They look real good, wish the sewers had some walls to stamp like the others, but overall very happy with the sets I purchased. Thanx for tip, let us know if there are any other map tiles that come out.

June 23rd, 2020, 16:35
I've been trying to decide if I wanted to pick these up. After reading this I think I'll go do that right now.

June 23rd, 2020, 18:07
Great price, and watch the two videos, will help a bit with placement of tiles. Just remember to open a new map to begin, in the images / maps tab. Then have assets open, with the one you want to use.

June 24th, 2020, 17:20
I just bought the Map Pack Collection I, and I was very happy with the purchase. All the map packs are on sale, so I have to resist buying more of them. I started on using Unity only a month ago, and the Mini Dungeon Tome of Adventures was a crash course tutorial for making most of the basics to run a custom module. I will support AAW for all of their excellent work, and Jonathan was very prompt in replies to any questions about the products AAW has to sell.

June 24th, 2020, 18:07
You don't HAVE to resist...

June 24th, 2020, 18:11
You don't HAVE to resist...

LOL, good one! :)

July 7th, 2020, 01:03
Bought the new map tiles, again very happy. Personally, I like to set my grid first then maneuver them into the order I like. So, I hope they make a cavern set. I know a few cool cavern pieces in the sewer set, but a full cavern set would be pretty awesome.

July 7th, 2020, 01:27
Bought the new map tiles, again very happy. Personally, I like to set my grid first then maneuver them into the order I like. So, I hope they make a cavern set. I know a few cool cavern pieces in the sewer set, but a full cavern set would be pretty awesome.

Yeah a caves set would be great. Some kind of an underground/dungeon type tileset would be nice too.

November 28th, 2020, 05:54
For the life of me, I cannot find any AAW TILE map packs -- lots and lots of older map packs, but no LOS Tile map packs. Can anyone link them please? In fact, I find it impossible to find any content in FG Shop to begin with. It's such an onerous interface. Anyway, would love to see AAW's LOS tiles. Thanks!!

November 28th, 2020, 06:16
For the life of me, I cannot find any AAW TILE map packs -- lots and lots of older map packs, but no LOS Tile map packs. Can anyone link them please? In fact, I find it impossible to find any content in FG Shop to begin with. It's such an onerous interface. Anyway, would love to see AAW's LOS tiles. Thanks!!


The Black Scrolls releases are the ones you want I believe.

Edit: The ones that have the LoS and FGU symbols are the ones you probably are looking for.

November 28th, 2020, 06:16
If you set the filter as in the screen shot below you will see the AAW Map Packs.


November 28th, 2020, 06:24
Ahh thank you! I had seen these, but did not know they were AAW!!