View Full Version : Text size and disappearing dice

June 21st, 2020, 09:11
Is there any way to adjust the following:

1. Overall font size. I don’t have the best eyesight and would just like to blow everything up at least 10% or whatever.

2. The length of time the dice linger before disappearing. It would be great to have an option where they stayed until you chose to clear them or rolled more dice, as well as an option to simply make them linger a lot more before disappearing. I might make a roll and start thinking about other things or get interrupted by RL and then I look back and I’m like “what was that roll again?” :-) Plus it’s just nice aesthetically to leave the dice on the board sometimes.

3. Ease of understanding regarding the results of a D4. I click that thing and the die rolls and I don’t even really get to see what the result was. I’m new to the product and I’m sure if I play in-game the result will show up in the chat box, but I would like to be able to see the physical die “on the board” so to speak.

Thanks. I’m enjoying my early look at the product.

June 21st, 2020, 18:36
1. use '/scaleui xxx' in the chat window to scale all whole UI. I usually use something between 110 and 135. You can't adjust just the font, since then you will have overlap and things won't fit inside various fields like character sheet. There are some extensions that use larger fonts, but you then can run into those issues.

2. No, but if you roll dice in the chat window the results will be printed to the chat window. Use the options if you don't want GM rolls to be shown to the players. Rolling on the open table (not chat window) elsewhere is generally considered to be playing with the dice and not 'official' rolls. Also, rolls in the chat can be used with automation, rolls on the open table can not.

3. Roll in the chat window :)