View Full Version : LFG: Aussie looking for 5e campaign after work - 6pm AEST

June 16th, 2020, 05:59
Hi there,

Been playing 5e for a while and looking to join a weekly or bi-weekly campaign, preferably during the week after work.

FG License: FG Unity Standard
Time Zone: AEST or GMT+10
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any week day. Weekly or fortnightly preferably after work and can play for approx 4 hours.
Term: Preferably campaign length
Voice: Willing to voice chat and use whatever voice chat is required.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: Knowledge with D&D 5e, primarily as a DM.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Fresh as fresh comes. Am doing research and learning how to use it in my spare time.

Character Type Preferred: Happy with any class. Love a dwarf and enjoy being flexible to accommodate to a party's needs.

About me: I'm a 25 year old (M) living in Brisbane and really enjoy D&D. I run a campaign with my friends which has been going for 1-1.5 years. I'm looking to get into another group during the week so that I can get my D&D fix and don't have to vent all the lore in my head to my gilfriend! Love the world, the potential for unique characters and the absolute freedom D&D provides. Very keen to play with new people and learn from experienced DMs. Pleaaasereach out! :)

June 18th, 2020, 09:17
Hi, I am interested in this campaign if there is still room. I currently live in Japan (GMT+9), looking for a long term campaign with long term goals. Have experience in 3.5, 5e and Pathfinder.

July 8th, 2020, 12:29
I live in Japan. I've been running a game on Roll20 and am in the process of switching over to FG. I bought FGC and am currently getting familiar with it. When FGU comes to Steam, I may try to form a group, so if you haven't found anything by then, keep an eye out. I'll post here in the forums.